play a part


      [plei ə pɑ:t]

      扮演一个角色; 在 ... 中起作用


  •       网络解释

      1. 扮演角色;参与:in part 在某种程度上;部份地 . | playapart 扮演角色;参与... . | take part in 参加...,参与... .

      2. 起作用:pay the way for 为......铺平道路 | playapart 起作用 | put in order 整理,检修

      3. 扮演一个角色:playapart in 扮演 | playapart 扮演一个角色 | playabout 玩耍


      4. 扮演......的角色:motorcar parts 摩托车零部件 | playapart 扮演......的角色 | He plays the part of Hamlet. 他扮演哈姆雷特.

  •       临近词



      Technical and exchange rate factors play a part here.(技术和汇率方面也有一部分因素。)

      Newspapers also play a part.(报纸也插了一脚。)

      External physiological factors also play a part.(外在的生理因素也有一定作用。)

      I accept the fact that fear will always play a part in my life.(我接受恐惧总是占据我生命一部分的事实。)

      Recent structural changes also play a part.(最近的结构性变化也扮演了重要角色。)

      Good health is key if older people are to remain independent and to play a part in family and community life.(其中身体健康是关键,如果老年人生活能保持自理就要参与家庭和社会生活。)

      Elements of all these play a part, but the underlying problem is deeper.(所有这些因素都占了一部分的原因,但是根本的问题是更深层次的。)

      The answer is far from clear-cut, and cultural attitudes play a part.(这个问题不好回答,并且这也涉及到文化态度。)

      A recent suggestion that mobile phones may play a part has also been dismissed.(最近有建议说移动电话可能起了一定作用,但这种说法已不再有人相信。)

      While genetics are thought to play a part in autism, the condition is not inherited in a straightforward way.(虽然基因遗传在是自闭症的一个病因,但是这并不是一个简单的遗传过程。)