


      英 [pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpeɪt]

      美 [pɑ:rˈtɪsɪpeɪt]



      形容词: participative 名词: participation 过去式: participated 过去分词: participated 现在分词: participating 第三人称单数: participates


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       参加
  •       参与
  •       分享
  •       分担
  •       含有
  •       带有
  •       有关系
  •       共享
  •       有几分
  •       加入
  •       插手


  •       vi. & vt. 参加,参与 take part in or become involved


      1. become a participant
      be involved in

      e.g. enter a race
      enter an agreement
      enter a drug treatment program
      enter negotiations

      Synonym: enter

      2. share in something

      Synonym: take part

      1. 参与;参加
      If you participate in an activity, you take part in it.


      e.g. They expected him to participate in the ceremony...
      e.g. Over half the population of this country participate in sport.

      ...participation in religious activities.

      1. 参加:威尼斯狂欢节现在是欧洲最盛大、最受欢迎的节日之一,是令人激动的时刻,在大斋节前夕,各种聚会,舞会,有趣的面具,华丽的服装占据了10天的时间. 威尼斯人和各种年龄的旅游者在参加(participate)这个喜庆活动时,都喜欢把自己用艺术品装扮(adorn)起来.

      2. 掺和:人家O'Reilly都说了,web 2.0重在掺和(participate)么,blog首当其冲,让每个人都能把新技术应用到自己的生活中去. 和blog血脉相连的就是socia networking service了. 其实,blog自己的blogroll就可以看作是一种SNS的雏形了. 当然,

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    分担; 参加 share; take part in
    participate in sth

          They participate in the profits.


          Many more firms are participating in the growth of demand on the world markets.


          I like the whole school to participate in the sports.


          Many units participated in the cooperation to design and build this huge vessel.


          Many countries participated in the war.


          How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?


          They invited the world to participate in an international fair.


          No professionals may participate in the amateur tennis tournament.



  •       Did he participate?
  •       Several experts will participate as technical advisers.
  •       Yesterday there was a sports meet in our school with hundreds of students participating.
  •       The editorial participates of the tone of official statement.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       She found him the only person who could thoroughly participate her feeling.

    出自:C. M. Yonge
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       participate的基本意思是“参加,参与”,一般指去参加较正式的活动和庄重的场合,参与或享有某事物的一部分,如一项事业、一次经历等。在现代英语中一般多用作不及物动词。也可用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       participate也可常与介词in或with连用,这两种用法均属较正式的英语。


participate, attend, join, take part in
  •       这组词(组)都可作“参加”解。其区别是:
  •       join指参加某团体或组织成为其中一员或参加活动,是非正式用语。attend主要指“到场”或“出席”会议、宴会、典礼、仪式等。例如:
  •       He never attended a funeral.他从不参加丧礼。
  •       participate是不及物动词,后接in,指参与活动并积极从事工作,是正式用语。例如:
  •       I'll try to follow your advice about participating in students' activities.我尽量遵照你的劝告,参加学生的活动。
  •       take part in指参加一项工作,在其中分担一部分,也指参加活动并积极工作。例如:
  •       I'm not going to take part in arguments.我不打算参加辩论。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction, by cleaning the streets and repairing schools.(通过清理街道和修复学校,鼓励伊拉克年轻人参与国家重建。)

          You participate in the creative process.(你参与这个创造过程。)

          We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.(我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的运作。)

          University students from all around the country brought their android friends to participate in the competition.(来自全国各地的大学生们带着他们的机器人朋友来参加本次比赛。)

          They expected him to participate in the ceremony.(他们希望他参加这个典礼。)

          This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.(今年秋季,6000名居民将参与这项计划的第一阶段。)

          The main difference is that you participate in a lesson whereas you just listen to a lecture.(主要的区别是你参加了一门课程,而你只是听了一节课。)

          And today more than 200,000 people show up each year to watch and participate.(如今,每年有超过20万人前来观看和参与。)

          Over half the population of this country participate in sports.(这个国家一半以上的人参加体育运动。)

          She didn't participate in the discussion.(她没有参加讨论。)

          participate是什么意思 participate在线翻译 participate什么意思 participate的意思 participate的翻译 participate的解释 participate的发音 participate的同义词
