


      英 [ˈpɪnpɔɪnt]

      美 [ˈpɪnˌpɔɪnt]




      过去式: pinpointed 过去分词: pinpointed 现在分词: pinpointing 第三人称单数: pinpoints


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  •       [C]一点点 a very small area or point


  •       vt. 准确地找出或描述 find or describe exactly (the nature or cause of sth)
  •       vt. 为…准确定位 show the exact position of


  •       [A] 非常精确的 very exact



      1. the sharp point of a pin

      2. a very small spot

      e.g. the plane was just a speck in the sky

      Synonym: speck

      3. a very brief moment

      e.g. they were strangers sharing a pinpoint of time together


      1. locate exactly

      e.g. can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?
      The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome

      Synonym: nail

      1. 确认;准确解释(或说明)
      If you pinpoint the cause of something, you discover or explain the cause exactly.


      e.g. It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.
      e.g. ...if you can pinpoint exactly what the anger is about...

      2. 精确地确定(或指明)…的位置
      If you pinpoint something or its position, you discover or show exactly where it is.

      e.g. I could pinpoint his precise location on a map...
      e.g. Computers pinpointed where the shells were coming from.

      3. 定点的;定位精确的;非常精确的
      If something is placed with pinpoint accuracy, it is placed in exactly the right place or position.

      e.g. ...the pinpoint accuracy of the bombing campaigns.

      1. 极精确的、准确定位、准确测定、针尖:Photocell: 光电管、光电池、光电元件 | Pinpoint: 极精确的、准确定位、准确测定、针尖 | Pixel: 象素

      2. (美國):NISSO (日本) | PINPOINT (美國) | SEIO (台灣)

      3. 精确:pinpoint bombing 准确轰炸 | pinpoint 精确 | pinprick 针刺孔

      4. 针尖:pinpoint 精确定位的 | pinpoint 针尖 | pinpoint 针尖a.精确定位的

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       There is only a pinpoint of light in the cave .


  •       It is not possible to pinpoint precisely the time of death.
  •       Our radar has pinpointed the planes.


  •       These missles can be fired with pinpoint accuracy.
  •       His eyes were pinpoints of rage.

    出自:V. Gornick
  •       No longer were any pinpoints of light visible.

    出自:R. Rendell
  •       Wine critic Harriet Lembeck..can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with uncanny accuracy.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      It's hard to pinpoint exactly what Eritrea feels like.(很难说出厄立特里亚到底像哪里。)

      She felt a pressure from inside, but she could not pinpoint what was wrong.(她感到一种内在压力,但无法说出哪里出了错。)

      Now, we've been able to finally pinpoint the cause.(现在,我们已经可以最终查明原因了。)

      They need to model the progression of the illness so they can pinpoint drug targets.(他们需要病情恶化的模型,使他们能够查明药物靶点。)

      This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.(这是找出问题,发现未满足需要的又一个途径。)

      Then try and pinpoint which food can be causing you a pain.(那么你一定要尝试着一点点的找出到底是哪种食物引起你的疼痛。)

      But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon's age.(但也存在令人信服的理由支持再度登月,其中包括试图确定月球的年龄。)

      I couldn't consciously pinpoint it, but I knew our relationship felt special.(我无法有意识地准确描述这种感觉,但我知道我们的关系不一般。)

      The technique lets the researchers pinpoint ancient ruins underground.(这项技术使得研究人员可以精确定位被埋在地底的古代遗迹。)

      It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.(几乎不可能确定死因。)

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