


      英 [sprɪŋ]

      美 [sprɪŋ]



      过去式: sprang/sprung 过去分词: sprung 现在分词: springing 第三人称单数: springs


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  •       泉
  •       弹簧
  •       动机,原动力
  •       活力
  •       春天,春季
  •       弹力,弹性
  •       跳跃
  •       旺盛时期,青春年少时期,青春
  •       根源,源泉,源头
  •       初期
  •       大潮时期


  •       (使)爆炸
  •       突然提出,冷不防地问, 突然说
  •       飞快地行动
  •       一跃而成,迅速生长
  •       很快产生
  •       请客
  •       使弹成某种状况
  •       (使)裂开,破裂,使炸裂
  •       扭伤
  •       (使)弹起,(使)弹开,(使)反弹
  •       跳,跃,蹦
  •       突然出现,涌现
  •       源(于)来(自),发源
  •       给…上发条
  •       花(钱)
  •       使跳起来,惊起,跳出
  •       使弯曲,使折断
  •       借机械装置操作


  •       [U] [C] 春,春天 the season between winter and summer; the part of the year when leaves and flowers appear
  •       [C] 弹簧,发条 an object usually a length of metal wound round, which can be forced together or pressed down, and will return to its original shape when let go
  •       [C] 泉,源泉 a place where water comes up naturally from the ground
  •       [C] 跳,跃 an action to move quickly and suddenly upwards or forwards as if by jumping


  •       vt. & vi. 跳跃; 惊起 leap, jump; surprise; alarm


      1. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

      Synonym: leapleapingsaltationboundbounce

      2. a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed

      e.g. the spring was broken

      3. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length

      Synonym: givespringiness

      4. a point at which water issues forth

      5. a natural flow of ground water

      Synonym: fountainoutflowoutpouringnatural spring

      6. the season of growth

      e.g. the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring
      he will hold office until the spring of next year

      Synonym: springtime


      1. develop suddenly

      e.g. The tire sprang a leak

      2. produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly

      e.g. He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving

      3. spring back
      spring away from an impact

      e.g. The rubber ball bounced
      These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide

      Synonym: bounceresiletake a hopboundreboundrecoilreverberatericochet

      4. move forward by leaps and bounds

      e.g. The horse bounded across the meadow
      The child leapt across the puddle
      Can you jump over the fence?

      Synonym: jumpleapbound

      5. develop into a distinctive entity

      e.g. our plans began to take shape

      Synonym: formtake formtake shape

      1. 春天;春季
      Spring is the season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again.

      e.g. The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring...
      e.g. We met again in the spring of 1977.
      我们于 1977 年春季再次见面。

      2. 弹簧;发条
      A spring is a spiral of wire which returns to its original shape after it is pressed or pulled.

      e.g. Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine...
      e.g. Both springs in the fuel pump were broken.

      3. 泉;泉水
      A spring is a place where water comes up through the ground. It is also the water that comes from that place.


      e.g. To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.

      4. 跳;跃;蹦
      When a person or animal springs, they jump upwards or forwards suddenly or quickly.

      e.g. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table...
      e.g. Outside each door a guard sprang to attention as they approached...

      5. (突然朝某个方向)迅速移动,弹开
      If something springs in a particular direction, it moves suddenly and quickly.

      e.g. Sadly when the lid of the boot sprang open, it was empty.

      6. 突然活跃起来;突然出现
      If things or people spring into action or spring to life, they suddenly start being active or suddenly come into existence.


      e.g. When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.
      她 8 月初和我联系请求帮助时,我和沙伦便立即行动起来了。
      e.g. ...new industries which had sprung into life during the 1920s.
      在 20 世纪 20 年代突然出现的新型工业

      7. 起源于;发源于;来自
      If one thing springs from another thing, it is the result of it.

      e.g. Ethiopia's art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage...
      e.g. His anger sprang from his suffering at the loss of the most important love he had ever known in his life.

      8. (船舶、容器等)出现(裂缝)
      If a boat or container springs a leak, water or some other liquid starts coming in or out through a crack.

      e.g. The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull.

      9. 冷不防地说;突然告诉(或宣布)
      If you spring some news or a surprise on someone, you tell them something that they did not expect to hear, without warning them.

      e.g. The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal...
      e.g. Mclaren sprang a new idea on him.

      10. to spring to mind -> see mind

      相关词组:spring up

      1. 弹簧:...由可动触点(sliding contact)、 弹簧(spring)、可熔体(electrically nonconductive thermalpellet)构成. 在温度保险丝启动之前电流从左侧引线流向可动触点(sliding contact),通过金属外壳向右侧引线流动. 在外部温度达到预定温度时...


      2. spring:shared protection ring; 共享保护环

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    弹回 move back
    spring back

          The ball sprang back and hit him.


      1. spring up : 出现;


  •       As winter gave way to spring, the days began to lengthen.
  •       We have delayed publication of the book till spring.
  •       The coming of spring often induces light-hearted foolishness in many people.
  •       Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring.
  •       Behind lay a terrible winter; ahead was promised spring.
  •       Her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was, now that spring had arrived.
  •       It's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.
  •       The bright flowers and warm winds announced that spring was here.
  •       The water was unusually high this spring and the river burst its banks.
  •       The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn, but they will grow again next spring.
  •       During the spring the river floods the valley.
  •       It often rains here all (the) spring.
  •       On entering the garden I noted that spring had come round.
  •       We hope for an early spring.
  •       As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds.
  •       The cold weather has reached well into the spring.
  •       We propose an early holiday in the spring of next year.
  •       Birds breed in the spring.
  •       The government has announced that electricity charges will go up in the spring.
  •       The apple trees blossom in spring and are laden with fruit in autumn.
  •       Trees put forth buds and leaves in spring.
  •       Birds pair and build nests in spring.
  •       Some people use their cars only in spring, summer and autumn, and lay them up in garage during the winter.
  •       We sometimes have snow in spring.
  •       He was in the spring of life.
  •       It works by means of a spring.
  •       The spring of my watch is broken.
  •       There is no spring left in these old rubber bands.
  •       He had a spring in his walk.
  •       I cannot say for certain how old Mary is, but she's obviously no spring chicken.
  •       The springs here are rich in mineral salts.
  •       The lion made a spring at the hunter.
  •       He wears a new spring coat and a hat to match.
  •       The horses are kicking up their heels in the spring air.
  •       In the hot spring water is naturally heated at 106 .
  •       During spring rains the river floods.
  •       The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.
  •       The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.
  •       One spring day the school arranged a picnic.
  •       Flowers bloom in the spring time.
  •       A spring tide is an extra big one.
  •       Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long distance race.


  •       My table tennis bat has sprung.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       No good drinking water in that land, save..at a rare spring.

    出自:H. Belloc
  •       Of one hill spring three great Rivers.

    出自:P. Holland
  •       The perspiration which sprung from his brow.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       spring的基本意思是“春天,春季”,引申可指“青春”。
  •       spring还可作“跳”“跳跃”解,引申可指“弹簧,发条”“泉水”,是可数名词。
  •       spring跟带有延续性的介词(如during, throughout, etc.)时,前面要加定冠词the。
  •       spring表示“春季”时,如有this, that, last, next, every等词修饰,其前不能加介词in。
  •       in (the) spring可以在spring前面加定冠词,也可以不加冠词。但当spring表示“春季”意义后接of短语时,名词前一定要加定冠词,表示特指。
  •       spring还可作“弹性”“走起路来有精神”解,是不可数名词。
  •       spring在句中可用作定语修饰其他名词。


  •       spring的基本意思是“跃”,指经过一段时间潜伏或准备后突然而迅速地从某处跳起或出现,强调跳得轻、快、美或突然,给人一种弹性感,引申可表示“泛起(泪花)”“失声说出”“速长”“发生”“出身”“(地雷等)炸开”“(木材等)裂开”“突然提出(宣布)”等。
  •       spring既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,有时可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。
  •       spring偶尔也可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。


  •       There is a spring to her step.
  •       她走起路来蹦蹦跳跳,像有弹性似的。
  •       There is a spring in her step.
  •       她的脚步轻快有力。
  •       v.(动词)

  •       walk with a spring in one's step
  •       walk with a spring in one's heels
  •       走路轻快有力
  •       n.(名词)


            误 There are four seasons in the year:Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter.

            正 There are four seasons in the year:spring, summer, autumn and winter.

            析 表示“季节”的名称一般不大写。


            误 He returned to his hometown in spring of 1969.

            正 He returned to his hometown in the spring of 1969.

            析 表示“季节”意义的名词后接of短语时是特指,该名词前要加定冠词。


            误 He went to Japan in this spring.

            正 He went to Japan this spring.

            析 当表示“季节”意义的名词前有this, that, last, next, every等词修饰时,不能加介词in。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的springan;最初源自原始日耳曼语的sprenganan,意为跳跃,飞起。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.spring

          Andrew didn’t spend his last spring break relaxing.



          中考真题例句OG 2.spring

          He is interested in Spring Festival.



          中考真题例句OG 3.spring

          When spring comes, water gets warm and fish start to swim around.



          中考真题例句OG 1.spring

          Drinking water is from a nearby spring.



          中考真题例句OG 2.spring

          You can enjoy hot springs as well.



          中考真题例句OG 3.spring

          Just then he suddenly found a spring of delicious and clear water.



          中考真题例句OG 1.spring

          For example, springs (发条) were added around 1500.



          考研真题例句OG 1.spring

          Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this spring.



          考研真题例句OG 2.spring

          Generation Zs graduating college this spring are optimistic about the labor market.



          考研真题例句OG 3.spring

          India released its AI ethics strategy this spring.



          考研真题例句OG 1.spring

          "They're harder to find and they have job offers," says Jay Dunwell, president of Wolverine Coil Spring, a family-owned firm.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month.(在中国历法中,春分总是出现在二月份。)

          He was born in the spring of 1944.(他生于1944年春。)

          The project is due for completion in the spring.(这项工程预定在明年春季竣工。)

          She's played solidly throughout the spring.(她整个春季都表现得很稳健。)

          The talks eventually broke down in late spring.(会谈最终在暮春时破裂。)

          Yellow clothes are worn as symbolic of spring.(黄色衣服被穿着来象征春天。)

          I love Rome, especially in the spring.(我喜爱罗马,尤其是春天的罗马。)

          Moving from spring to winter, active yang is inevitably followed by dormant yin.(春去冬来,阳盛不可避免地被伏阴所取代。)

          We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested?(我们打算春天去法国旅游。你有意去吗?)

          His new book will be appearing in the spring.(他的新书将于春季出版。)

    •       上一篇snowman
    •       下一篇seed

          spring是什么意思 spring在线翻译 spring什么意思 spring的意思 spring的翻译 spring的解释 spring的发音 spring的同义词
