


      英 [ɑ:ˈtɪstɪk]

      美 [ɑ:rˈtɪstɪk]


      副词: artistically


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  •       艺术的,美术的
  •       有艺术天赋的,有美术才能的,精于艺术的
  •       艺术家的,美术家的
  •       精美的,风雅的,唯美的,别致的,优雅的
  •       富有艺术性的,有艺术性的
  •       精彩的
  •       有艺术鉴赏力的


  •       美术(家)的,艺术(家)的 concerning, or typical of art or artists
  •       富有艺术创造力的,艺术性强的 having or showing inventive


      1. satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities

      e.g. artistic workmanship

      2. aesthetically pleasing

      e.g. an artistic flower arrangement

      Synonym: aestheticesthetic

      3. relating to or characteristic of art or artists

      e.g. his artistic background

      1. 有艺术天赋的;有艺术鉴赏力的
      Someone who is artistic is good at drawing or painting, or arranging things in a beautiful way.

      e.g. They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic...
      e.g. Mary's got it all so nice — you remember how artistic she always was with colors.

      2. 艺术的;艺术家的
      Artistic means relating to art or artists.

      e.g. ...the campaign for artistic freedom.
      e.g. ...their 1,300 year old artistic traditions.

      ...artistically gifted children...
      Artistically, the photographs are stunning.

      3. 精美的;富有艺术性的
      An artistic design or arrangement is beautiful.

      e.g. artistic arrangement of stone paving.

      ...artistically carved garden ornaments.
      ...vegetarian dishes which can be presented artistically.

      1. artistic的反义词

      1. 艺术的:而且更为重要的是,大写字母开头的'艺术'终于成为代表一种特殊的'真实'――'想象的真实'(imaginative truth),'艺术家'则终于代表一种特殊的人,例如19世纪40年代用来形容人类的新词'艺术的'(artistic)和'艺术性的'(artistical)等词.

      2. 艺术效果:一、艺术效果(Artistic)类滤镜二、模糊(Blur)类滤镜三、画笔描边(Brush Strokes)类滤镜四、扭曲(Distort)类滤镜五、杂色效果(Noise)类滤镜六、像素化(Pixelate)类滤镜七、渲染(Render)类滤镜八、锐化(Sharpen)类滤镜九、素描(Sketch)类滤

      3. 艺术化:155 什么是艺术化(Artistic)过滤器组?156 什么是彩色铅笔(Colored Pencil)过滤器?158 什么是士画笔(Dry Brush)过滤器?160 什么是壁画效果(Fresco)过滤器?165 什么是虚化(Blur)过滤器组?186 怎样使用球形化(Spherize)过滤器?

      4. artistic的翻译

      4. 艺术效果滤镜:同时请注意,由于经过模式的改变,此时该文件已不能合并回原图像了. 图十九中,左图是直接在图像上应用圆形(Circle)滤镜,右图是在绿色通道上应用同样滤镜,得到的效果有所区别. Photoshop艺术效果滤镜(Artistic)

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       He had wide-ranged artistic interests.
  •       She comes from a very artistic family.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.artistic

      As the Kennedy Center's artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.

      作为肯尼迪中心的爵士乐艺术顾问, 莫兰希望扩大爵士乐的听众范围, 使爵士乐更容易被人接受, 并保护爵士乐的历史和文化。


  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      She comes from a very artistic family.(她出身于艺术世家。)

      Why did you choose sculpture as an artistic medium?(为什么你选择雕塑作为一种艺术的载体?)

      As with other Maori artistic traditions, kite-making involved certain rituals.(和毛利人的其他艺术传统一样,风筝制作也包括一些特定的仪式。)

      This is where the artistic quality comes in.(这就是艺术品质的来源。)

      Nicolas Kent, the artistic director of the Tricycle Theatre in London, felt the public had stopped caring about Afghanistan.(伦敦三轮车剧院的艺术总监尼古拉斯·肯特发觉公众已经不再对阿富汗关注。)

      It did not bring Bashkirtseff recognition for her artistic ability.(这并没有为巴什基尔塞夫的艺术才能带来认可。)

      The tensions that arose within the Roman state produced literary and artistic sensibilities of the highest order.(罗马国家内部出现的紧张局势导致了最高等级的文学和艺术敏感性。)

      Iconoclasts create new opportunities in every area from artistic expression to technology to business.(从艺术表达到技术再到商业,打破传统的人在各个领域创造了新的机会。)

      Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area.(艺术奖学金要求申请者在某一特定艺术领域有优异的表现。)

      According to this myth, people who use the right side of their brains are more artistic and creative.(根据这种说法,使用右脑的人更有艺术感和创造力。)

      artistic是什么意思 artistic在线翻译 artistic什么意思 artistic的意思 artistic的翻译 artistic的解释 artistic的发音 artistic的同义词
