


      英 [ˈweəri]

      美 [ˈweri]


      副词: warily 比较级: warier 最高级: wariest 名词: wariness


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  •       小心翼翼的
  •       十分谨慎的
  •       留神的
  •       警惕的
  •       谨防的
  •       惟恐的
  •       审慎的
  •       提防的
  •       细心的
  •       当心的
  •       留心的
  •       慎重的
  •       考虑周到的
  •       机警的


  •       谨慎的;小心翼翼的 careful;looking out for danger


      1. marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

      e.g. they were wary in their movements
      a wary glance at the black clouds
      taught to be wary of strangers

      2. openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

      Synonym: leerymistrustfulsuspiciousuntrusting

      1. 小心的;提防的
      If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems.

      e.g. People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers...
      e.g. They were very wary about giving him a contract.

      She studied me warily, as if I might turn violent.

      2. 小心观察;警惕察看
      If you keep a wary eye on something or someone, you are cautious about them and watch them to see what they will do or what will happen to them.

      e.g. Bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome.

      1. 小心谨慎的, 机警的:- incomplete 不完正的 | - wary 小心谨慎的, 机警的 | - approval 赞成


      2. 谨慎的,机警的:10. local 地方(市,镇,县)政务委员会 | 11. wary 谨慎的,机警的 | 12. backfire 产生出乎意料或事与愿违的结果

      3. wary在线翻译

      3. 机警的:warworn 疲于战争 | wary 机警的 | was 是

      4. wary在线翻译

      4. 小心谨慎的:Domestic:国内的 | Wary:小心谨慎的 | Extrapolate:推断;推知;外推

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      1. be wary of : 提防;


  •       He is wary of strangers.
  •       He was a wary man, accustomed to disappointment.

    出自:G. Vidal
  •       He..was wary of enmeshing himself in another relationship.

    出自:Ina Taylor
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      Among the bending hickory and walnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water.(在弯弯曲曲的山核桃和核桃树之间,她的脚在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防着小龙虾。)

      Do we need to be so wary both to hitch and to give a lift?(对于搭便车和让别人搭车的情况,我们都需要如此小心吗?)

      We should be wary of such influences.(我们应该警惕这类影响。)

      They must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of—or unfamiliar with—open science.(他们必须确定那些对开放科学持谨慎态度或不熟悉的人提出的工作机会或合作建议的风险。)

      The other thing is that a lot of these supplements aren't necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them.(另一件事是,这些补品很多并不像他们声称的那样,当你服用它们中的任何一些时,你确实必须小心谨慎。)

      Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.(很多公司对他们的社会主义倾向很谨慎。)

      The theory sounds eccentric but once he starts to explain the detective work that went into his deduction, the scepticism gives way to wary admiration.(这个理论听起来怪怪的,但一旦他开始解释符合他的推理的侦探工作,怀疑就变成了对他谨慎的赞赏。)

      Some consumers are wary.(一些消费者持谨慎态度。)

      Investors could now be more wary, however.(然而,投资者现在有理由更谨慎些。)

      People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.(人们以前没教过自己的孩子们要提防陌生人。)

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