

      英 [ˈwɔ:mʌŋgə(r)]

      美 [ˈwɔ:rmʌŋgə(r)]


      形容词: warmongering


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      1. a person who advocates war or warlike policies

      Synonym: militarist

      1. 战争贩子(试图挑起战争的政客)
      If you describe a politician or leader as a warmonger, you disapprove of them because you think they are encouraging people to start or join a war.

      1. 好战分子 挑起XXX次战争:traveler 旅行者 联系XXX个帝国 | warmonger 好战分子 挑起XXX次战争 | wonderland-wanderer 仙境漫游者 发现XXX个故事书星球

      2. 战争贩子:discipline 军风纪 | accredited correspondment 随军记者 | warmonger 战争贩子

      3. 好战者,战争贩子:547. warden: 看守人,管理员. | 548. warmonger: 好战者,战争贩子. | 549. wastrel: 挥霍无度的人.

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      The last city conquered from a player now provides a heavy warmonger penalty, even if you have a Casus Belli against this player, because you are wiping out a civilization.(征服某文明的最后一个城市现在会导致大量好战度,就算你有战争借口,因为你正在抹去一个文明的存在。)

      The Ottomans, Arabians, and English all decided that I was a warmonger that must be stopped after China fell.(中国败亡之后,奥斯曼、阿拉伯和英国都觉得必须要阻止我这个战狂。)

      Voters rejected Labour's tactic of labeling Mr Churchill as a warmonger and instead embraced the conservatives election promise that they would now create a "strong and free" Britain.(投票者拒绝劳动党指认丘吉尔是好战者的策略,相反他们拥护保守党当选,选举承诺他们现在将建立一个“强大而自由”的英国。)

      It has been said, in effect, that I was a warmonger.(结果我被说成了是个好战分子。)

      Reduced Warmonger penalties in most instances, and adjusted how this reacts to returning versus keeping a city.(减少大部分情况下的好战度惩罚,并调整归还城市和保留城市对好战度的影响。)

      Yet he is no warmonger.(然而他不是好战者。)

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