


      英 [pæn]

      美 [pæn]



      过去式: panned 过去分词: panned 现在分词: panning 第三人称单数: pans


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  •       平底锅,秤盘,盘子,盆子
  •       脸
  •       一满锅,一满盘
  •       蒸发皿
  •       盆状器皿
  •       【矿】淘盘,选矿锅
  •       药池
  •       铰链孔
  •       【希神】潘(人身羊足、头上有角的山林、畜牧神)
  •       蒌叶,用蒌叶制成的咀嚼物
  •       【摄】摇镜头,摄全景
  •       盆地,洼地


  •       淘,淘洗
  •       严厉地批评,抨击
  •       摇(镜头),拍摄全景
  •       用盘子淘洗(砂金),淘金
  •       结果成为...
  •       用平底锅烧(菜)
  •       出金,产金
  •       使摇摄
  •       上下左右移动


  •       = PeroxyAcetyl Nitrate【化】过氧乙醯硝酸
  •       = Peripheral Area Network【计】周边区域网路
  •       = Permanent Account Number 永久帐号
  •       = Personal Access Number【计】个人访问编号
  •       = Project Authorization Notice 项目授权通告
  •       = Public Access Network【计】公共访问网路
  •       = Publication Approval Number 出版许可号


  •       全景的
  •       泛德的


  •       [C]平底锅,盘子 wide flat container, with a handle or handles, used for cooking food in


      1. shallow container made of metal

      2. cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel

      Synonym: cooking pan


      1. express a totally negative opinion of

      e.g. The critics panned the performance

      Synonym: tear aparttrash

      2. wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals

      Synonym: pan outpan off

      3. make a sweeping movement

      e.g. The camera panned across the room

      1. 平底锅
      A pan is a round metal container with a long handle, which is used for cooking things in, usually on top of a cooker or stove.

      e.g. Heat the butter and oil in a large pan.

      2. 烤盘
      A pan is a shallow metal container used for baking foods.

      in BRIT, use 英国英语用 baking tray

      3. 抨击,严厉批评(影片、书籍等)
      If something such as a film or a book is panned by journalists, they say it is very bad.

      e.g. His first high-budget movie, called 'Brain Donors', was panned by the critics.

      4. 移动拍摄;摇摄
      If you pan a film or television camera or if it pans somewhere, it moves slowly round so that a wide area is filmed.

      e.g. The camera panned along the line of players...
      e.g. He panned over the crowd for a few minutes before swivelling back to the right...

      5. 用淘选盘淘(金)
      If someone pans for gold, they use a shallow metal container to try to find small pieces of gold from a river.

      e.g. People came westward in the 1800s to pan for gold...
      e.g. Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold.

      相关词组:pan out

      1. pan的反义词

      1. 漫游:缩小 漫游(Pan) 漫游 标注(Edeneify),标注鼠标点或附近. 标注 图形(Graphics),激活图形工具条可画几何图形. 图形 框架开发用 VB 建立一地图应用程序的用户接口是一项特殊的要求. 因为 VB 提供的控件最适合 交互式文本和表,

      2. 摇镜头:简单来说,Ken Burn Effect 就是指左右摇镜头(pan)和推近和拉远(zoom).连续镜头的结尾应该是编者希望观众记住的场景、物品、人物,是重点. 但是现在很多视频编辑软件都是

      3. 聚丙烯腈:一、涤纶(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)(PET)生产中所四、腈纶(聚丙烯腈)(PAN)生产中所用油剂配方五、维纶(聚乙烯醇缩甲醛纤维)(PVF)生产中所用

      4. pan:personal area networks; 个人域网

      5. pan:wireless personal area network; 个域网

      6. pan:poly arteritis nodosa; 结节性多动脉炎

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:Okay, Bob. I'M ready for beak-fast. Where's the coffee?

      B:It's in that pan there. Jean broke the Silex last week, so I'm still boiling it.


      A:It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.

      B:That's good. You can always make beaskfast yourself if you don't like it.

      A:What is the rebesides coffee?

      B:I warmed a couple of bread roll, and your eggs are in the frying pan.

      A:Say, what time is it? Is it really only seven-fifteen. My watch says eight-fifteen.

      B:You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.


      A:Gee.I could've slept another hour.


  •       He started tipping beans into a pan.
  •       Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.
  •       He used a pan of water to mix the wheat flour.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Great copper pans on wooden trestles.

    出自:J. Fowles
  •       The strength to..drag him up on the pillows..and stick the pan under him.

    出自:P. V. White
  •       The opening shot of Exodus is a huge 200-degree pan across the landscape.

  •       He was hoping all along that this fight would pan out big.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  •       I shall see how things pan out.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  •       The cameras were panning the crowd.

    出自:F. Pohl
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       pan的基本意思是“平底锅”,指圆形金属容器,通常有长柄、有盖,主要用于做饭菜,是可数名词。pan也可作“盘状器皿”“天平的托盘”解。
  •       pan还可指“一锅之量”。
  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的panne,意为平底锅。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Mr. Pan visits him.(潘先生拜访了他。)

      Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.(泛美航空开创了第一个定期的国际航班。)

      His assistant followed him, carrying a paint pail and a pan.(他的助手跟在他后面,拎着一个油漆桶和一个油锅。)

      "My name is Peter Pan," he told her.(“我叫彼得潘。”他告诉她。)

      I want Peter Pan, who first gave the brute its taste for me.(我要的是彼得·潘,是他让这畜生第一次尝到了我的滋味。)

      Water dropped from the ceiling into the pan on the floor.(水从天花板滴落到地板上的锅里。)

      "Well, then," he cried, "I am Peter Pan."(“那好吧,”他大喊道,“我是彼得潘。”)

      Oh hell, I've burned the pan.(真该死,我把锅烧煳了。)

      She cuts off the moldy pan and eats the rest.(她把发霉的那锅切了下来,把剩下的吃了。)

      No, it is better to fry you in a pan!(不,用平底锅煎比较好!)

      pan是什么意思 pan在线翻译 pan什么意思 pan的意思 pan的翻译 pan的解释 pan的发音 pan的同义词
