

      英 [ˈwɒndəlʌst]

      美 [ˈwɑ:ndərlʌst]



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      1. very strong or irresistible impulse to travel

      Synonym: itchy feet

      1. 漫游癖;旅行癖
      Someone who has wanderlust has a strong desire to travel.

      e.g. His wanderlust would not allow him to stay long in one spot.


      1. 漫游癖:保罗路德安妮斯顿 腾讯娱乐讯 北京时间5月13日,据美国媒体消息,好莱坞女星安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)已确定将和老搭档保罗路德(Paul Rudd)出演新喜剧片<>(WanderLust).

      2. 旅行癖:除<>这一项目外,安妮斯顿也确定了将出演由贾德-阿帕图(Judd Apatow)制作的喜剧<>(WanderLust),并与保罗-路德(Paul Rudd)搭档. 除演出外,路德在本片中还身兼编剧和制作等职位.

      3. 流浪癖:据英国<>报道,权威旅游杂志<>(Wanderlust)邀请多名专家选出历史上十名最伟大游历者,排名榜首的是发现澳洲和新西兰的库克船长,西行天竺取经的唐朝三藏法师玄奘则高居第二位.

      4. wanderlust

      4. 旅行热潮:wanderingly 徘徊地 | wanderlust 旅行热潮 | wanderoo 大黑猿

  •       经典引文

  •       But, pilgrim by name, pilgrim by nature, came the day the wanderlust seized him by the throat again.

    出自:A. Carter
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      They nurtured my coming with wanderlust.(它们养育了我流浪的癖好。)

      We're driven by wanderlust, multiculturalism and the daily pulse of people all over the world.(漫游世界的经历、多元的文化和全球人民每日的脉动都启发了我们。)

      Now they roam the Earth, following an insatiable wanderlust.(现在他们漫游地球,跟随一个永不知足的旅行热潮。)

      She undertook this globetrotting adventure for two reasons: to feed her wanderlust and to ponder her own final resting place.(她开始自己的环球冒险基于两个原因:满足她的旅行癖及寻找自己最终停息之所。)

      His parents thought he had wanderlust and needed to learn to settle down.(他的父母认为他有旅行癖,他必须学会安定下来。)

      His wanderlust would not allow him to stay long in one spot.(他酷爱旅游,无法在一个地方久留。)

      Certainly, the nose-to-tail traffic leaving Los Angeles at the beginning of the holiday weekend testified to the perennial Whitsun wanderlust.(必然,在假期周末的开端,从头堵到尾的交通在洛杉矶消失了,这证实了一年一度的神灵降临节旅游热。)

      Most of all there is beauty: if the snow-capped peaks, awesome desert caves and lush green fields of California and Oregon do not give you wanderlust, nothing will.(最主要的是场景很美:如果那些白雪皑皑的山峰,令人惊艳的沙漠冬雪,加利福尼亚和俄勒冈绿意盎然的田野都无法让你向往旅行,那没有美景能打动你了。)

      This phenomenon, sometimes called wanderlust, may explain why people spend so much time and money on trips to interesting places.(这种现象,有时叫做旅游癖,可以用来解释为什么人们会把那么多时间和金钱花在有趣的旅游场所。)

      The future of the human race is assured, if threatened by male wanderlust and female clinging, violent intergenerational conflict and a series of natural catastrophes of biblical proportions.(人类的未来安全了,尽管可能受到种种威胁,包括雄性流浪癖、雌性粘人病、两代冲突和一系列天崩地裂的自然灾害。)