


      英 [ˈpɜ:sənl]

      美 [ˈpɜ:rsənl]





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  •       私人的,个人的
  •       身体的,人身的
  •       亲自的,本人的
  •       容貌的
  •       攻击个人的,人身攻击的
  •       涉及私事的,涉及个人的
  •       动产的
  •       【律】对人的
  •       一身的
  •       自身的
  •       【文】人称的
  •       人物批评的
  •       人际的
  •       个性的


  •       人事消息栏,人事栏
  •       【语法】人称代名词
  •       个人
  •       人员
  •       对人批评,人身攻击
  •       分类人事广告版,人事广告
  •       【律】动产
  •       有关个人的简讯
  •       有关私事的广告
  •       (报刊)私人专栏


  •       个人的,私人的 of or for one person; private
  •       亲自的 done or made by a particular person
  •       人身攻击,无礼的 critical of a person's faults


      1. a short newspaper article about a particular person or group


      1. particular to a given individual

      2. concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality

      e.g. a personal favor
      for your personal use
      personal papers
      I have something personal to tell you
      a personal God
      he has his personal bank account and she has hers

      3. intimately concerning a person's body or physical being

      e.g. personal hygiene

      4. indicating grammatical person

      e.g. personal verb endings

      5. of or arising from personality

      e.g. personal magnetism

      1. 个人的;私人的
      A personal opinion, quality, or thing belongs or relates to one particular person rather than to other people.

      e.g. He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience...
      e.g. That's my personal opinion.

      2. 亲自的;本人的
      If you give something your personal care or attention, you deal with it yourself rather than letting someone else deal with it.

      e.g. ...a business that requires a great deal of personal contact.
      e.g. ...a personal letter from the President's secretary...

      3. (感情、关系、健康方面)个人的,人际的,自己的
      Personal matters relate to your feelings, relationships, and health.

      e.g. ...teaching young people about marriage and personal relationships...
      e.g. You never allow personal problems to affect your performance...

      4. 针对个人的;人身攻击的
      Personal comments refer to someone's appearance or character in an offensive way.

      e.g. Newspapers resorted to personal abuse...
      e.g. Myra was attacking something I'd written, and her attack got a little personal.

      5. 外貌的;身体的
      Personal care involves looking after your body and appearance.

      e.g. who take as much trouble over personal hygiene as women.

      6. 私人的;非业务关系的
      A personal relationship is one that is not connected with your job or public life.

      e.g. He was a personal friend whom I've known for many many years...
      e.g. What began as a professional relationship became a personal one pretty quickly, despite us coming from very different backgrounds.

      7. see also: personals

      1. personal

      1. 私人的:就像斯坦福大学在高科技行业的名气一样. Jim这么说,真让我意外. Jim解释说,品判葡萄酒的好坏是一件非常主观和私人的(personal)的事. 你觉得不好的酒,可能别人会觉得很好. 所以,你喜欢的就是好的. 如此简单.


      2. 个性化:用一个正确的心态去分析判断,用心做事才是您获得成功的根本之道,激情(Passion)、人(People)、个性化(Personal)和产品(Product). 埃尔咖啡是靠平凡琐事而以小搏大的,尊重顾客相信员工、围绕产品塑造激情,赢得诚实的利润,

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:I’d like to apply for a personal loan.


      B:How much would you like to borrow?


      A:A thousand dollars.
      1000 美元。

      B:Let me check with our credit manager (later)

      A:Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high. I don’t think you’ll have any problems.

      B:What’s the current interest rate?

      A:Our monthly interest is 1.5% of the outstanding balance. Would you please fill out this application form?


      A:Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration?

      B:Yes. Here you are.


      A:You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.

      B:That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities.

      A:What type of visa have you got?


      B:I have a tourist visa.

      A:Would you mind opening your suitcase?


      B:Not at all. Check it, please.

      A:Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?

      B:OK. I'll do as you say.

      A:Have you filled in the baggage declaration?

      B:No. I really don't know how to go about it.

      A:Do you have anything to declare for customs?

      B:No. I have nothing to declare.

      A:How long are you going to stay here?

      B:About one month. I'm just sightseeing.

      A:Have you anything dutiable?

      B:No, these are only personal effects.Is that all for customs formalities?

      A:Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.


      A:This will be your office here.

      B:A corner office? Really? Wow, this is great!

      A:We try to give everyone in the upper management team a nice office. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in here.

      B:I suppose so. It’s great.

      A:On Monday, we’ll give you the keys to the company car. You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track of the gas you use. We’ll reimburse you for the upkeep and the gas you use for business.

      B:Is there a coffee machine around here?

      A:Yes, we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room.

      B:Where’s that again?

      A:It’s just down the hall, the fourth door on your right.


      B:Got it.

      A:You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you. That’s one of my duties as your personal assistant.


  •       He is not thoughtful of personal gain and loss.
  •       She made a personal donation to the fund.
  •       We shouldn't seek after comfort, personal fame and gain.
  •       If you want my personal opinion,I think it's a load of rubbish.
  •       This is my personal opinion.
  •       His account was uncolored by his personal feelings.
  •       I never saw him show jealousy, vanity, bitterness, anger, resentment, or personal ambition.
  •       We offer a personal service to our customers.
  •       Congress has got no right to interfere with a fellow's personal liberty.
  •       We do nothing without personal liberty.
  •       This is a personal inquiry.
  •       I'd like to speak to Mr. Davis about a personal matter.
  •       He wanted to have a personal visit to that factory.
  •       He promised to give his personal attention to the matter.
  •       The manager will give you his personal attention.
  •       My personal experience convinced me of their great skill.
  •       He made a personal appeal to the kidnappers to free his child.
  •       It is not right to make personal remarks.
  •       They made some highly personal attack about the size of his nose.
  •       He paid much attention to personal appearance.
  •       He is unconcerned about personal appearance.
  •       You can't violate personal interests.
  •       This is personal property.
  •       Personal pronoun may be subject.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       A doorbell makes every visitor sound the samesa knock is very personal.

    出自:J. T. Story
  •       Records about individuals relating to their own personal affairs.

    出自:T. Benn
  •       Freud and Jung were..trying to prevent personal differences from interfering with professional relations.

    出自:V. Brome
  •       He drives to his personal parking space.

    出自:D. Lodge
  •       Arafat's driver and personal bodyguard.

    出自:Voice of the Arab World
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       personal的基本意思是“私人的,个人的”,指涉及一个人或许多人中间的每一个人的,不属于公众或一般人的; 也可作“本人的,亲自的”解,指仅仅亲自做的或是两人之间发生的; 还可作“关于个人的,人身攻击的”解。当personal指与人或身体有关的事时,可作“人体的,外貌的”解。
  •       personal用作法律用语,意为“属于个人的,可动的”。
  •       personal还可用作语法术语,意为“人称的”。
  •       personal在句中可用作定语或表语。
  •       personal没有比较级和最高级形式。


personal, individual, private
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“私人的”。
  •       1.private指“私立的,私有的,私人的”,与“公立的,公有的,公共的”相对。
  •       2.personal指“本人的”“亲自的,人身的”,与“由他人代表的,不涉及个人的”相对立。
  •       3.individual强调“个体的,个别的”,与“普遍的,集体的”相对立。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的personel;最初源自古典拉丁语的personalis,意为关于某个人。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.personal

          The first resolution is about my own personal improvement.



          中考真题例句OG 2.personal

          The trainers can make you a perfect exercise plan and a personal diet plan.



          中考真题例句OG 3.personal

          We shared our personal travel experiences and the interesting people we met with one another.



          中考真题例句OG 1.personal

          It will continue until more teens find a way to balance their personal and social lives with school and work.



          中考真题例句OG 2.personal

          In students’ daily talks, celebrities are usually a hot topic, including their dress, behavior, families and other personal things.



          中考真题例句OG 3.personal

          You need this skill in your personal life to express your feelings to friends and family members.



          中考真题例句OG 1.personal

          Home companies producing food, drinks, or personal care products increased their share of the market by 3, 3% to nearly 70%.



          考研真题例句OG 1.personal

          This indicates there is a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem.



          考研真题例句OG 2.personal

          Millennials face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.



          考研真题例句OG 3.personal

          This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance.



          考研真题例句OG 1.personal

          So don't be afraid to ask more personal questions.



          考研真题例句OG 2.personal

          The use of electronic means of payment leaves an electronic trail that contains a large amount of personal data.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          All hire cars are for personal use only.(所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。)

          He acted with no thoughts of personal gain.(他这样做根本没有考虑个人得失。)

          Do you have a personal trainer?(你有私人教练吗?)

          She resigned for personal reasons.(她出于个人原因而辞职。)

          There was no personal sympathy between them.(他们个人之间全无相投之处。)

          The President has great personal charisma.(总统具有超凡的个人魅力。)

          The book is based on personal experience.(本书是根据个人经历写成的。)

          Of course, this is just a personal opinion.(当然了,这只是个人意见。)

          That's my personal opinion.(这是我的个人意见。)

          The novel is written from personal experience.(这部小说是根据个人亲身经历写成的。)

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          personal是什么意思 personal在线翻译 personal什么意思 personal的意思 personal的翻译 personal的解释 personal的发音 personal的同义词
