


      英 [ˈterəbl]

      美 [ˈtɛrəbəl]


      副词: terribly 名词: terribleness


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  •       可怕的,可怖的,吓人的,骇人的
  •       极度的
  •       严重的
  •       令人敬畏的
  •       令人讨厌的
  •       极糟糕的,极差的,极坏的
  •       危害极大的,造成极大伤害的
  •       劣质的,劣等的,拙劣的
  •       了不起的,妙极的,厉害的


  •       很,非常,极度地


  •       可怕的人或物


  •       可怕的,恐怖的; 令人震惊的,极其令人讨厌的 causing great fear, shock or dislike
  •       剧烈的,严酷的,严重的 extremely severe; causing suffering, destruction, etc.
  •       很糟的,极差的 extremely bad; awful



      1. causing fear or dread or terror

      e.g. the awful war
      an awful risk
      dire news
      a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked
      the dread presence of the headmaster
      polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was
      a dreadful storm
      a fearful howling
      horrendous explosions shook the city
      a terrible curse

      Synonym: awfuldiredirefuldread(a)dreadeddreadfulfearfulfearsomefrighteninghorrendoushorrific

      2. exceptionally bad or displeasing

      e.g. atrocious taste
      abominable workmanship
      an awful voice
      dreadful manners
      a painful performance
      terrible handwriting
      an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room

      Synonym: atrociousabominableawfuldreadfulpainfulunspeakable

      3. intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality

      e.g. severe pain
      a severe case of flu
      a terrible cough
      under wicked fire from the enemy's guns
      a wicked cough

      Synonym: severewicked

      4. extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact

      e.g. in a frightful hurry
      spent a frightful amount of money

      Synonym: frightfulawfultremendous

      1. 非常严重的;骇人的;糟糕的
      A terrible experience or situation is very serious or very unpleasant.

      e.g. Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster...
      e.g. I often have the most terrible nightmares...

      My son has suffered terribly. He has lost his best friend.

      2. (感觉或看起来)病得很重的,心情很糟的
      If you feel terrible, you feel extremely ill or unhappy. If you tell someone that they look terrible, you mean that they look as if they are extremely ill or unhappy.

      e.g. He did feel terrible at the time but seems to be fine now...
      e.g. Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick?

      3. 质量极差的;很糟糕的
      If something is terrible, it is very bad or of very poor quality.

      e.g. She admits her French is terrible.

      4. (用来加强语气)十足的,极度的,不折不扣的
      You use terrible to emphasize the great extent or degree of something.


      e.g. I was a terrible fool, you know. I remember that now...
      e.g. Her death is a terrible waste.

      I'm terribly sorry to bother you at this hour...
      I suffered terribly when she died.

      1. 可怕的:4 A 常识运用逻辑推理 由于日夜不停的使人不愉快的(unpleasant),可怕的(terrible)噪音,所以晚上很不舒适(uncomfortable),自然很难(difficult)睡觉. 8 D 逻辑推理固定搭配 为什么不修一条新的环城路,绕开(round)城镇,

      2. 難吃:12 A 前后照应词义比较 但是他做的饭菜也许费用高(expensive),却不可口(tasty),很特别(special)得难吃(terrible). 13 D 词义比较逻辑推理 就在头三周里,一家人就多次为了不饿死(starve)出门走到(travel)外面吃饭(eat out).

  •       情景对话

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      At the dentist’s-(看牙医)


      A:I have a terrible toothache.


      B:Which tooth is it?

      A:(Pointing) This one here.

      B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.

      A:Can you fill it?

      B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.


      A:Then I might as well have it out now.

      B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.


  •       It was a terrible accident, but we did not panic.
  •       A terrible accident happened on the highway yesterday.
  •       I can't envisage him doing such a terrible thing.
  •       Suddenly there was a terrible noise, and the train came off the rails.
  •       Our happiness was soon eclipsed by the terrible news.
  •       The terrible scene was engraved on my memory.
  •       She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.
  •       He stood aghast at the terrible sight.
  •       A terrible pain hit me in the right arm.
  •       He died in terrible agony.
  •       We had a terrible time on holiday.
  •       What a terrible meal!
  •       He's a terrible man when he's angry.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Remembering..the scene as..something potent with the most terrible menace.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  •       She told me something so terrible,..so annihilating that I can't remember a word.

    出自:M. Amis
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  •       terrible的基本意思是“可怕的,恐怖的”,指具有较大力量的某事物能造成极度的、令人不安的恐惧,若不加以减缓,则会达到令人痛苦得无法忍受的程度,含有感情上厌恶的意味,一般不用于人,也可指“令人震惊的,极其令人讨厌的”“剧烈的,严酷的,严重的”。
  •       在非正式语体里, terrible还可作“很糟的,极差的”解; 在美国俚语中, terrible可作“极妙的,了不起的”解。
  •       terrible在句中可用作定语或表语。


terrible, afraid, awful, fearful, frightful, horrible, scared
  •       这组词都有“可怕的”“害怕的”意思。其区别在于:afraid泛指一种“恐惧心理”,多用于习惯地、经常地“惧怕”; awful指由于过分的崇敬或畏惧而引起的害怕,但不厌恶,有较庄严的含义; fearful指预感到危险、失败或麻烦时而恐惧,也指担心可能发生的结果,侧重于主体的心里感觉,而与外界关系不大; scared主要指因身心遭受伤害而恐惧,也指不明根源的无形恐惧; frightful指巨大的或令人意外的事件给人带来的害怕或惊骇; terrible和horrible都可指感情上的厌恶,令人感到不舒服, horrible更甚,指碰到的怪诞的、丑陋的、危险的事物或道德上腐败堕落的行为所引起的强烈的情绪波动,还特指依靠恐怖的或可怕的事物取得吓人的效果。例如:
  •       We are afraid to walk in the park at night since the woman was killed there.我们害怕夜里在那公园里走路,因为那个女人是在那儿被害的。
  •       The old man believed that God has an awful power.这位老人相信上帝具有令人敬畏的能力。
  •       The playwright was fearful that the opening night would be a failure.剧作家担心首场演出会失败。
  •       Frightful earthquakes occur somewhere on the earth every year.每年地球上常不定期在什么地方发生可怕的地震。
  •       A horrible sight met her eyes.一幅令人毛骨悚然的景象出现在她的眼前。
  •       Nothing can erase from her mind the memory of that terrible day.没有什么东西可以消除她头脑里对那可怕的一天的记忆。
  •       adj.(形容词)


            误 My room was in a terrific state of disorder.

            正 My room was in a terrible state of disorder.

            析 在非正式文体中, terrific多表示“极好的”,而terrible表示“极坏的”,所以在本例中不能用terrific。

    •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的terrible;最初源自古典拉丁语的terribilis,意为可怕的。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          It was great in the end although we had a terrible time at the beginning.



          中考真题例句OG 2.terrible

          What a terrible experience!



          中考真题例句OG 3.terrible

          Later, we realized our mistake and felt terrible.



          中考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          "You'll do a terrible job," they said to him.



          中考真题例句OG 2.terrible

          In the past, I thought I was terrible at many things, such as math, French and science.



          中考真题例句OG 3.terrible

          I’m terrible at getting myself organized (有条理的)!



          中考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          Although the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control.



          中考真题例句OG 2.terrible

          Some achievements in the medical research helped control the terrible illness.



          中考真题例句OG 3.terrible

          Although I have lost everything in this terrible earthquake, I have not lost my life.



          中考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          Because she has a terrible headache.



          中考真题例句OG 2.terrible

          The ants attacked (攻击) him, and he was covered in terrible bites(咬).



          中考真题例句OG 3.terrible

          The doctor said I had a terrible cold.



          中考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          The man felt terrible.



          中考真题例句OG 2.terrible

          I'm still feeling terrible now.I feel cold and cough a lot.



          中考真题例句OG 3.terrible

          You look terrible!



          高考真题例句OG 1.terrible

          It was so terrible I burst out crying.

          太可怕了, 我大哭起来。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She woke up with a terrible hangover.(她醒来时宿醉反应很厉害。)

          He had suffered terrible injuries.(他受了重伤。)

          No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices.(凡有法制伦理的国家都不该允许这种可怕的不公正行为。)

          I got a terrible shock the other day.(前两天,可把我吓坏了。)

          A terrible thing happened last night.(昨天夜里发生了一件可怕的事情。)

          That's a terrible thing to say.(这话说不得。)

          My spelling is terrible.(我的拼写很糟糕。)

          She was swearing something terrible.(她骂得很难听。)

          I was brought up short by a terrible thought.(一个可怕的念头闪过,我一下子愣住了。)

          The room was in a terrible mess.(房间里脏乱不堪。)

          terrible是什么意思 terrible在线翻译 terrible什么意思 terrible的意思 terrible的翻译 terrible的解释 terrible的发音 terrible的同义词
