


      英 [ˈwɒfl]

      美 [ˈwɑ:fl]




      形容词: waffly 副词: wafflingly 名词: waffler 过去式: waffled 过去分词: waffled 现在分词: waffling 第三人称单数: waffles


  •       英英释义

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      1. pancake batter baked in a waffle iron


      1. pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

      e.g. Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures

      Synonym: hesitatewaver

      1. 胡扯;胡说;废话连篇
      If you say that someone waffles, you are critical of them because they talk or write a lot without actually making any clear or important points.


      e.g. My wife often tells me I waffle...
      e.g. There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.

      2. 犹豫不决;含糊其词
      If someone waffles on an issue or question, they cannot decide what to do or what their opinion is about it.

      e.g. He's waffled on abortion and gay rights...
      e.g. He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.

      Still, the administration, after some waffling, has now said that it will not stand in the way of Congress.

      3. 华夫饼
      A waffle is a kind of square cake made of batter with squares marked on it. Waffles are usually eaten with syrup poured over them.

      1. 格子鬆餅:蛋糕类(Cake) 巧克力口味 比斯考提(Biscotti) 松糕类(Muffin)甜甜圈(Doughnut) 派类(Pie) 格子松饼(Waffle) 英式酥饼(Scone)卷类(Roll) 塔类(Tart) 贝果(Bagel) 其他享受完美味的餐点后,记得用餐巾纸(Napkin)擦擦嘴,才不会失礼.


      2. 华夫饼干:不过,新早餐文化还是继承传统的部分多一些,比如传统的煎蛋、薄烤饼(Pancake)、华夫饼干(Waffle)、蛋饼(Omelette),加热咖啡,仍然是人们早餐的主打. 近年来人们开始不断加入新的健康元素,比如全麦片粥,配新鲜水果,新鲜蔬菜.

      3. 华夫饼:像丹尼尔的农场,有枫糖制作的历史发展介绍、实物展览,进门参观一人五元,仅门票收入就很可观,还有小卖部直接出售枫糖产品,更有一个餐馆供应用枫糖做调味品的系列产品,如煎饼(PanCake)、蛋糕(Cake)、小甜饼(Cookie)、华夫饼(Waffle)、馅饼(Pie)等

      4. 松饼:还有还有,我也有吃到非常好吃的格子松饼(waffle)、以色列风味的冰淇淋(这边也有个有趣的插曲,我一个人跑到冰淇淋专卖店,里面琳琅满目有著至少二、三十种口味的冰淇淋,请店员推荐比较好吃的.

  •       经典引文

  •       The statement..is unusually blunt in comparison to the normal preference of..Ministers for waffle and equivocation.

  •       The denomination has waffled on such theological issues as the uniqueness of Christ.

    出自:Christianity Today
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Phoebe: Why would you leave your Belgian waffle in the hall?(你为什么把威化饼放在走廊?。)

      Spread 2 tbsp. of the yogurt on the waffle.(两汤匙酸奶酪放在威化饼上。)

      The report is just full of waffle.(这份报告只是一大堆废话。)

      Even agnostics, who claim to have no opinion on God, may be persuaded that their position is an untenable waffle.(即便是对上帝之存在不置可否的不可知论者,也可能会被说服,认为他们所持的观点是站不住脚的胡言乱语。)

      Keeping things short and sweet not only shows people that you are concise and don't waffle, but that you also know what you want.(亲切简洁的语言不仅彰显了你简明的个性,不会被误认为是在胡扯,还让对方知道你是一个知道自己想要什么的人。)

      NICE & TOASTY: Stay warm on cold winter nights with waffle knit pajamas in thick, thermal textiles.(好、烘烤:在寒冷的冬天的晚上保持温暖和华夫格织睡衣在厚、保温纺织品。)

      The senator was hospitalized for the next six months, suspended immobile in a frame that resembled a waffle iron.(接下来的半年,参议员都在医院中度过,他被悬挂固定在一个类似对开式铁板的框架上。)

      As near as I can tell that fabric was a sort of waffle-weave.(照我说,那是一种方格纹织物。)

      My wife often tells me I waffle.(我妻子经常说我胡说八道。)

      How about a waffle, Miss? We make delicious waffles.(小姐,来点鸡蛋饼好吗?我们做得十分美味可口。)

      waffle是什么意思 waffle在线翻译 waffle什么意思 waffle的意思 waffle的翻译 waffle的解释 waffle的发音 waffle的同义词
