


      英 [stru:]

      美 [stru]


      过去式: strewed 过去分词: strewn/strewed 现在分词: strewing 第三人称单数: strews


  •       词典解释

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      1. 撒;散播;在…上布满(或撒满)
      To strew things somewhere, or to strew a place with things, means to scatter them there.

      e.g. The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground...
      e.g. An elderly woman was strewing the floor with French chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip...

      1. strew

      1. 散播:stretchy 有弹性的 | strew 散播 | strewn 散播

      2. 散播/撒布/撒满:stretchy /伸长的/有弹性的/容易伸长的/ | strew /散播/撒布/撒满/ | stria /线痕/条纹/细沟/

      3. 撒满、散播:9. procession 队伍 | 10. strew 撒满、散播 | 11. semibarbaric 半野蛮的

      4. 撒;播:streusel 长面包 | strew 撒;播 | strew sugers 撒糖粉

  •       经典引文

  •       The wayside rubbish dump and the strew of 'unreturnable' bottles.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  •       On the table were strewn the bills.

    出自:B. Pym
  •       Arrange the fennel halves...Strew breadcrumbs over them.

    出自:E. David
  •       Every drawer was turned out, and everything in it strewn on the floor.

    出自:M. Leitch
  •       Heaven bursts her starry floors And strows her lights below.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      And when the baker had rubbed his feet over, he ran to the miller and said, strew some white meal over my feet for me.(等面包师用面团给它揉过之后,狼又跑到磨坊主那里,对他说:“在我的脚上洒点白面粉。”)

      They serve it in little metal cups and strew rose leaves upon it.(他们以小巧的金属杯子盛酒,并在上头撒上玫瑰花瓣。)

      Yes, strew is being turned into biofuel to power cars.(是的,草莓可以做成生物燃料发动汽车。)

      And feathered clouds strew flowers round her head.(羽毛的云彩在她头上撒着花。)

      Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass.(起来,否则我就把你的脑浆洒在这草地上。)

      Your touch soils it, you tear its petals to piece and strew them in the dust.(你的触摸玷污了它,你撕碎它的花瓣,把它们撒在尘土里。)

      He would strew gold and silver dust about a portico and then lament that he could not strew the dust of amber also;(他把金粉银粉喷到门廊上,然后悲叹着不能撒琥珀粉;)

      Yes, under the full bright, I do have both of them. But could you strew (sprinkle) me with your dust soothing ?(是,在明月下,我孤独,我寂寞。您能撒洒您的尘安与我吗?。)

      Milton asks the Sicilian Muse — this is the Muse of pastoral poetry - asks the Muse to help him strew the flowers over the hearse, to strew with flowers the casket in which Lycidas' body lies.(弥尔顿让西西里缪斯——掌管田园诗的缪斯,-帮他将花撒在灵车上,将花撒在装有利西达斯尸体的棺材上。)

      Eventually, under the influence of orbital decay, it began to strew its remains across the Earth's surface.(最后,根据轨道衰减的影响,它开始播在地球表面的遗体。)

      strew是什么意思 strew在线翻译 strew什么意思 strew的意思 strew的翻译 strew的解释 strew的发音 strew的同义词
