


      英 [traɪ]

      美 [traɪ]



      名词复数: tries 过去式: tried 过去分词: tried 现在分词: trying 第三人称单数: tries


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  •       试验,试用,尝试,试
  •       努力,争取,尽力
  •       【律】审判,审问,审理,审讯
  •       考验
  •       试行,试着推 ,试穿
  •       磨练,折磨,使苦恼
  •       试图,想要,设法,试做
  •       企图
  •       榨(油),从(肥肉)炼(油)
  •       提炼(金属)


  •       尝试,试,试验
  •       努力,试图
  •       【橄】触球,持球触地得分,在对方球门线上带球触地,向球门踢球的权利
  •       试摔
  •       进攻权
  •       审理,审判


  •       (平面等)平的


  •       vt. & vi. 试图,努力 make an effort or attempt (to do sth); endeavour
  •       vt. & vi. 实验,试用 test; experiment
  •       vt. 考验、磨炼 put a severe test to; stretch almost to limit; cause to suffer, annoy, etc.
  •       vt. 审讯,审理 inquire into (a case) in a court of law


  •       [C]尝试 an attempt to do sth


      1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

      e.g. made an effort to cover all the reading material
      wished him luck in his endeavor
      she gave it a good try

      Synonym: attempteffortendeavorendeavour


      1. put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice

      e.g. Try on this sweater to see how it looks

      Synonym: try on

      2. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities

      e.g. try the yak butter
      render fat in a casserole

      Synonym: render

      3. take a sample of

      e.g. Try these new crackers
      Sample the regional dishes

      Synonym: sampletry outtaste

      4. test the limits of

      e.g. You are trying my patience!

      Synonym: strainstress

      5. give pain or trouble to

      e.g. I've been sorely tried by these students

      6. examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process

      e.g. The jury had heard all the evidence
      The case will be tried in California

      Synonym: hear

      7. put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of

      e.g. The football star was tried for the murder of his wife
      The judge tried both father and son in separate trials

      Synonym: judgeadjudicate

      8. make an effort or attempt

      e.g. He tried to shake off his fears
      The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps
      The police attempted to stop the thief
      He sought to improve himself
      She always seeks to do good in the world

      Synonym: seekattemptessayassay

      9. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

      e.g. This approach has been tried with good results
      Test this recipe

      Synonym: testprovetry outexamineessay

      1. 设法;尝试;努力
      If you try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it.

      e.g. He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party...
      e.g. Try to make the effort to work your way through all of your tasks one at a time…

      2. 设法做;尝试
      To try and do something means to try to do it.

      e.g. He has started a privatisation programme to try and win support from the business community…
      e.g. I must try and see him.

      3. 谋求;争取
      If you try for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it.

      e.g. My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years...
      e.g. He said he was going to try for first place next year.

      4. 试用;试做;尝试
      If you try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects.

      e.g. It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion...
      e.g. I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum…

      5. 到(某处)试试;找(某人)试试
      If you try a particular place or person, you go to that place or person because you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want.

      e.g. Have you tried the local music shops?

      6. 试着推开(门或窗)
      If you try a door or window, you try to open it.

      e.g. Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.

      7. 审判;审讯;审理
      When a person is tried, he or she has to appear in a law court and is found innocent or guilty after the judge and jury have heard the evidence. When a legal case is tried, it is considered in a court of law.

      e.g. He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity...
      e.g. Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court...

      8. (橄榄球的)达阵得分(在对方球门线内带球触地得分)
      In the game of rugby, a try is the action of scoring by putting the ball down behind the goal line of the opposing team.

      e.g. The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.
      上半场以 21:3 领先的法国队有 8 个达阵得分。

      9. see also: tried;trying

Try and is often used instead of try to in spoken English, but you should avoid it in writing. Just try and stop me! Notice also the difference between try to and try with the '-ing' form of the verb, which often suggests doing something. I'm going to try to open a jammed door… Try opening the windows to freshen the air.
      英语口语中常用try and代替try to,但在书面语中应避免这种用法。如,Just try and stop me (你拦我试试看)。注意try to与try加动词ing形式的区别,后者经常表示建议做某事。如,I'm going to try to open a jammed door (我要设法打开一扇卡住的门),Try opening the windows to freshen the air (试着把窗子打开,透透气)。

      10. 没努力尝试;没竭尽全力
      If you say that something fails but not for want of trying or not for lack of trying, you mean that everything possible was done to make it succeed.

      e.g. Not all is perfect, but it isn't for want of trying.

      11. to try your best -> see best
      to try your hand -> see hand
      to try your luck -> see luck
      to try someone's patience -> see patience

      相关词组:try ontry outtry out for

      1. try:test reference year; 参考年

  •       情景对话

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      B:You‘ll have to wear this hard hat for the tour.

      A:This one seems a little small for me.

      B:Here, try this one.

      A:That‘s better.


      A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .

      B:But that costs more .


      A:But you will get less waste from this .

      B:We‘ll try it once .


      A:What can I show you?

      B:Do you have this shirt in a small?

      A:Let me check. Yes, we have.

      B:May I try it on?


      A:Sure. Let me help you.


    谋求; 争取 try for
    try after sth

          They all tried after the first prize.


          He tried after the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.


      1. try back : 重新回到;

      2. try on : 试穿;

      3. try out : 试验;

      4. try for : 争取;

      5. try it on : (对...)耍花招;


  •       He didn't even try.
  •       You never know what you can do till you try.
  •       He tried but didn't succeed.
  •       Why don't you try?
  •       They don't have it. Let's try elsewhere.
  •       Try and eat a little.
  •       Try and see whether you can get it fixed.
  •       I think we ought to try and come to some arrangement about it.
  •       Don't worry,I'll try and teach you.
  •       Let's try and ease their food problem a little.
  •       I don't think I can do it, but I'll try.


  •       I'll try some aspirin.
  •       Try some of this.
  •       Do try some Maotai.
  •       I'll just try a drop, then.
  •       I'd like to try chopsticks.
  •       Thank you. I've never tried a Chinese cigarette.
  •       They tried all the usual methods to reduce the swelling, but nothing worked.
  •       Let's try something else.
  •       Time tries all things.
  •       He must try his own opinions in the debate.
  •       Rheumatism tries me a great deal.
  •       Small print tries our eyes.
  •       Don't try your eyes by working in a dim light.
  •       The child tried his patience to the utmost.
  •       Which judge will try the case?
  •       So they tried him and sentenced him to twenty-five years in prison.
  •       He tried his hardest (try).
  • 1
  •       Both plans have been tried, but without success.
  •       Each machine is tried before it leaves the shops.
  •       Each instrument is tried before it is packed.
  •       The poor man is very ill,he is sorely tried.
  •       He was going to be tried by court martial.
  •       The prisoners were tried for murder.
  •       Their case will be tried next week.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Even that was a lot to expect but it was worth a try.

    出自:W. Golding
  •       A bad driver failing to back into a parking spacesten tries and no luck.

    出自:S. Bellow
  •       A crisis..convinced me to give psychoanalysis a try.

    出自:B. Bettelheim
  •       A murder case which was being tried.

    出自:W. March
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       try的基本意思是“试用”“努力”,指为完成某工作或验证某事实的目的而付出努力或作出尝试,但不指冒险做某事。
  •       try可作“考验”“磨炼”解,指用令人感到痛苦的人或事对某人的精神和肉体施加压力以测其忍耐力或自我控制力。
  •       try还可作“审讯”“审理”解,指人的罪过与清白的证实过程,而非结论,也可表示“检验”事物的真伪、价值、强度与效力等。
  •       try既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、wh-从句作宾语。
  •       try可接同源宾语,其宾语在最高级形容词后常可省略。
  •       try无须用非人称代词代替前面的整个句子。
  •       try偶尔可接由动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。
  •       try and to/- v 与try to- v 意思基本相同,但try and to/- v 比try to- v 更带有迫切的意味,常用于口语,而try to- v 多用于书面语。try and to/- v 只能用于现在时、将来时、祈使句、过去时一般疑问句。


  •       try用作名词时意为“尝试”,是可数名词,后可接由at或for引起的介词短语。


try to-v, try v-ing
  •       这两个短语含义不同,前者意思是“试图或努力去做某事”,而后者意思是“试验一下某种方法”。例如:
  •       try to climb the mountain
  •       设法向山上爬(未成功)
  •       try climbing the mountain
  •       努力爬上山去(成功)
  •       n.(名词)

    try, attempt, endeavour
  •       这组词都有“尝试”或“设法 ”的意思。它们之间的区别是:
  •       1.attempt只用作及物动词,强调“希望成功”,但不一定成功,是正式用语。例如:
  •       We attempted a race.我们试图进行一次比赛。
  •       It would be a waste of time to attempt the impossible.试图做办不到的事是浪费时间。
  •       2.endeavour在作“努力”“尽力”解时,是褒义词,指为了完成某事而作出巨大的努力,尤其在面临困难的时候。例如:
  •       The UN is endeavouring to establish peace.联合国正在为世界和平而努力。
  •       Galieo endeavoured to prove that the earth rotates around the sun.伽利略尽力证明地球是绕着太阳转的。
  •       3.try既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,强调通过多种努力,力争取得成功,还有“审讯,审理”的意思,常用于日常口语中。例如:
  •       I don't think I can do it, but I'll try.我认为我做不来那个,但我愿试一试。
  •       If you can't do it the first time, try again.要是你第一次做不成,就再试一下。
  •       Who is going to try the case?谁将审理此案件?
  •       v.(动词)


            误 It is a mistake to try and force compliance with a regulation that is so unpopular.

            正 It is a mistake to try to force compliance with a regulation that is so unpopular.

            析 try and force常用于口语,听起来比较随便,不够庄重; 而try to force是比较正式的。

    •       ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的trier;最初源自古法语的trier,意为挑出,选出。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.try

          Some are trying to send messages of love and care in different ways.



          中考真题例句OG 2.try

          A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people.



          中考真题例句OG 3.try

          He would try his best to save his daughter.



          中考真题例句OG 1.try

          It is a chance to try new things.



          中考真题例句OG 2.try

          Keep trying and you'll make progress.



          中考真题例句OG 3.try

          I tried many different ways of doing it, but none of  them were successful.



          高考真题例句OG 1.try

          You should give it a try.



          高考真题例句OG 2.try

          He began studying them, trying to learn the differences between the birds and noticing their different behaviors.

          他开始研究它们, 试图了解鸟类之间的差异, 并注意到它们不同的行为。


          高考真题例句OG 3.try

          Instead of trying to pick out a job for me, they helped me learn those things that led me to it.

          他们没有试图为我挑选一份工作, 而是帮助我学习那些有利于我找到工作的东西。


          高考真题例句OG 4.try

          Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.

          他们走近那辆车, 看到一个女人正试图从破碎的窗户里出去。


          考研真题例句OG 1.try

          So when someone tries to communicate with you, just be in that communication wholeheartedly.



          考研真题例句OG 2.try

          When I think of a sad memory, I do what everybody does — try to put it to one side.



          考研真题例句OG 3.try

          No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster.



          考研真题例句OG 1.try

          But Ashe and others argued that the "threatened" tag gave the federal government flexibility to try out new, potentially less confrontational conservation approaches.



          考研真题例句OG 2.try

          Try a hair stylist instead of a barber.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Try to forget about what happened.(尽量不再想发生过的事情。)

          You might try calling the help desk.(你可以试着给服务台打个电话。)

          She's starving herself to try to lose weight.(她试图通过节食来减肥。)

          You must try harder.(你得更加努力。)

          If you try a sales technique and flub it, not making a sale, will you try it again?(如果你尝试了一种销售技巧,但是没有成功,一份单子都没做成,你会再试一次吗?)

          You could always try his home number.(你总可以试着给他往家里打电话呀。)

          Try to be quick ! We're late already.(你尽量快点!我们已经晚了。)

          If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.(一次不成功就反复尝试。)

          You should try and be more assertive.(你应该努力坚定信心。)

          You had a darn good try.(你这一试再好不过了。)

          try是什么意思 try在线翻译 try什么意思 try的意思 try的翻译 try的解释 try的发音 try的同义词
