


      英 [pɔ:k]

      美 [pɔ:rk]



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  •       猪肉
  •       政治恩惠(政府用以笼络人心的工程或款项)
  •       猪
  •       支持政党上台所分到的好处
  •       政治分肥
  •       政客假公济私给部下的好处
  •       泛指警察(黑社会用语)


  •       与某人性交(含攻击性慎用)


  •       [U]猪肉 meat from pigs


      1. meat from a domestic hog or pig

      Synonym: porc

      2. a legislative appropriation designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents

      Synonym: pork barrel

      1. (通常指新鲜的)猪肉
      Pork is meat from a pig, usually fresh and not smoked or salted.

      e.g. ...fried pork chops.
      e.g. ...a packet of pork sausages.

      1. pork

      1. 猪肉:一般一种是 鸡(chicken),一种是 牛肉(beef)或 猪肉(pork). 飞机到达加拿大之前会有一些 面条(noodle)或 意大利粉(pasta). 也有可能简单地分成中餐、西餐,到时候你们选中餐就行了. 如果服务员不会说中文,你们就拿出用语指南指.

      2. 猪肉类:小排/橙子黑胡椒酱沙嗲牛肉串/花生烧烤酱肋眼牛排/柠檬芥末酱醇酒菲力/番茄奶酪羔羊肉(LAMB)羔羊骨排/蒜味菠萝酱羔羊肉片/薄荷油醋汁羔羊肉串/咖喱酸奶酱羔羊骨排/蒜辣酸甜酱羔羊肉柳串/传统BBQ酱猪肉类(PORK)鸡肉类(CHICK

      3. 肉:主料 + with/in + 汤汁(Sauce)猪肉(Pork) 白菜豆腐焖酥肉茶 (Tea) 绿茶 Green Tea冰品(Ice) 刨冰(红豆、绿豆、芋头、情人果、草莓、百香果、巧克力、乌梅、蓝莓、芒果、花生、凤梨)


      4. 肉类:猪肉类(Pork)、牛肉类(Beef)、羊肉类(Lamb)、其他肉类(Other Meat)、 海鲜类(Seafood)热菜. 蔬菜类(Vegetables) 、豆腐类(Tofu)、蕈类(Mushroooms)、禽蛋类 (Poultry and Eggs)热菜.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

      The Meat-(肉类)

      A:What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?

      B:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats? a lot in your country too, don’t you?

      A:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton.

      B:I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops.

      A:That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?

      B:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?

      A:Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s? and cook for you next Sunday.

      B:That sounds great?. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then.


  •       Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork.
  •       If we can't afford beef we have to do with pork.
  •       This pork is not very fresh.
  •       To make tough pork tender enough to eat, you must cook it for a long time.
  •       The girl says she would like pork chops.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       pork是不可数名词,意思是“猪肉”。
  •       当表示猪的某一部分肉时,用介词of,如a leg of pork猪腿肉。a piece of pork的意思是“一片肉”。


pork, meat
  •       这两个词都可表示“肉”。其区别是:
  •       meat指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类; pork则只能指“猪肉”。例如:
  •       His religion forbids the eating of meat.他信仰的宗教禁食肉。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古法语的porc,意为猪;最初源自拉丁语的porcus,意为猪。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          They also have more protein than beef, chicken, and pork.(它们比牛肉、鸡肉和猪肉含有更多的蛋白质。)

          I'll have some pork.(我要吃一些猪肉。)

          Korean barbecue features thin slices of beef or pork that cooked and served with rice.(韩国烤肉的特色是牛肉或者猪肉切成薄片,与米饭一起食用。)

          She bought five kilograms of pork.(她买了五公斤猪肉。)

          He loves meat, especially chicken, pork, and beef.(他喜欢吃肉,尤其是鸡肉,猪肉和牛肉。)

          I'd like some pork.(我想要些猪肉。)

          When there was no more pork at the 1885 fair, the Menches brothers used minced beef instead.(1885年的集市上没有猪肉了,曼彻斯兄弟用碎牛肉代替。)

          I can make mu shu pork.(我可以做木须肉。)

          She asked for pork.(她要猪肉。)

          The price of the pork slides.(猪肉的价格下跌了。)

          pork是什么意思 pork在线翻译 pork什么意思 pork的意思 pork的翻译 pork的解释 pork的发音 pork的同义词
