


      英 [ˈperɪʃ]

      美 [ˈpɛrɪʃ]



      过去式: perished 过去分词: perished 现在分词: perishing 第三人称单数: perishes


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  •       腐烂,腐败
  •       毁坏,损坏,毁减
  •       使麻木
  •       消灭, 湮灭,毁灭,消亡,灭亡
  •       (使)死去,死亡,丧生
  •       杀死
  •       暴卒
  •       枯萎
  •       使困顿
  •       使非常困苦
  •       堕落
  •       丧失
  •       (橡胶等)脆裂,老化


  •       vi. & vt. 毁灭; 死亡 destroy; come to an end; die



      1. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life

      e.g. She died from cancer
      The children perished in the fire
      The patient went peacefully
      The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102

      Synonym: diedeceasegoexitpass awayexpirepasskick the bucketcash in one's chipsbuy the farmconkgive-up the ghostdrop deadpop offchokecroaksnuff it

      1. (人或动物)惨死,猝死
      If people or animals perish, they die as a result of very harsh conditions or as the result of an accident.

      e.g. Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.
      e.g. ...the ferry disaster in which 193 passengers perished.

      2. 湮灭;毁灭;丧失
      If something perishes, it comes to an end or is destroyed for ever.

      e.g. Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish...
      e.g. Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.

      3. (物质或材料)老化,腐烂,脆裂
      If a substance or material perishes, it starts to fall to pieces and becomes useless.

      e.g. Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off...
      e.g. Their tyres are slowly perishing.

      ...tattered pieces of ancient, perished leather.

      4. (表示认为建议不可能、荒谬)想都别想,死了心吧,没门儿
      If someone says perish the thought, they mean that they think that a suggestion or possibility is unpleasant or ridiculous.

      e.g. Me a policeman! Perish the thought!...
      e.g. We don't have a computer (perish the thought) and have only recently bought an electric typewriter.

      1. 腐坏,死:perfunctory 敷衍,表面,不关心的 | perish 腐坏,死 | permanent 固定不变,永久的

      2. perish的意思

      2. 毁灭,死亡:itinerate 巡回,游历 | perish 毁灭,死亡 | transient 短暂,片刻的

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    〈正〉死于…之下,死于…方式 die by means of (sth)
    perish by sth

          Anyone who opposes the king shall perish by the sword.



  •       Hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought.
  •       The rubber belt has perished.
  •       Flowers perish when frost comes.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       His two sons had both perished at sea.

    出自:J. Buchan
  •       The breath of raw air..perished on the steady warmth of the hall.

    出自:E. Bowen
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       perish的基本意思是“毁灭”“死亡”,多指惨死或暴死,常用在书面语言,尤其是新闻报道中。
  •       perish用于被动式,表示“…坏了”“…得要命”“使…难堪”。
  •       perish常用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。


perish, die, expire, pass away
  •       这组词(组)都有“死”的意思。其区别是:
  •       die是这一组词中最常用的,用于一切有生命的或被人们比喻为有生命的东西; expire是书面用语,是一种委婉的说法,意思是“呼出最后一口气”; pass away是die的委婉说法,语气比较缓和; perish是较正式用语,指死于暴力或困境等非正常死亡。例如:
  •       He became very ill and then he died.他病得很重,接着就死了。
  •       The old man expired at the age of eighty.老人于80岁时逝世。
  •       Five people perished in the fire.大火中有五人丧生。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land.(耶和华永永远远为王。外邦人从他的地已经灭绝了。)

          Your bodies and names will perish, but the river will flow on for ever -- the names of mediocre writers will be forgottern, but those of the great masters will live.(尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流。)

          Perish the thought that we will never see 10 figures again!(我们也许再也看不到10亿美元了?还是打消这种想法吧。)

          Me get married? Perish the thought!(我结婚?下辈子再说吧!)

          The biggest push concerns small coal mines, in which thousands of workers perish every year.(最大的推动力是关于小煤窑的,每年有几千人因它死亡。)

          They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.(都是虚无的,是迷惑人的工作,到追讨的时候,必被除灭。)

          We are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions.(我们生来就注定要分解死亡,即使在理想的条件下也是如此。)

          People drown, but often people perish long after the waves have stopped coming in.(有的人被淹死,但更多的在海啸停止很久后才死去。)

          When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase.(恶人兴起,人就躲藏。恶人败亡,义人增多。)

          We must find sources of strength and renewal for our own spirits, lest we perish.(我们必须找些找些东西来强壮更新我们的精神,以免它枯萎。)

          perish是什么意思 perish在线翻译 perish什么意思 perish的意思 perish的翻译 perish的解释 perish的发音 perish的同义词
