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      美 [ti]




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  •       茶,茶叶,茶树
  •       茶会
  •       (午后)茶点,小吃,下午茶
  •       茶水
  •       各式青草茶或药茶
  •       大麻(叶),大麻香烟
  •       茶汤
  •       一杯茶


  •       吃(午后)茶点
  •       用茶招待
  •       喝茶
  •       给…沏茶


  •       [U]茶叶 evergreen shrub grown in China,India, etc.
  •       [U][C]茶点 occasion when tea is drunk


      1. a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes

      e.g. an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea

      Synonym: afternoon teateatime

      2. dried leaves of the tea shrub
      used to make tea

      e.g. the store shelves held many different kinds of tea
      they threw the tea into Boston harbor

      Synonym: tea leaf

      3. a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water

      e.g. iced tea is a cooling drink

      4. a reception or party at which tea is served

      e.g. we met at the Dean's tea for newcomers

      5. a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree extensively cultivated in e.g. China and Japan and India
      source of tea leaves

      e.g. tea has fragrant white flowers

      Synonym: Camellia sinensis

      1. 茶;茶水
      Tea is a drink made by adding hot water to tea leaves or tea bags. Many people add milk to the drink and some add sugar.

      e.g. ...a cup of tea...
      e.g. Would you like some tea?...

      2. (用某些植物的叶子或花泡的)茶
      Drinks such as mint tea or chamomile tea are made by pouring hot water on the dried leaves of the particular plant or flower.

      3. 茶叶
      The chopped dried leaves of the plant that tea is made from is referred to as tea .


      e.g. ...a packet of tea...
      e.g. America imports about 190 million pounds of tea a year...
      美国每年进口大约 1.9 亿磅茶叶。

      4. 下午茶;午后茶点
      Tea is a meal some people eat in the late afternoon. It consists of food such as sandwiches and cakes, with tea to drink.


      e.g. I'm doing the sandwiches for tea...
      e.g. I took her to tea at the Ritz.

      5. (傍晚时吃的)晚点,晚餐
      Some people refer to the main meal that they eat in the early part of the evening as tea.

      e.g. At five o'clock he comes back for his tea.
      他 5 点钟回来吃晚餐。

      6. 不感兴趣的人;不合胃口的事物
      If you say that someone or something is not your cup of tea, you mean that they are not the kind of person or thing that you like.


      e.g. Politics was not his cup of tea...
      e.g. I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea.

      1. 三乙胺:异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI),工业级,Bayer 进口 分装;2,2-二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA),工业品,山东东营 赛美克化工厂;聚乙二醇(PEG,Mw=1000),1,4-丁二 醇(BDO),N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP),乙酸乙酯及三乙 胺(TEA)皆为分析纯,成都市科龙化工试剂厂;

      2. 三乙醇胺:因此尤其是需要三乙醇胺的台湾厂商,已能避免化学武器公约(CWC)的进口程序,乙醇胺单体(MEA) 二乙醇胺(DEA) 三乙醇胺(TEA)乙醇胺单体(MEA) 二乙醇胺(DEA) 三乙醇胺(TEA)

      3. tea:test of everyday attention; 日常注意力测验

      4. tea:thermal expansion anisotropy; 热膨胀异向性

      5. tea:thermal electron accepter; 热能电子吸收方式

      6. tea:targeted export assistance; 目标出口辅助

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      A:Good afternoon.

      B:I'm Tom, Zhang. We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.

      A:Yes, sir. This way, please. Here's your table. Is this all right?

      B:Yes, it's nice, indeed. Thank you.


      A:I'm so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.

      B:What would you like, Mike?

      C:I'll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.

      A:How about you, Mr. Zhang?

      B:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.

      A:Anything else?


      B:What's your specialty today?

      A:We have strawberries with cream today. I suggest you try them.

      B:Good, I will.



      A:Ah, Lian and Lok. Welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here again. Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed.

      B:How do you do?

      A:How do you do?


      B:A pleasure.

      A:Ahmed is our business manager. He’ll be sitting in. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?
      阿麦德是我们的业务经理。他会旁听这次谈判。 二位需要喝些什么吗?茶还是咖啡?

      B:No, thank you.

      A:We’re fine thanks.

      B:All right then. Please, take a seat. I know your time is valuable. We’re hoping that this meeting won’t go longer than an hour. Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish?
      那好,各位请坐吧。 我知道各位的时间很宝贵,我们希望这次会晤的时间不要超过一个小时。 会谈结束时二位是否需要我们为您安排计程车呢?


      A:Thank you. That would be great.

      B:I’ll make a note of it. I have an agenda drawn up but feel free to change the order or add items as you wish.
      我会记住这件事的。 我这里有一份起草好了的会谈程序,不过如果二位有任何议题需要增减的话,请务必不要拘泥于此。

      A:This looks fine. You seem to have covered everything.


      A:Good morning, Mr. Smith. I brought the contract you are been looking for.Please go over the draft of the contract.

      B:OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee?

      A:Thank you. I'd very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea.

      B:Here you are.


      B:Yes. I have one question about clause 8.Are these the terms that we agreed on?

      A:OK. Let's have a look at it.

      B:10 percent down and the balance at the time of shipment?That's what I mean.

      A:Yes, I think that's what we stipulated.

      B:I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again.


      B:Yes, it is right.

      A:Good. Can we sign them right away?

      B:Of course.S Hand me the pen.


      A:Here you are.

      B:Where shall I put my signature?

      A:Here, on the last page.We'll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language.Both are equally effective.

      B:OK. Is that all?


      A:No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please?

      B:I'm glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.

      A:I hope this will lead to further business between us.

      B:All we have to do now is shake hands.

      A:OK, and go out and have a drink to congratulate ourselves.

      B:That's a great idea.


    无论如何 in any case; at any rate; whatever happens; at all events

      1. one's cup of tea : 喜爱的事物;


  •       Tea is raised chiefly in China,Japan and India.
  •       The old man was a trader in tea.
  •       Old people like sitting still and drinking tea, they don't like noisy dancing.
  •       I didn't like that Indian tea,I'll stick Chinese tea in future.
  •       There are all kinds of teas in the shop.
  •       Mother is making tea.
  •       He seated us and called to his daughter to bring tea.
  •       I like my tea rather weak.
  •       If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.
  •       She likes her tea with milk and sugar in it.
  •       Please take away the towel and bring me a cup of tea.
  •       She entered, asked for a cup of tea and sat down.
  •       We have tea at four.
  •       Will you have tea with us this afternoon?
  •       I should like to have a good tea.
  •       The waiter has served twenty teas since four o'clock.
  •       This hotel serves teas.
  •       Two teas,please.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       His digestion was..ruined by the hard-boiled tea..drunk at roadside stalls.

    出自:A. Ghosh
  •       Mrs..Fields..was still teaing authors in her parlor in her eighties.

    出自:C. Amory