


      英 [ˌθɜ:ˈti:n]

      美 [ˌθɜ:rˈti:n]




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  •       十三
  •       十三个


  •       十三的
  •       十三个的


  •       十三
  •       十三个
  •       十三个人
  •       十三岁
  •       十三的记号


      1. the cardinal number that is the sum of twelve and one

      Synonym: 13XIIIbaker's dozenlong dozen


      1. being one more than twelve

      Synonym: 13xiii

      1. (数字) 13
      Thirteen is the number 13.

      1. thirteen

      1. 十三岁:对话完毕,教师点评:这场英语口语展示两位同学组织的很精彩,同时彭玥同学年轻得也很快,一下子从三十岁(thirty)变成了十三岁(thirteen),不知用了哪种好的化妆品?

      2. 芳龄十三:2003年霍利主演了<>(Thirteen),这是一部真实得令你不得不信的影片,讲述了一个姑娘陷于毒品、性和暴力而不能自拔的故事. 她也因出演此片而获本届奥斯卡最佳女配角提名.

      3. 数词:in use 是习惯用法,use 前不加冠词;在序数词(thirteen)前面要加定冠词. 因此要选C. 简析:答案为C. 此处为非限定性定语从句,排除D( what 不能引导定语从句)和B( that 不能引导非限制性定语从句). 因为关系词在从句中要做动词( expected )的宾语,

  •       经典引文

  •       At thirteen I was embarrassed to wear a swimming costume.

    出自:S. Gray
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Lewis is the author of thirteen novels and ten nonfiction books.(路易斯写了十三部小说和十本纪实作品。)

      His thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush.(他13岁的儿子不知怎么在拥挤的人群里走散了。)

      "Thirteen?" he guessed wildly.(“十三?”他胡乱猜道。)

      Thirteen or fourteen boys are talking.(十三四个男孩子在讲话。)

      What's seven plus thirteen?(七加十三等于多少?)

      They are thirteen years old.(他们是十三岁了。)

      Thirteen elephants in a line.(十三只大象排成一队。)

      She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen.(她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时受坚信礼。)

      There are thirteen or more of them, and if any is missing, a deficiency disease becomes apparant.(我们身体中拥有有十三种或更多维他命,如果任何一种消失,缺乏症会很明显。)

      He has clearly not been chastened by his thirteen days in detention.(他显然没有因十三天的拘留而悔过。)

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      thirteen是什么意思 thirteen在线翻译 thirteen什么意思 thirteen的意思 thirteen的翻译 thirteen的解释 thirteen的发音 thirteen的同义词
