


      英 [pi:k]

      美 [pik]




      过去式: peaked 过去分词: peaked 现在分词: peaking 第三人称单数: peaks


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  •       尖端,尖儿
  •       帽舌,鸭舌,遮檐
  •       山顶,山峰,山
  •       高峰,顶端,最高点
  •       最大量,巅值,峰值
  •       【物】波峰
  •       尖形突出部


  •       (使)达到高峰
  •       耸起,竖起,高耸,尖起
  •       使尖起,使成峰状,使高耸
  •       瘦弱,消瘦,憔悴,衰弱
  •       翘起尾巴
  •       减少,缩小
  •       达到最大值,达到最高值


  •       最高的,高峰的
  •       最大的
  •       高峰时期的,巅峰状态的


  •       [C]山峰,山顶; 有尖峰的高山 a sharply pointed mountain top; a whole mountain with a pointed top
  •       [C]尖端 a part that curves to a point above a surface
  •       [C]最高点,最高水平; 高峰 the highest point, level, etc., especially of a varying amount, rate, etc.


  •       vi. 达到高峰,达到最大值 reach the highest point or value

      1. 顶点;顶峰
      The peak of a process or an activity is the point at which it is at its strongest, most successful, or most fully developed.

      e.g. The party's membership has fallen from a peak of fifty-thousand after the Second World War...
      e.g. The bomb went off in a concrete dustbin at the peak of the morning rush hour.

      2. 达到顶点;达到顶峰;达到最高值
      When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.

      e.g. Temperatures have peaked at over thirty degrees Celsius...
      e.g. The crisis peaked in July 1974...

      3. (水平、价值)最高的,最大的
      The peak level or value of something is its highest level or value.

      e.g. Calls cost 36p (cheap rate) and 48p (peak rate) per minute...
      e.g. We bought it at the wrong time and paid the peak price.

      4. 高峰的;高峰期的
      Peak times are the times when there is most demand for something or most use of something.

      e.g. It's always crowded at peak times...
      e.g. During peak periods, reservations are difficult to make at some of the hotels.

      5. 山峰;山顶;山巅
      A peak is a mountain or the top of a mountain.


      e.g. ...the snow-covered peaks.

      6. 帽舌;帽檐
      The peak of a cap is the part at the front that sticks out above your eyes.

      e.g. The man touched the peak of his cap.


      1. 山峰:美国山峰(PEAK)防冻冷却液美国山峰(PEAK)防冻冷却液以乙二醇为基础液,在全美国销售量排名第一. 该产品的研发生产者--美国老世界公司在缓蚀剂,缓冲剂,防垢剂,消泡剂等方面的研究始终走在世界最前端,

      2. peak的意思

      2. 山顶:山顶 speak 说话 -s蛇 在山顶(peak)说话(speak),蛇(s)被吓跑 用加减联想法背单词时,联想单位的排序基本上是有规律的,通常是先排熟词,再排参与加减的联想单位,最后排生词.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The plane flew over the peaks.
  •       The wind blew the waves into great peaks.
  •       He's at the peak of his career.
  •       Computer technology has not yet reached its peak.
  •       Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
  •       Membership was already near its peak.
  •       Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.


  •       Toy sales peaked just before Christmas.
  •       Middle school enrollments will peak this year.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       In the far distance..were the peaks of the Himalayas.

    出自:C. Francis
  •       Weary sev'nights, nine times nine, Shall he dwindle, peak, and pine.

  •       Interest rates have yet to peak.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc;

  •       词语用法


  •       peak用作名词的基本意思是“山峰,山顶”,也可指带尖峰的“高山”,用于比喻时可指数量、比率、水平等的“最高点,最高水平; 高峰”。
  •       peak在句中还置于其他名词前用作定语。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Performance is lowest between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., and reaches a peak near midday.(工作状态凌晨3点到5点最差,近中午时分达到最高点。)

      Phone calls cost 20c per unit off-peak.(非高峰时间电话费每单位两角。)

      "We are far from reaching the peak," Cornetti agrees.(“我们离达到顶峰还远。”可那提(Cornetti)赞同道。)

      The firm has slashed its workforce from a peak of 150,000 in 2000.(2000年那家公司把其员工从15万峰值进行了大幅裁减。)

      He noted, there's a moment when it's bursting with its absolute peak flavour.(他指出,有那么一瞬间,它充满了绝对的巅峰风味。)

      "It helps us lower usage at peak power times," says solar expert Mike Keesee.(太阳能专家迈克·基西说:“它有助于我们在用电高峰时降低用电量。”)

      The main peak of the Himalayas is Mount Everest.(喜马拉雅山的主峰是珠穆朗玛峰。)

      Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.(阿斯加德山和托尔峰是攀岩者的梦想目的地。)

      Much of the soil is usually still frozen during peak run-off.(大部分的土壤在径流高峰期仍然是冻结的。)

      At its peak, Dodge City was the biggest cow town in the West.(道奇市在巅峰时期是西部最大的牛镇。)

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      peak是什么意思 peak在线翻译 peak什么意思 peak的意思 peak的翻译 peak的解释 peak的发音 peak的同义词
