


      英 [ˈtemprətʃə(r)]

      美 [ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr,-tʃɚ,ˈtɛmprə-]




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  •       气温
  •       体温
  •       温度
  •       发烧,高烧
  •       气氛
  •       气候
  •       (气候)的温和
  •       气质


  •       [C][U]温度,气温 the degree of heat or coldness of a place, object, etc.
  •       [S]高烧,发烧,发热 a bodily temperature higher than correct one; a fever


      1. the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)

      2. the somatic sensation of cold or heat

      1. 温度;气温
      The temperature of something is a measure of how hot or cold it is.

      e.g. The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade...
      阴凉处的温度骤升至100 多度。
      e.g. The temperature of the water was about 40 degrees...
      水温大约 40 度。

      2. 体温
      Your temperature is the temperature of your body. A normal temperature is about 37˚ centigrade.

      e.g. His temperature continued to rise alarmingly.

      3. (特定场合的)氛围,情绪
      You can use temperature to talk about the feelings and emotions that people have in particular situations.

      e.g. There's also been a noticeable rise in the political temperature.

      4. 室温;常温
      If something is at room temperature, its temperature is neither hot nor cold.


      e.g. Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.

      5. 发烧
      If you are running a temperature or if you have a temperature, your temperature is higher than it usually is.


      e.g. He began to run an extremely high temperature...
      e.g. Little Constance had a temperature that day.

      6. 量…的体温
      If you take someone's temperature you use an instrument called a thermometer to measure the temperature of their body in order to see if they are ill.

      e.g. He will probably take your child's temperature too.

      In Britain, two different scales are commonly used for measuring temperature. On the Celsius (formerly Centigrade) scale, water freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees. On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. Celsius is the scale which is officially used for talking about the weather. Fahrenheit is considered more old-fashioned, but is still widely used. In the United States, the Fahrenheit scale is almost always used. If you want to emphasize how cold it is, you are more likely to use Celsius, as the numbers are lower. Conversely, if you want to emphasize how warm it is, you are more likely to use Fahrenheit. The first of the following examples shows a temperature in Celsius and the second shows a temperature in Fahrenheit. The temperature has been down to minus seven... With temperatures in the 70s, sun lovers have been flocking to resorts.
      在英国,测量温度普遍采用两种不同的标准。根据摄氏温标(以前称 Centigrade),水 0 度结冰,100 度沸腾;根据华氏温标,水 32 度结冰,212 度沸腾。正式谈论天气时使用摄氏温标。华氏温标被认为较为过时,不过使用仍很广泛。在美国,几乎总是用华氏温标。要想强调天冷,更有可能用摄氏温标,因为摄氏温标表示出的温度更低。相反,如果强调暖和,更可能用华氏温标。以下例子第一个用了摄氏度数,第二个用了华氏度数:The temperature has been down to minus seven (温度已经降到零下7度),With temperatures in the 70s, sun lovers have been flocking to resorts (温度达到七十多度,喜爱阳光的人纷纷涌向度假胜地)。

      1. 温度:聚乙二醇作为多元醇组分在与MDI结合反应生成聚氨酯,再制成水分散液,可用于干法涂布织物,具有热调节作用与透湿作用等. 液体名称(Name of liquid) 温度(Temperature)/(S/cm) 液体名称(Name of liquid) 温度(Temperature)

      2. 气温:这种节能屋的概念(idea, concept)源自德国,经过被动式设计(design),房屋可完全不受外在气温(temperature)影响,自动调节(adjust)成适当温度. 这种房屋较传统房屋密闭(airtight),再搭配高效能的暖气转换(heat exchange)与巧妙的中央通风系统(central ventilation system),

      3. 体温:命体征包括:体温 (temperature)脉搏 (生命体征的评估与护理水银体温计(mercury thermometers)又叫玻璃体温计(glass thermometers) 分为摄氏表(centigrade thermometer)和讨 论轻型颅脑损伤由于缺乏神经系统定位体征及阳性影像学表现,

      4. 温:生命体征(vital sings):是体温(temperature),脉搏(pules),呼吸(respiration),血压(blood pressure)的总称.人体不断进行着糖,脂肪,蛋白质的物质代谢,这三大营养物质通过氧化分解产生的能量,50%左右变为体热以维持体温,

      5. temperature:temp; 湿度

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    量体温 measure the heat of sb's body

      1. have a temperature : 发烧;


  •       The temperature is up 10 degrees today.
  •       The normal temperature of the human body is 37℃.
  •       Do you know the optimum temperature for the growth of plants?
  •       A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the temperature.
  •       There had been a sharp rise in the patient's temperature during the night.
  •       The food must be kept at a low temperature.
  •       Different solids melt at different temperatures.
  •       The cooker has several temperature settings.
  •       The child has a temperature, send for a doctor.
  •       If you have got a running temperature you should stay in bed.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The Foundation of all..is a proper Temperature of Fear and Love.

    出自:T. Secker
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       temperature的基本意思是“温度,气温”,泛指“温度”时,是不可数名词; 其他情况下可用作可数名词; 指不同的温度时可用复数形式。
  •       temperature也可指“身体的高烧,发热,发烧”,通常用作单数形式,其前一般有不定冠词a。



          误 The temperature was very hot yesterday.

          正 The temperature was very high yesterday.


          误 The temperature in the tropics is very hot.

          正 The temperature in the tropics is very high.

          析 temperature指冷热的程度,不能用hot来描述,应该用high或low。


          误 She had the temperature and wasn't feeling well.

          正 She had a temperature and wasn't feeling well.

          析 “发烧”可以说 have〔run〕 a temperature,不定冠词 a 不可以改成定冠词 the。


          误 The nurse felt his temperature.

          正 The nurse took his temperature.

          析 “(给…)量体温”可以说 take sb's temperature, take不可以用feel代替。

  •       ☆ 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的temperatura,意为适度的。
  •       中考真题例句

  •       高考真题例句

  •       考研真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.temperature

      The temperatures on the Antarctica hit the highest in March, 2015.



      中考真题例句OG 2.temperature

      What's the highest temperature today?



      中考真题例句OG 3.temperature

      The local temperature decides the sex(性别)of the baby crocodile.



      高考真题例句OG 1.temperature

      Frozen bananas will last several weeks, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.

      冷冻香蕉可以保存几个星期, 这取决于香蕉的成熟度和冰箱的温度。


      考研真题例句OG 1.temperature

      FSA has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked at high temperatures.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The temperature must be in the nineties today.(今天的气温肯定有九十多度。)

      The thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.(温度计显示摄氏温度和华氏温度。)

      The temperature fell sharply in the night.(夜间温度陡降。)

      The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment.(做这实验时温度保持不变,但压力可变。)

      Winter closes in and the temperature drops below freezing.(冬天来临,气温降至冰点以下。)

      Painkillers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.(小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。)

      How important is it to have an even temperature when you're working?(工作时保持恒温有多重要?)

      The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on temperature.(云的有无对气温会产生重要影响。)

      The main bone of contention is the temperature level of the air-conditioners.(主要的争议点是空调温度。)

      An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.(温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。)

  •       上一篇wake up
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      temperature是什么意思 temperature在线翻译 temperature什么意思 temperature的意思 temperature的翻译 temperature的解释 temperature的发音 temperature的同义词
