


      英 [prəˈməʊt]

      美 [prəˈmoʊt]


      形容词: promotable 名词: promotability 过去式: promoted 过去分词: promoted 现在分词: promoting 第三人称单数: promotes


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  •       vt. 提升 give sb a higher position or rank
  •       vt. 促进; 提倡 help the progress of
  •       vt. 筹划 help to organize and start


      1. make publicity for
      try to sell (a product)

      e.g. The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model
      The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops

      Synonym: advertiseadvertizepush

      2. change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent

      3. be changed for a superior chess or checker piece

      4. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

      e.g. John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired
      Women tend not to advance in the major law firms
      I got promoted after many years of hard work

      Synonym: upgradeadvancekick upstairsraiseelevate

      5. contribute to the progress or growth of

      e.g. I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom

      Synonym: advanceboostfurtherencourage

      1. 促进;增进;提倡
      If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread.

      e.g. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth...
      e.g. In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.

      The government has pledged to give the promotion of democracy higher priority.
      ...disease prevention and health promotion.

      2. 促销;推广;推销
      If a firm promotes a product, it tries to increase the sales or popularity of that product.


      e.g. Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album.
      e.g. ...a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination.

      3. 晋升;提升;擢升
      If someone is promoted, they are given a more important job or rank in the organization that they work for.

      e.g. I was promoted to editor and then editorial director...
      e.g. In fact, those people have been promoted.

      4. 使(联赛队伍)升级
      If a team that competes in a league is promoted, it starts competing in a higher division in the next season because it was one of the most successful teams in the lower division.


      e.g. Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division.

      Fans of Leeds United have been celebrating their team's promotion to the first division.

      1. 提倡:我记得以前还在经建会服务的时候,我们在提倡(promote)区域金融中心-Regional Financial Center,我们有时候常常在问,你要有什麼样的条件(prerequisite)去变成一个区域金融中心(Regional Financial Center).

      2. 提升:尽管当Domain中的PDC发生问题时,可以将一台BDC提升(Promote)为PDC,但DC(域控制器,包括PDC和BDC)和Member Server之间却不能相互转换,也就是说当安装了一个Server之后,如果想改变它的功能,重新确定它的角色,从DC变为Member Server,

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    提升为…; (使)升入… raise sb to a higher rank or position
    promote sb to sb/sth

          The boss promoted him to a higher rank for his successful work.


          He will soon be promoted to the position of director.


          I'm happy to inform you that you have been promoted to captain.


          Several instructors were promoted to assistant professor this year.


          Pupils who pass this test will be promoted to the next higher grade.



  •       They wanted to promote the soldier.
  •       Swimming promotes health.
  •       The new policy promoted the development of agriculture.
  •       The organization works to promote friendship between nations.
  •       You oughtn't to be promoting the boy smoking.
  •       They wanted to promote a new business company.
  •       Who is promoting this boxing match?
  •       He was in town to promote his new book.
  •       The company is promoting its new products on television.
  • 1
  •       He certainly ought to be promoted.
  •       This method should be widely promoted.
  •       Colour TV has been more aggressively promoted as more manufacturers have joined the competition.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Bristol City,..promoted a year ago, return to a lower division.

  •       She had been promoted to shop manager.sssss A. Massie

    出自:M. Mahy
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  •       promote作“提升为…”“使升入…”解时多指按常规次序递进。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。
  •       promote作“促进”“提倡”“鼓励”解时,指强调外界的有利因素促使事物朝着预期的目标发展,可用于事物发展的各个阶段。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接疑问词引导的从句作宾语。
  •       promote还可作“筹建”解,用作及物动词,一般指筹划比赛,开办公司等之类的活动。


promote, advance, further
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“促进”,都用作及物动词。它们之间的区别是:
  •       1.advance强调的是效果; promote强调的是外界的有利条件。例如:
  •       Selfless patriots advanced the cause of liberation.无私的爱国者促进了解放事业的发展。
  •       A good example serves to promote good manners in the young.好榜样可促使青年人讲礼貌。
  •       2.advance的动机一般是好的; 而promote有时指带有特殊动机的援助。例如:
  •       He promoted his own welfare at the expense of others.他不惜以他人利益为代价换取自己的利益。
  •       3.promote一般指发展积极因素; advance主要指发展积极因素,偶尔可指消极的副作用; further则不带任何色彩,既可指发展积极因素,也可指追求消极目的。例如:
  •       We'll do all we can to further your plans.我们将竭尽全力推进你的计划。
  •       Crisis conditions furthered the spreading of rumours.危机更加剧了这种谣言的传播。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的promotus:pro (向前) + motus (移动),意为向前移动。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.promote

          Tech is designed to really suck you in, and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement.



          考研真题例句OG 2.promote

          The parliament also agreed to ban websites that "incite excessive thinness" by promoting extreme dieting.



          考研真题例句OG 3.promote

          In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.



          考研真题例句OG 1.promote

          Teachers' unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.



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          An international movement was launched to promote its use.(一场国际运动的推行使得它的应用得以推广。)

          How do enterprises promote their products?(企业如何推广自己的产品?)

          They want to promote guilt free fur.(他们想推广无愧于心的皮草。)

          That's why I have to be out here in Hollywood and promote my own music.(那就是为什么我必须在好莱坞推广我自己的音乐。)

          Here you're trying to promote this great music genre.(你正试图在这里推广这种伟大的音乐流派。)

          We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.(我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势来推销我们的新型牙膏。)

          The aim of the current round of talks is to promote free trade and to avert the threat of increasing protectionism.(本轮会谈的目的是促进自由贸易,消除日益加剧的贸易保护主义的威胁。)

          Those who say that the bill does not promote filial responsibility, of course, are right.(当然,那些认为该法案没有促进子女遵守孝道的人是对的。)

          She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser."(她拒绝提升科林,只让他做低级别的“法律顾问”。)

          The rest of us have to promote ourselves.(剩下的人必须提升自己。)

          promote是什么意思 promote在线翻译 promote什么意思 promote的意思 promote的翻译 promote的解释 promote的发音 promote的同义词
