


      英 [peɪnt]

      美 [pent]



      形容词: paintable 名词: paintability 过去式: painted 过去分词: painted 现在分词: painting 第三人称单数: paints


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  •       (用语言、文字等)描写,描绘
  •       油漆,在…上刷油漆
  •       (用颜料等)画,绘画
  •       (用油漆、涂料等)装饰,修整
  •       化妆;(用化妆品)涂,搽;搽药于
  •       给…着色,涂色于,把…涂成
  •       作画,从事绘画


  •       油漆,涂料
  •       涂漆
  •       颜料
  •       绘画作品
  •       化妆品(口红、胭脂、香粉等)
  •       装饰,修饰,色彩


  •       [U]油漆,涂料 substance applied to a surface in liquid form to give it colour
  •       [P]颜料 (set of) tubes or blocks of paint
  •       [U]涂层,漆层 layer of drier paint on a surface
  •       [U]化妆品 cosmetics for applying to the face


  •       vt. 在…上涂涂料或油漆 put paint onto (sth)
  •       vt. & vi. 画; 绘画 make a picture with paint
  •       vt. 涂,搽 put powder, lipstick, etc. onto (the face, etc.)
  •       vt. 描绘,描述 describe in clear well-chosen words


      1. a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid)
      dries to form a hard coating

      e.g. artists use `paint' and `pigment' interchangeably

      Synonym: pigment

      2. makeup consisting of a pink or red powder applied to the cheeks

      Synonym: rougeblusher

      3. (basketball) a space (including the foul line) in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court
      usually painted a different color from the rest of the court

      e.g. he hit a jump shot from the top of the key
      he dominates play in the paint

      Synonym: key



      1. apply paint to
      coat with paint

      e.g. We painted the rooms yellow

      2. apply a liquid to
      e.g., paint the gutters with linseed oil

      3. make a painting of

      e.g. He painted his mistress many times

      4. make a painting

      e.g. he painted all day in the garden
      He painted a painting of the garden

      1. 油漆;涂料
      Paint is a coloured liquid that you put onto a surface with a brush in order to protect the surface or to make it look nice, or that you use to produce a picture.

      e.g. ...a pot of red paint...
      e.g. They saw some large letters in white paint.

      2. (已干的)油漆层,涂层
      On a wall or object, the paint is the covering of dried paint on it.

      e.g. The paint was peeling on the window frames...
      e.g. They'll probably scrape the paint off and make it look like a regular patrol car.

      3. 给…上油漆(或涂料)
      If you paint a wall or an object, you cover it with paint.

      e.g. They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls...
      e.g. I made a guitar and painted it red.

      4. (用颜料)绘,画
      If you paint something or paint a picture of it, you produce a picture of it using paint.


      e.g. He is painting a huge volcano...
      e.g. Why do people paint pictures?...

      5. 用漆写(或画)
      When you paint a design or message on a surface, you put it on the surface using paint.

      e.g. ...a machine for painting white lines down roads...
      e.g. They went around painting rude slogans on cars...

      6. 涂,抹(嘴唇、指甲等)
      If a woman paints her lips or nails, she puts a coloured cosmetic on them.

      e.g. She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips...
      e.g. She painted her fingernails bright red.

      7. 描绘;描述
      If you paint a grim or vivid picture of something, you give a description of it that is grim or vivid.


      e.g. The report paints a grim picture of life there...
      e.g. He went on to paint a rosy picture about how much has already been accomplished.

      8. see also: painting;gloss paint;oil paint;poster paint;war paint

      1. 油漆:我们在使用时和使用后就更要好好的维护和保养,让它更好的为我们的工作学习服务. 下面我们将介绍一些显微镜(Microscope)的维护和保养的知识,来供大家参考!如果能对您有所帮助,这是我们最大的喜悦!3.油漆(Paint)和塑料表面的清洁

      2. 油漆;涂料:涂布为将某化学物质以物理(机械)方式涂层于被着体上的一种技术,牵涉物理和化学两大学科,其用途更于日常生活中涵盖甚广,如油漆/涂料(Paint)、粘性胶带(Adhesive Tape)、商标纸(Lable Stickers)、商标布(Lable Fabrics)等.

      3. 画图:该公司目前正在销售配备播放乐曲数据功能或配备摄像头和键盘等的CLIE,而SJ30通过省去上述功能从而降低了价格. 另外,该产品与以往产品同样还配备了可以单手操作的飞梭键等. 预装或附带用来简易显示/编辑Word/Excel文件、显示图像、画图(Paint)以及播放动态图像的软件和扑克牌游戏等.

      4. 绘画:在动画中,效果是用来加强场景的视觉吸引力,利用传统的表面和阴影很难产生雨、火、烟和其他一些自然效果,而使用效果工具如光学(Opti-FX)、粒子(Particie)、绘画(Paint)效果就能把上述那些或者其他的元素添加到场景中去.

  •       常用短语

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    非常令人讨厌 very boring


    加画,添画 add sth with paint, often to a finished picture
    paint sth ⇔ in

          They painted the whole wall yellow, and then painted in a false door to balance the effect.


          The standing figure to the right was painted in after the rest of the picture was completed.



  •       Some paint will keep the wood from damage by water.
  •       Don't touch the door; the paint is wet.
  •       The colour is lighter, and the old paint shows through.
  •       If men breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.
  •       The hotel needs a new paint job.
  •       Joan's best work is in the medium of oil paints.
  •       The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.
  •       She wears far too much paint.
  •       The artist brought his paints with him.
  •       I left my paints at home.


  •       She paints very well.
  •       He cannot paint.
  •       All day she painted and read.
  •       The lady is aging quickly and now paints heavily.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Now the paint and plaster had fallen in lumps and not been replaced.

    出自:M. Dickens
  •       A rich, deep white that comes from many coats of good-quality paint.

    出自:J. Diski
  •       The organic carbon in ancient paints derives from blood.

    出自:Science News
  •       Are you going to paint or varnish the wood-work?

    出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       paint的基本意思是“油漆,涂料”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。paint还可表示“绘画作品”,“一幅绘画作品”是a piece of paint。paints指一套管状或块状的“颜料”。
  •       paint也可作“涂层,漆层”解,是不可数名词。
  •       paint还可作“化妆品”解,是不可数名词。


  •       paint的基本意思是“在…上涂涂料或油漆”,也可指“(用颜料)绘,画”“涂,搽”,用于比喻可指“描绘,形容”。
  •       paint可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。
  •       paint还可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj. ”或现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。作“涂油漆”解时,宾语补足语前常省略to be或as; 作“描绘”解时to be或as不可省略。


paint, colour, dye, stain
  •       这几个词的共同含义是“着色,染色”。其区别是:
  •       1.colour的意思最广泛,不管染色的深浅,不分使用什么染料,也不分给什么东西染色。用于比喻义,有“渲染,夸张”的意思,而dye, paint, stain没有此义。
  •       2.dye, paint指有意地“染色”。dye指使用染料永远地改变物体的颜色,如毛纺织品或头发等; paint指把颜料或涂料涂在墙壁、家具等物体表面,使用的材料是耐久的,有“描绘,画画”的倾向。例如:
  •       Black will dye over other colours.黑色能把大多数其他颜色染掉。
  •       This dress had been dyed several times.这件连衣裙已染过几次了。
  •       She dyed her hair red.她把头发染成红色。
  •       When will you paint the wall? 你们什么时候漆墙?
  •       We painted the house once, then we went over it again.我们把房间油漆了一遍,然后又打扫了一遍。
  •       The hero in the storybook was painted as a brave man.故事书中的主人公被描绘成一个勇敢的人。
  •       3.stain可以指由于使用疏忽或其他原因使物体染上并非本身所固有的颜色,因此有“变污”的意思。例如:
  •       This carpet stains easily, so try not to spill anything on it.这块地毯很容易弄脏,所以请尽量避免把东西溅到上面。
  •       She has stained the floorboards dark brown.她把地板漆成了深褐色。
  •       His crimes stained the family honor.他的罪行玷污了他家庭的名誉。
  •       4.dye, colour有“脸红”的意思, paint, stain则没有。例如:
  •       Deep blushes dyed her cheeks.她双颊透红。
  •       5.colour也可用作名词。
    •       ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的peinter(peindre的过去分词),意为画。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.paint

          A dragon boat is a traditional Chinese boat with a painted dragon's head on one end.



          中考真题例句OG 2.paint

          This course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals.



          中考真题例句OG 3.paint

          One day, a rich man asked him to paint a portrait for him and promised to pay him 10,000 dollars.



          考研真题例句OG 1.paint

          The majority of which show sitters posing miserably and stiffly in front of painted backdrops.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Why do people paint pictures?(为什么人们要画画?)

          We need some more paint; there isn't any left.(我们还需要一些油漆,已经用光了。)

          The paint was peeling off the wall in places.(墙上有几处油漆剥落了。)

          The walls need freshening up with white paint.(墙壁需要用白漆刷新。)

          Paint was peeling off the walls.(墙上的漆正在剥落。)

          We gave him paint and brushes.(我们给了他颜料和画笔。)

          The house was gleaming with fresh white paint.(房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。)

          We got some paint remover and scrubbed it off.(我们找到了一些油漆清除剂,把它擦掉了。)

          They saw some large letters in white paint.(他们看见了几个用白漆写的大大的字母。)

          Be careful. The paint hasn't dried yet.(小心点。油漆还没有干。)

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          paint是什么意思 paint在线翻译 paint什么意思 paint的意思 paint的翻译 paint的解释 paint的发音 paint的同义词
