


      英 [ˈpɑ:ʃl]

      美 [ˈpɑ:rʃl]


      名词: partialness


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  •       不完全的,部分的,局部的
  •       偏袒的,不公平的,有偏见的
  •       偏爱的,特别喜欢的
  •       【植】后生的,再生的
  •       【数学】偏的


  •       组成物
  •       【音乐】分音(指泛音列诸音)
  •       部分假牙


  •       部分的,不完全的 not complete
  •       偏心的,偏爱的; 偏袒的 showing too much favor to one person or side



      1. a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

      Synonym: overtonepartial tone

      2. the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant

      Synonym: partial derivative


      1. being or affecting only a part
      not total

      e.g. a partial description of the suspect
      partial collapse
      a partial eclipse
      a partial monopoly
      partial immunity

      2. showing favoritism

      1. 部分的;不完全的
      You use partial to refer to something that is not complete or whole.


      e.g. He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics.
      e.g. ...a partial ban on the use of cars in the city.

      2. 喜欢的;偏爱的
      If you are partial to something, you like it.

      e.g. He's partial to sporty women with blue eyes...
      e.g. Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink...

      He has a great partiality for chocolate biscuits.

      3. 偏袒的;偏心的
      Someone who is partial supports a particular person or thing, for example in a competition or dispute, instead of being completely fair.


      e.g. I might be accused of being partial...
      e.g. A newspaper criticized the president's proposal, saying that it was partial to Israel.

      She is criticized by some others for her one-sidedness and partiality.

      1. partial

      1. 局部:inline)与代码隐藏(code-behind)的编译模式是不同的:代码嵌入仅进行一次编译,声明性代码与C#/VB.NET代码都一起编译到一个类里面;代码隐藏则将声明性代码与C#/VB.NET代码分开几次进行翻译/编译,这些代码之间是局部与局部(partial)的关系或是基类与派

      2. partial

      2. 有偏向的:一个有责任感的新闻工作者在对他看来是符合实际情况的事实进行分析时,是'有偏向的'(Partial),他只要不是为了说明自己的观点而歪曲事实,只要不隐瞒说明一个不同观点的事实真相,他就是公正的.

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      International Trade-Shipping-(国际贸易-运输)

      A:Hello, I’m calling from San Francisco for Kevin Lee.

      B:This is Kevin Lee speaking.


      A:Hi. This is Helen Parker calling.

      B:Good morning, Helen. What can I do for you?
      早安, 海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

      A:I'm calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?

      B:We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.

      A:How much of it do you want shipped by air?

      B:We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.

      A:OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?


      B:Actually, we've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. I'll fax you their contact information.

      A:All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.

      B:That would be great.


      A:I'm not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.


      B:No hurry. We're not in a big rush for the second half of the order.

      A:All right. I'll let you know the shipping details later and I'll send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.
      好的。我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL 快递给你。

      B:Very good. We'll be expecting to hear from you. And thanks for calling.


    偏爱的,癖好的having a strong liking for

      1. be partial to : 对...偏袒的, 对...过分错爱的;


  •       The play was a partial success.
  •       I could give it only partial support.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       The duty of criticism is neither to depreciate nor dignify by partial representations.

    出自:S. Johnson
  •       He proceeded to reply with a feeble and partial argument.

    出自:G. M. Trevelyan
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      The objective is to observe the effects of partial excision of muscoli puborectalis.(目的是观察耻骨粘膜部分切除的效果。)

      The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.(周日,在智利的瓦尔帕莱索,日偏食阶段的太阳被月亮咬去了一块。)

      This is only a partial solution.(这只是一个片面的解决方案。)

      Environmentalists have declared partial victory: though Coca-Cola's plan to decorate the town with banners has been scaled back, there are still too many billboards for strict green tastes.(环保人士已经宣布取得了部分胜利:尽管可口可乐公司用横幅装饰小镇的计划已经被缩减,但仍有很多的广告牌面临着严格的环保问题。)

      The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed.(该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。)

      He has carried out a partial cabinet reshuffle.(他对内阁进行了一次部分改组。)

      And through applying newest system the partial informations and the structure of this new tapy DNAase are further appraised.(通过应用最新的系统,对此酶的部分信息结构进行了鉴定。)

      A commander mustn't get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage.(一个指挥员不要因为局部利益操之过急。)

      They can push down the thirteenth partial and bring up the fifteenth and thereby change the sound of a clarinet into a French horn.(他们可以压低第十三分音,或者提高第十五分音,从而将单簧管的声音变成圆号的。)

      I did find partial solutions.(但我确实找到了部分解决方案。)

      partial是什么意思 partial在线翻译 partial什么意思 partial的意思 partial的翻译 partial的解释 partial的发音 partial的同义词
