

      英 [ˈpɒsəbli]

      美 [ˈpɑ:səbli]



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  •       可能地 in accordance with what is possible
  •       也许,或许 perhaps


      1. by chance

      e.g. perhaps she will call tomorrow
      we may possibly run into them at the concert
      it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time

      Synonym: perchanceperhapsmaybemayhapperadventure

      2. to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means

      e.g. they can't possibly get here in time for the funeral?

      1. 或许;也许
      You use possibly to indicate that you are not sure whether something is true or might happen.

      e.g. Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks...
      e.g. They were smartly but casually dressed; possibly students...

      2. (表示对所见或所闻感到惊讶、困惑或震惊)
      You use possibly to emphasize that you are surprised, puzzled, or shocked by something that you have seen or heard.

      e.g. It was the most unexpected piece of news one could possibly imagine...
      e.g. I mean, how could they possibly eat that stuff?...

      3. 尽量;尽可能地
      You use possibly to emphasize that someone has tried their hardest to do something, or has done it as well as they can.

      e.g. They've done everything they can possibly think of...
      e.g. It's one of the nicest feelings you can possibly have.

      4. (加强语气)无论如何也
      You use possibly to emphasize that something definitely cannot happen or definitely cannot be done.

      e.g. No I really can't possibly answer that!
      e.g. There's nothing more they can possibly do right...

      1. 可能地:popular流行的 | possibly可能地 | quality质量

      2. (也许吧:Are you making any progress with her?|和她有进展吗? | Possibly.|也许吧 | Are you going to tell me who you are?|你能告诉我你是谁吗?

      3. 可能吗:Miss me? 想念我了? | Possibly? 可能吗? | Do you blame me for the 你是否责怪我在我只的生活里生存的方式?

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


      A:Could I possibly use your bathroom?

      B:Of course.


  •       Possibly, this is only one of many answers.
  •       You can't possibly walk 20 miles in an hour!
  •       I was positive that I had seen her before; I could not possibly have made a mistake on that point.
  •       We can't possibly believe the myth of “detente”now.
  •       I can't possibly do it.
  •       It may possibly be so.
  •       Wondering whether such an occasion could possibly arise.

    出自:B. Pym
  •       You couldn't possibly sew by this light.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       possibly的基本意思是“可能地”,这词表示对某事不敢肯定或知道得不太清楚,多用于肯定句; 有时还作“无论如何”“不管怎样”“万万”解,多用于否定句。
  •       possibly还可作“也许”“或许”解,也可指用来表示非常有礼貌地请别人做某事,提出要求。
  •       possibly在肯定句里多与may或will连用,在疑问句和否定句中多与can连用。
  •       possibly是强化副词,没有比较等级。


possibly, maybe, perhaps, probably
  •       这四个词都有“可能,或许”的意思。其区别是:
  •       1.probably指“多半”,其可能性超过一半; perhaps和maybe指“或许”,其可能性大致为一半; possibly仅指“也许”“有可能”,其可能性低于一半。例如:
  •       Probably he will succeed.他很可能会成功。
  •       Perhaps〔maybe〕 he will succeed.他也许会成功。
  •       He will possibly succeed.他有可能成功。
  •       2.maybe比perhaps更口语化,且要用于句首; perhaps可用于句末、句中、句首; probably多用于句中。
  •       3.maybe和possibly可用于礼貌的建议或请求,另三个词无此义。例如:
  •       Maybe you could move the chair.也许你可以挪动一下那张椅子。
  •       Could you possibly lend me 1000 yuan ?你能借给我1000元钱吗?
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Possibly, the most fascinating question is what is literature?(也许最有趣的一个问题是,文学是什么?)

          There could quite possibly be long-lasting effects.(这很可能会产生长期的影响。)

          What could possibly disturb such tranquillity?(有什么能破坏这种宁静?)

          How can we possibly forgive someone who has wronged us?(我们怎么可能原谅一个伤害过我们的人呢?)

          He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possibly catch up.(他开始努力工作已为时太晚—不可能赶上了。)

          They've done everything they can possibly think of.(凡是可能想得到的,他们都已经做了。)

          I can't possibly meet that deadline.(我不可能如期完成。)

          Possibly no harm is meant the boy.(也许这孩子并无恶意。)

          Could you possibly open that window?(请你把那扇窗子打开好吗?)

          She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.(她觉得很难与她相处,这可能是因为她们年龄上的差距。)

          possibly是什么意思 possibly在线翻译 possibly什么意思 possibly的意思 possibly的翻译 possibly的解释 possibly的发音 possibly的同义词
