


      英 [spend]

      美 [spɛnd]



      形容词: spendable 名词: spender 过去式: spent 过去分词: spent 现在分词: spending 第三人称单数: spends


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  •       预算
  •       花销,开销,花费
  •       消费总额


  •       用尽,耗尽,用完
  •       浪费,乱花,滥用
  •       花,费,用(钱),花费, 支出
  •       度过
  •       消耗,消磨(时间)
  •       产(卵)
  •       过(日子)
  •       花时间,花费精力
  •       (使)筋疲力尽,(使)极度衰弱
  •       献出(生命)
  •       把用于…
  •       失去(桅杆)


  •       vt. & vi. 用钱; 花钱 pay out money in order to get sth
  •       vt. 度过; 用尽 pass time; finish


      1. pay out

      e.g. spend money

      Synonym: expenddrop

      2. spend completely

      e.g. I spend my pocket money in two days

      3. pass time in a specific way

      e.g. how are you spending your summer vacation?

      Synonym: pass

      1. 花(钱);用(钱)
      When you spend money, you pay money for things that you want.

      e.g. By the end of the holiday I had spent all my money...
      e.g. Businessmen spend enormous amounts advertising their products...

      Has your spending on food increased?...
      Government spending is expected to fall.

      2. 花费(时间或精力)
      If you spend time or energy doing something, you use your time or effort doing it.

      e.g. Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions...
      e.g. This energy could be much better spent taking some positive action.

      3. (在某处)度过(一段时间)
      If you spend a period of time in a place, you stay there for a period of time.

      e.g. We spent the night in a hotel.

      Do not confuse spend and pass. If you spend a period of time doing something or spend time in a place, you do that thing or stay in that place for all of the time you are talking about. I spent three days cleaning our flat. ...a hotel where we could spend the night. If you do something while you are waiting for something else, you can say you do it to 'pass the time'. He had brought along a book to pass the time. You can say that time has passed in order to show that a period of time has finished. The first few days passed... The timne seems to have passed so quickly.
      不要混淆 spend 和 pass。spend 表示花一段时间做某事或呆在某地,如:I spent three days cleaning our flat (我花了 3 天时间打扫我们的公寓),a hotel where we could spend the night (可供我们过夜的旅馆)。如果在等待的过程中做某事消磨时间,可以说 pass the time,如:He had brought along a book to pass the time (他带了一本书来打发时间)。要表示一段时间过去了,可以用 pass,如:The first few days passed (头几天过去了),The time seems to have passed so quickly (时间似乎过得很快)。

      4. 开支;费用
      The spend on a particular thing is the amount of money that is spent on it, or will be spent.


      e.g. ...the marketing and advertising spend.

      5. to spend a penny -> see penny

      1. spend的近义词

      1. 支付:在第二个方框中填入你的密码,第三个方框右边有随机验证数字,仔细辨认数字,填入第三个方框中,点击Login进入个人帐号区域,内部区域上方有6个图表,从左到右分别表 示:登出个人帐号区(LOG OUT帐号余额(BALANCE支付(SPEND兑换(REDEEM

      2. 花费:有一个人,很喜欢(enjoy) 花费(spend),妈妈告诉他,要避免(avoid)浪费(waste),但是他仍持续(keep)这个行为,不放弃(quit)他做的一切,妈妈苦口婆心的说,天,一定能完成(finish)你想做的事,不要介意(mind)失败,成功在前方等你.

      3. spend的意思

      3. 度过:Plot: 78岁的老翁卡尔.弗雷德里克森(Carl Fredricksen)一直对生活(life)充满活力(energy),总是(always)寻找(find)新事物并对一切都充满好奇(curiosity),他一生都梦想(dream)着能环游世界(travelaround the world)、体验异境险地,却平淡地(flatly)度过(spend)了一生.

      4. spend的解释

      4. 费:而出现率最高的有9个动词,只要看到这九个,它的后面若 出现动词时,一定要加Ving 现在分享这九个动词: 有一个人,很喜欢(enjoy) 花费(spend),妈妈告诉他,要避免这是一个发生在美国通用汽车的客户与该公司客服部门间的真实故事.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:Could you come and spend the weekend with us?


      B:Oh, I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve had a date already.

      A:That’s too bad!

      B:Maybe some other time.


      A:That dress is too expensive.

      B:But it’s so pretty.

      A:Yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. What about this one? It’s almost the same, but it costs half as much.

      B:It’s not the same. It’s completely different.

      A:It’s just a little shorter.

      B:I really like this one.

      A:Well, it’s your money. You can spend it however you want.

      B:Do you really think it’s pretty?

      A:Yeah. It’s pretty.

      Trading Stamps-(用赠券换东西)

      A:Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps.I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.


      B:Oh, never turn them down.You can always find someone who'll take them.People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full.they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools.
      啊,别丢掉它。你总会找到回收赠券的人。 有些人花时间把赠券粘贴在小本子上,当一本贴满后,开几英里的车到回收中心去,在那儿可以用赠券交换像枕头套、扑克牌或修整花园的工具等东西。


      A:But you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.


    为…花费… use (an amount of money) to pay for (sth)
    spend sth for sth/v-ing

          Her husband spent thousand yuan for a second-hand computer.


          His wife spends a lot of money for her dresses every month.


          He spends his spare time for visiting workers.



  •       She would rather spend than save.
  •       He is always spending.
  •       Don't spend without the thought of the next day.
  •       I have no skill to make money spend well.
  •       Candles spend fast in draught.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Magee spent his wealth for more power.

    出自:L. Steffens
  •       He spends his money like water.

    出自:S. Delaney
  •       I spent..half my wages on nude magazines.

    出自:M. Amis
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       spend的基本意思是“花费时间、精力或金钱”,可指人使用、花费金钱,度过时光,也可指某人、物、事使尽〔耗光〕力量、能量、弹药等,还可指人在某物、事方面花费金钱、精力、时间等。
  •       spend可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,只能以人作主语,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
  •       spend的宾语后可接动词不定式,表示目的,作状语。
  •       spend的宾语后常可接以介词in〔on,for〕引导的短语表示“把…花在…上”,介词宾语可以是名词,也可以是动名词。以动名词作宾语时介词in常可省略,尤其在口语中。
  •       spend可用于“主+谓+宾+主补”结构,主语补足语可由形容词或过去分词充当。


spend for, spend in, spend on
  •       这三个短语的共同意思是“在…花费…”。其区别是:
  •       1.spend in和spend on既可以用于时间,也可以用于金钱; 而spend for只可以用于金钱。
  •       2.spend on和spend in后既可以接名词,也可以接动名词; 而spend for后多接名词。
  •       3.spend on和spend in在语义上有细微差别。试比较:
  •       He spent a week in touring these six cities.
  •       他用了一周时间游览这六个城市。
  •       (强调动词宾语)
  •       He spent a week on touring these six cities.
  •       他把一周的时间花费在游览这六个城 市上。
  •       (强调介词宾语)
  •       v.(动词)


            误 She spent three hours to watch TV.

            正 She spent three hours (in) watching TV.


            误 He spent much time to prepare for the examination.

            正 He spent much time preparing for the examination.

            析 当强调“花费时间做某事”时,常用spend time (in) v -ing, in可以省略,但spend后不能用动词不定式。


            误 Last night I went to a movie.How did you spend?

            正 Last night I went to a movie.How did you spend the night?

            析 spend表示“度过”时是及物动词,其后要接宾语。


            误 We spent a good time in New York.

            正 We had a good time in New York.

            析 表示“过得愉快,玩得高兴”可用成语have a good time〔enjoy oneself〕,不可说spend a good time。


            误 We went to the cinema to spend the time until the train arrived.

            正 We went to the cinema to pass the time until the train arrived.

            析 spend和pass都可表示“度过(时间)”,但是为避免无所事事或感觉厌烦而做某事以消磨时间通常用pass。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的spendan;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的spendere,意为花钱。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.spend

          He has spent nearly two years planting flowers for his blind wife.



          中考真题例句OG 2.spend

          I spent much time on my phone without doing my homework.



          中考真题例句OG 3.spend

          She spent almost the whole day trying to do the work.



          中考真题例句OG 1.spend

          But I had spent two pennies without Grandma’s permission.



          中考真题例句OG 2.spend

          I would have a nickel and two pennies back. I was sure Grandma wouldn’t care if I spent one penny.



          中考真题例句OG 3.spend

          She spent more than 50 dollars buying it.



          高考真题例句OG 1.spend

          If we stay at home, it is comfortable and there is no need to spend money.

          家里很舒服, 如果我们待在家里, 就无需花钱。


          高考真题例句OG 2.spend

          If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping.

          如果三年前有人告诉我的话, 我会把大部分周末都花在露营上。


          高考真题例句OG 3.spend

          He spent time improving his painting skills and began to sell his paintings.

          他花时间提高自己的绘画技巧, 并开始出售他的画。


          高考真题例句OG 4.spend

          He spent much of his childhood in France where he spent many hours each day outdoors painting pictures.

          他童年的大部分时间是在法国度过的, 在那里他每天花很多时间在户外画画。


          高考真题例句OG 1.spend

          With food our biggest weekly household expense, Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week.

          食物是我们每周最大的家庭开销, 苏珊娜和马特每周花时间和不同的家庭在一起。


          考研真题例句OG 1.spend

          In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget fighting fires.



          考研真题例句OG 2.spend

          5 billion annual budget fighting fires — nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago.



          考研真题例句OG 3.spend

          But most people will come away from this book believing it was money well spent.



          考研真题例句OG 1.spend

          Critically, another group was asked to spend a minute writing down reasons for their judgment, before giving the rating.



          考研真题例句OG 2.spend

          Those first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to sign on.



          考研真题例句OG 3.spend

          But historically we have spent about 12 percent of our days contemplating the longer term.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I spend at least six hours a week marking.(我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。)

          Why can't you spend a few bucks on a coat?(为什么你不能花几美元买件外套呢?)

          I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day.(我一直在筹划怎样度过这一天。)

          He would spend hours on the telephone.(他一打电话往往就是几个小时。)

          I'm going to spend the weekend just relaxing.(这个周末,我什么也不干,就是休息。)

          It's important to spend your time productively.(重要的是要有效地利用时间。)

          Private insurers spend 27 cents of every dollar on overheads.(私有保险公司每花掉一美元就有27美分用于日常费用。)

          Keep a tally of how much you spend while you're away.(在外出期间,把你的花费都记录下来。)

          Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions.(工程师们花大量时间和精力开发出色的解决方案。)

          How long did you spend on your homework?(你做家庭作业用了多长时间?)

          spend是什么意思 spend在线翻译 spend什么意思 spend的意思 spend的翻译 spend的解释 spend的发音 spend的同义词
