


      英 [tekst]

      美 [tɛkst]





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  •       英英释义

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  •       课本
  •       本文
  •       正文
  •       主题
  •       文本
  •       课文
  •       原文
  •       论题
  •       教科书
  •       经句
  •       版本
  •       必读书目
  •       【印】黑体字
  •       文字
  •       剧本
  •       基督教圣经经文
  •       歌词
  •       文档
  •       演讲稿
  •       文稿


  •       发短信


  •       [U]正文,本文 the main body of writing
  •       [S]原文,全文 the exact original words of a speech, article, etc.
  •       [C]教科书,课本 a textbook
  •       [C]《圣经》词句 a sentence from the Bible that is read and talked about by a priest in church


      1. the words of something written

      e.g. there were more than a thousand words of text
      they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech
      he wants to reconstruct the original text

      Synonym: textual matter

      2. the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)

      e.g. pictures made the text easier to understand

      3. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

      e.g. his economics textbook is in its tenth edition
      the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy

      Synonym: textbooktext editionschoolbookschool text

      4. a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

      e.g. the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon

      1. (书籍的)正文,文字部分
      The text of a book is the main part of it, rather than the introduction, pictures, or notes.

      e.g. The text is precise and informative.

      2. 书面材料;文字材料
      Text is any written material.


      e.g. The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text...
      e.g. A CD-ROM can store more than 250,000 pages of typed text.

      3. (讲演、广播、录音的)文字稿,原稿
      The text of a speech, broadcast, or recording is the written version of it.

      e.g. A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.

      4. (尤指科学或学术方面的)文献,文本
      A text is a book or other piece of writing, especially one connected with science or learning.

      e.g. Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician.

      5. (尤指学校课堂使用的)课文,课文录音;(考卷上的)选文,录音材料
      A text is a written or spoken passage, especially one that is used in a school or university for discussion or in an examination.

      e.g. I'll read the text aloud first...
      e.g. His early plays are set texts in universities.

      6. 同 text message
      A text is the same as a text message .

      e.g. I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man.

      7. 给…发送(手机)短信
      If you text someone, you send them a text message on a mobile phone.

      e.g. Mary texted me when she got home.

      1. 课文:[课文的定义]课文(text)英语的定义是:the wording or words of something written or printed.汉语的定义是:教科书的正文(区别于注释和习题等). 英语的课文包含有语音、词汇和语法等语言知识,既可以用作专门进行阅读训练的材料.

      2. text的反义词

      2. text:to examine the; 检查

  •       情景对话

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  •       经典引文


      A:What’s your phone number?


      B:Do you mean my office number or my cell phone number?

      A:Your cell phone number.


      B:It’s 13722852784.

      A:Do I need to dial a 0 if I’m in a different city?
      如果我在不同的城市,我需要加拨0 吗?

      B:I don’t think so.

      A:Ok, so I’ll just call you later and then we’ll make plans for dinner.


      B:Maybe I should get your number, too. My phone is almost out of batteries. I might have to call you from a public phone.

      A:Good thinking. My number is 13922847328.

      B:You might want to send me a text first. If my battery is low, text messages are better.

      A:Ok, either I’ll call you or you call me around 5 pm.
      好,要么我打给你要么大约在下午5 点左右你打给我。

      B:Talk to you then!



      1. stick to one's text : (谈话时)不离正题;


  •       It is useful to read the text early in the morning.
  •       The illustrations were cleverly tied in with the text.
  •       Children won't like this book because there is too much text and too few pictures.
  •       Our newspaper is printing the full text of the President's speech.
  •       This book is the pure and original text.
  •       Have you read the original text of “War and Peace”?
  •       Hamlet is a set text for this year's English exam.《
  •       All the city schools use the same history text.
  •       In fact, there were no mathematical texts then.
  •       The text for my sermon today comes from Matthew 1∶4.
  •       He preached on a text from St. John's Gospel .

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The herald had difficulty in making out the exact text of the declaration of war.

    出自:A. Fraser
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       text的基本意思是“正文,本文”,指全书中与注释、图解、插图等相对而言的主体部分,是不可数名词。
  •       text也可指“(演说、文章等的)原文、全文”,通常用作单数形式,其前常有定冠词the,其后常与介词of连用。
  •       text还可作“版本”“教科书,课本”“《圣经》词句”等解,是可数名词。


text, article
  •       这两个词都可指“文章”。其区别在于:text指一本书或杂志中的主要文字部分,而不是导言、图画或索引; article则指报纸或杂志中的一篇文章。例如:
  •       The title of the text is “ Once a thief, always a thief? ”这篇课文的题目是《一次做贼,永远是贼吗?》
  •       This is the heading of the article in today's newspaper.这就是今天报上那篇文章的标题。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的texte,意为书本;最初源自晚期拉丁语的textus,意为书面内容。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.text

          On March 19, Dennis got a group text informing him that a couple he didn't know were at the hospital, waiting for the arrival of a baby.

          3月19日, 丹尼斯收到了一条群发短信, 告知他有一对不认识的夫妇正在医院等待宝宝的到来。


          高考真题例句OG 2.text

          When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry, wrong number!" and move on.

          当我们的手机收到陌生人发来的短信时, 我们通常会说"对不起, 打错了!"然后继续正在做的事情。


          高考真题例句OG 1.text

          This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The machine can recognize handwritten characters and turn them into printed text.(这台机器能识别手写的文字并将其转换为打印文本。)

          Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.(该文本的两份十四世纪的抄本仍然存世。)

          We need to become critical text-readers.(我们需要成为批判性的文本阅读者。)

          This function allows you to cut and paste text.(本功能可使你剪切并粘贴文本。)

          I tapped out a text message to Mandy.(我给曼迪发了一条短信。)

          Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.(文字和图分别编排后再进行混排。)

          The text on the disk seems to be corrupt.(这张磁盘上的文件好像有错误。)

          Text me when you're on your way.(路上给我发短信吧。)

          We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.(我们详细检查了措辞,才确定了最终文本。)

          The text varies from the earlier versions.(这一文本有别于那些早期的版本。)

    •       上一篇than
    •       下一篇that

          text是什么意思 text在线翻译 text什么意思 text的意思 text的翻译 text的解释 text的发音 text的同义词
