


      英 [ˈwɒrənt]

      美 [ˈwɔ:rənt]



      形容词: warrantable 副词: warrantably 名词: warrantability 过去式: warranted 过去分词: warranted 现在分词: warranting 第三人称单数: warrants


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       根据;理由,正当理由
  •       保证;证明
  •       栈单
  •       凭单
  •       批准,授权
  •       许可证,证书,凭证,证明文件
  •       【律】授权令
  •       委任书,委托书,委任状
  •       诺言
  •       权力


  •       担保
  •       批准,授权给
  •       证明...正当,证明...具有充分根据,使有理由,使正当
  •       保用(...年)
  •       向…保证,保证(货物)的质量
  •       断言,敢说,断定
  •       保证,向...保证
  •       成为...的根据
  •       辩解
  •       使有必要


  •       vt. 保证; 确定 guarantee; assure
  •       vt. 使有正当理由 cause to appear right or reasonable


      1. a writ from a court commanding police to perform specified acts

      2. a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications

      Synonym: guaranteewarranteewarranty

      3. formal and explicit approval

      e.g. a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement

      Synonym: sanctioncountenanceendorsementindorsementimprimatur

      4. a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price

      e.g. as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities

      Synonym: stock warrantstock-purchase warrant


      1. stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of

      e.g. The dealer warrants all the cars he sells
      I warrant this information

      Synonym: guarantee

      2. show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for

      e.g. The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns
      The end justifies the means

      Synonym: justify

      1. 使显得必要(或正当)
      If something warrants a particular action, it makes the action seem necessary or appropriate for the circumstances.

      e.g. The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation...
      e.g. No matter was too small to warrant his attention.

      Do you think this fear is warranted?

      2. 搜查令;拘捕令;令状
      A warrant is a legal document that allows someone to do something, especially one that is signed by a judge or magistrate and gives the police permission to arrest someone or search their house.

      e.g. Police confirmed that they had issued a warrant for his arrest.
      e.g. ...a search warrant...

      3. 正当理由
      If you say that there is no warrant for something, you mean that there is no good reason to justify it.

      e.g. There is some warrant for holding back on full-scale aid.

      4. 保证;担保
      If you warrant that something is true or will happen, you say officially that it is true, or guarantee that it will happen.

      e.g. All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work...
      e.g. The contract warrants that an experienced person is on board all the time.

      5. see also: death warrant

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The law warrants his arrest.
  •       This tiny crowd doesn't warrant such a large police presence.
  •       His wealth doesn't warrant his rude behaviour.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       That Assembly, which is without warrant from the Civil Soveraign, is unlawful.

  •       I warrant, man, that we shall bring you round.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       warrant的基本意思是断言某事物是确定无疑的,有时可指个人在非常有把握的情况下作出某种承诺〔保证〕,引申可表示“有理由”。
  •       warrant是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语由that从句充当。warrant还可接(to be+) n./adj. 充当补足语的复合宾语。


warrant, justify
  •       这组词都可以表示“为…提供情况或根据”。其区别是:
  •       justify指如果不加辩护就要受到非难,强调为其行为提供根据或理由; warrant指提供先例、经验或合乎逻辑的理由、根据来证明某事是有道理的。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          I warrant they call it a different name i' France an' a different one i' Germany.(我保证它们在法国和德国会有不一样的名字。)

          They issued a warrant for her arrest.(当局发出了逮捕她的令状。)

          By accusing the king of murder, he signed his own death warrant.(因被指控谋杀国王,他签署了死刑执行令。)

          Police confirmed that they had issued a warrant for his arrest.(警方证实他们已对他签发了拘捕令。)

          They had a warrant to search the house.(他们有搜查这座房子的搜查令。)

          These facts do not warrant a conclusion that has been drawn by some commentators: that in the countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious.(这些事实并不能证明一些评论员所得出的结论:在鞭击受伤报告比率较高的国家,半数的报告案例是假的。)

          Officers armed with a search warrant entered the apartment.(持有搜查证的警官们进入了那间公寓。)

          There are certain situations that do warrant extra protein.(在某些情况下确实会需要额外的蛋白质。)

          Security forces are allowed to use what's called "necessary force" to maintain order and can search people and premises without a warrant.(安保部队被允许使用所谓的“必要武力”来维持秩序,他们可以在没有搜查令的情况下搜查人员和房屋。)

          The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant.(法院裁定,警察在没有搜查令的情况下搜查被捕者的钱包或皮夹并不违反《第四修正案》。)

          warrant是什么意思 warrant在线翻译 warrant什么意思 warrant的意思 warrant的翻译 warrant的解释 warrant的发音 warrant的同义词
