

      英 [tɪ'nezməs]

      美 [tɪ'nezməs]



  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. painful spasm of the anal sphincter along with an urgent desire to defecate without the significant production of feces
      associated with irritable bowel syndrome

      1. 里急后重:2.里急后重(tenesmus) 肛门重坠感,似为排便未净,排便频繁,但每次排血便量甚少,且排便后未见轻松,提示为肛门、直肠疾病,见于痢疾、溃疡性结肠炎及直肠癌等.


      2. 急后重:2.里急后重(tenesmus) 即肛门坠胀感. 感觉排便未净,排便频繁,但每次排便量 甚少,且排便后未感轻松,提示为肛门、直肠疾病,见于痢疾、直肠炎及直肠癌. 3.发热便血伴发热常见于传染性疾病,如败血症、流行性出血热、钩端螺旋体病 或部分恶性肿瘤,

      3. 下迫:下利 diarrgea | 下迫 tenesmus | 下窍 lower orifices


      4. 下坠:tenesmic 里急后重的 | tenesmus 下坠 | tenesmus 里急后重

  •       临近词



      Suddenly, a burst him ring for the lift after suddenly tenesmus, the 'crash when' they stopped at a negative 2 floor.(突然之间,电梯一阵狂响后猛然下坠,‘哐当’一声停在了负2楼。)

      Signifiable symptoms have diarrhea, pus and blood stool, bellyache and tenesmus.(重要症状有腹泻、脓血便、腹痛和里急后重。)

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