


      英 [wi:d]

      美 [wid]




      过去式: weeded 过去分词: weeded 现在分词: weeding 第三人称单数: weeds


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  •       杂草,野草,水草
  •       废物
  •       香烟,烟草,烟叶,雪茄烟
  •       瘦长孱弱的人,软弱无用的人,没出息的人
  •       丧服,寡妇的丧服
  •       衣服
  •       大麻烟
  •       (悼念用的)黑纱
  •       没用的东西,不值钱的东西


  •       除掉(杂草),拔草,除去…的杂草
  •       清除废物
  •       清除,除去,淘汰
  •       清理,扫清
  •       (为逃避检查而)挑出(文件)
  •       删减人数
  •       (鳟鱼遭捕时)藏入海草
  •       使藏入海草


  •       [C] 杂草 an unwanted wild plant, especially one which prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly


  •       vt. & vi. 除杂草 take weeds out of
  •       vi. 挑出; 除去 take away what is useless


      1. street names for marijuana

      Synonym: potgrassgreen goddessdopegagesesssenssmokeskunklocoweedMary Jane

      2. a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning

      Synonym: mourning band

      3. any plant that crowds out cultivated plants


      1. clear of weeds

      e.g. weed the garden

      1. 杂草;野草
      A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants that you want from growing properly.

      e.g. ...a garden overgrown with weeds.

      2. 水草;水生植物
      Weed is a plant that grows in water and usually forms a thick floating mass. There are many different kinds of weed.

      e.g. Large, clogging banks of weed are the only problem.

      3. 给…除杂草
      If you weed an area, you remove the weeds from it.

      e.g. Caspar was weeding the garden...
      e.g. Try not to walk on the flower beds when weeding or hoeing.

      She taught me to do the weeding.

      4. 烟草;大麻
      People sometimes refer to tobacco or marijuana as weed .

      e.g. Two and a half years ago I gave up the evil weed.

      相关词组:weed out

      1. 野草:因此,马路两侧的草地上,野草(WEED)丛生. 随便开车到哪里去,但见远远望去,本来应该是绿油油的大片大片的绿地,现在,却闪耀着黄澄澄的光芒. 原来,那是大量的野草,如蒲公英等肆无忌惮地到处生长,乏人管理的结果.

      2. 草:英语高手必备:记单词就要这样不择手段 象形词义串联记忆法将象形单词的意义串联成一句汉语或者汉语顺口溜同-eed:喂(feed)养(breed)行为(deed)确实(indeed)需要(need)芦苇(reed)种子(seed)杂草(weed).

      3. 杂草;野草:▲wedding 婚礼,结婚 | weed 杂草,野草 | week 星期,周

  •       常用短语

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    除去,从某一整体中剔除 remove (unwanted plants or parts or people) from a crop or whole or group
    weed sb/sth ⇔ out

          We'll weed out all the unsuitable candidates and then interview the rest.


          Read over your composition and weed out every sentence that is not about the subject.


          The troublemakers must be weeded out and sent elsewhere.


          The worthless books should be weeded out from your library.



  •       My garden is running to weeds.


  •       The old man is weeding in the garden.
  •       Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Grass is a weed in a flower bed but not in a lawn.

    出自:R. Quirk
  •       Kill off all perennial weeds, such as..nettles.

    出自:Garden Answers
  •       An aged mendicant in tatter'd weeds.

  •       He had seen Macindoe in the border weeding.

    出自:Julia Hamilton
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       weed指将杂草从田地或院子里清除出去,即“除杂草”。引申可指“挑出,除去”。
  •       weed可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。


weed, grass, herb
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“草”。其区别是:
  •       grass指有益的草,如可供马、牛、羊等牲畜吃的牧草或人们铺设草坪用的草; weed指妨碍其他植物良好生长的杂草。例如:
  •       She spent the whole afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds.她花了整整一个下午拔去花坛中的杂草。
  •       herb则指做药或香料的草。例如:
  •       No herb will cure love.相思病无药可治。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的weod,意为杂草。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I grew like a wild weed and grasped all the opportunities they had to offer.(我像野草一样成长,抓住了他们提供的一切机会。)

          According to Mrs Kaiser Jamil of RRL, "The Argentinian weevil does not attack any other plant and a pair of adult bugs could destroy the weed in 4-5 days."(据RRL的KaiserJamil女士所说:“这种阿根廷象鼻虫不会攻击任何其它的植物,并且一对成年的象鼻虫可以在4到5天内清除掉那些杂草。”)

          In order to eliminate the weed, biologists proposed treating infested parts of the lake with a certain herbicide that is nontoxic for humans and aquatic animals.(为了消除这种杂草,生物学家建议用某种对人类和水生动物无毒的除草剂来处理受感染的部分湖泊。)

          For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades, each a roof of poles and arrow weed supported by posts set in a rectangle.(为了躲避夏季的阳光,莫哈韦人住在遮荫的开放式平顶住宅里,每个遮阳棚都由一根杆子和一个箭头杂草组成,并由一个矩形的柱子支撑。)

          Of course, biological control agents can safely be released only if it can be verified that they feed solely on the target weed.(当然,只有能够证明它们仅以目标杂草为食,生物控制剂才能安全释放。)

          I volunteered to weed the hospital garden.(我自愿给医院的花园除草。)

          The most weed species were Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Scrophulariaceae, Alismataceae and Lythraceae.(杂草种类较多的科依次为禾本科、莎草科、菊科、玄参科、泽泻科、千屈菜科等。)

          My favourite, by far, is the pretty wild cornfield weed, and Viola tricolor.(到目前为止,我最喜欢的,是玉米地里诱人的野草和三色堇。)

          Shortly before this flatness we saw sargasso weed floating by.(就在大海平静下来前不久,我们看见有尾藻类海草在海面上漂过。)

          Ben Weatherstaff rooted up a weed and threw it aside before he answered.(本·威瑟斯塔夫拔了一根杂草,扔到一边,然后才回答。)

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