


      英 [ˈplæstɪk]

      美 [ˈplæstɪk]



      副词: plastically 名词: plasticity


  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

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  •       塑胶,塑料
  •       信用卡
  •       塑料制品,塑胶制品
  •       塑料学,塑胶学
  •       电木
  •       可塑体
  •       整形
  •       合成树脂
  •       塑料信用卡


  •       可塑的
  •       塑造的
  •       塑胶的,塑胶制的
  •       造型的
  •       塑性的
  •       成形的
  •       塑料的,塑料制的
  •       易受影响的
  •       柔顺的
  •       不自然的,不真实的
  •       塑像的
  •       形成的,给予形态的
  •       【医】整形的
  •       【生】形成组织的
  •       人造的
  •       信用卡的


  •       [U][C]塑料; 塑料制品 any of several chemically produced substances that can be made into shapes when heated or made into thin threads and used in textiles; substance made in this way
  •       [U]〈口〉信用卡 small plastic cards used instead of money for making payments; credit cards


  •       (指物品)塑料的 (of goods) made of plastic
  •       (指材料或物质)可塑的 (of materials or substances) easily shaped or moulded



      1. a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered

      e.g. do you take plastic?

      Synonym: credit cardcharge cardcharge plate

      2. generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives


      1. forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning

      e.g. a formative influence
      a formative experience

      Synonym: formativeshaping

      2. capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material)

      e.g. plastic substances such as wax or clay

      Synonym: fictilemoldable

      3. capable of being influenced or formed

      e.g. the plastic minds of children
      a pliant nature

      Synonym: pliant

      1. 塑料
      Plastic is a material which is produced from oil by a chemical process and which is used to make many objects. It is light in weight and does not break easily.

      e.g. ...a wooden crate, sheltered from wetness by sheets of plastic...
      e.g. A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled.

      2. 不自然的;不真实的
      If you describe something as plastic, you mean that you think it looks or tastes unnatural or not real.

      e.g. ...plastic airline food...
      e.g. When girls put on too much eye-shadow, they look plastic.

      3. (塑料制)信用卡
      If you use plastic or plastic money to pay for something, you pay for it with a credit card instead of using cash.

      e.g. Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself.
      e.g. with their plastic money.

      4. 可塑的;塑性的
      Something that is plastic is soft and can easily be made into different shapes.

      e.g. The mud is smooth, gray, soft, and plastic as butter.

      ...the plasticity of the flesh.

      1. plastic

      1. 可塑性:我们现在知道,固态的地壳只有数十公里厚,在它以下是具高度 可塑性(plastic)的地幔(manile),而后者所包覆的,则是以铁 (占90%)为主的地核(core),它基本上是一个半径为3,480公里 (约为地球半径的55%)的球体.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.


      B:I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.


      A:Flowers. Now that's romantic.

      B:They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.

      A:The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.


      A:Do you have Don's number?


  •       These spoons are made of plastic.
  •       Plastics are used in many modern articles instead of metal, wood, etc.
  •       Plastics is an important branch of chemistry.
  •       Nowadays we can use plastic instead of cash in many places buying things.


  •       These plastic bowls are very light.
  •       Clay and wax are plastic substances.
  •       Plastic food is harmful to health.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       So watchful Bruin forms, with plastic care, Each growing lump, and brings it to a bear.

  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       plastic用作名词的基本意思是“塑料,塑料制品”,用作可数名词时常用于复数形式; 当plastic指的是制造某种成品的原材料时,多用作不可数名词。
  •       plastics还可指“塑料学”,作主语时其谓语动词多用单数形式。
  •       plastic在口语中还可指“信用卡”,与plastic money同义,此时用作不可数名词。


  •       plastic用作形容词的基本意思是“(指物品)塑料的”,在专业术语中可指某种物质是“可塑的”,用于比喻义时可指人的思想等“可以塑造的,可以改变的”,用作贬义时还可指某事物“不真实的,合成的,人造的”。
  •       ☆ 1632年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的plasticus;最初源自古希腊语的plastikos,意为可塑型的。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.plastic

      Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze.

      剥去皮, 放入塑料袋或容器中冷冻。


      高考真题例句OG 2.plastic

      The solar still works by creating a greenhouse under the plastic.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Clay is a plastic substance.(黏土是可塑物质。)

      The pipes should be made of plastic.(这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。)

      They put plastic sheeting on the insides of our windows.(他们在我们的窗户里面贴了一层塑料薄膜。)

      He makes plastic reusable moulds.(他制作可再次使用的塑料模子。)

      A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags.(一位女士拣起它们,然后把它们封入各塑料袋中。)

      The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags.(这些器官保存在密封塑料袋里。)

      When burnt, plastic produces dangerous by-products.(塑料燃烧时产生出危险的副产品。)

      A plastic bag was floating in the water.(一个塑料袋在水中漂浮。)

      The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff.(椅子都包了一种塑料膜。)

      I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair.(我当时正坐在一把摇摇晃晃的塑料椅子上。)

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      plastic是什么意思 plastic在线翻译 plastic什么意思 plastic的意思 plastic的翻译 plastic的解释 plastic的发音 plastic的同义词
