


      英 ['kɒntent]

      美 [ˈkɑ:ntent]

      n. 内容; 目录; 含量

      adj. 满足的; 满意的

      vt. 使 ... 满足; 使 ... 安心

      过去式: contented 过去分词: contented 现在分词: contenting 第三人称单数: contents


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  •       内容
  •       含量
  •       容量
  •       满足
  •       目次
  •       目录
  •       要旨
  •       容积
  •       所容纳之物
  •       所含之物
  •       【数】容度
  •       收容量
  •       自得
  •       【哲】内容
  •       真意
  •       赞成票(者)
  •       主要内容
  •       内含物
  •       主题
  •       容纳的东西


  •       满足的
  •       满意的
  •       甘愿的
  •       甘心
  •       喜欢
  •       赞成
  •       知足
  •       心满意足
  •       愿意
  •       愿意的
  •       赞成!
  •       高兴的
  •       意义的


  •       知足
  •       使满足
  •       让…满意
  •       满足
  •       满意
  •       使满意
  •       使…安心


  •       [P]所容纳之物,所含之物 that which is contained in sth
  •       [P](书等的)内容,目录 that which is written or spoken about in a book, an article, a programme, a speech, etc.
  •       [U]容量,含量 amount of sth contained in sth else


  •       vt. 使满足,使满意 accept sth, even though one would have liked more or better


  •       [U]满足,满意 state of being content


  •       [P]知足的,满足的,满意的,愉快的 satisfied with what one has; not wanting more; happy


      1. something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation

      e.g. a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject

      Synonym: subjectdepicted object

      2. the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned

      Synonym: cognitive contentmental object

      3. what a communication that is about something is about

      Synonym: messagesubject mattersubstance

      4. everything that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something

      e.g. he emptied the contents of his pockets
      the two groups were similar in content

      5. the amount that can be contained

      e.g. the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons

      Synonym: capacity

      6. the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.

      7. the state of being contented with your situation in life

      e.g. he relaxed in sleepy contentedness
      they could read to their heart's content

      Synonym: contentedness


      1. satisfy in a limited way

      e.g. He contented himself with one glass of beer per day

      2. make content

      e.g. I am contented


      1. satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are

      e.g. a contented smile

      Synonym: contented

      名词用法(NOUN USES)

      1. 所容纳的东西;所含之物
      The contents of a container such as a bottle, box, or room are the things that are inside it.


      e.g. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve...
      e.g. I emptied the contents of the fridge into carrier bags...

      2. (书、演讲、电视节目等的)内容
      If you refer to the content or contents of something such as a book, speech, or television programme, you are referring to the subject that it deals with, the story that it tells, or the ideas that it expresses.

      e.g. She is reluctant to discuss the content of the play...
      e.g. Stricter controls were placed on the content of video films...

      3. (书的)目录
      The contents of a book are its different chapters and sections, usually shown in a list at the beginning of the book.


      e.g. There is no initial list of contents.

      4. (教育项目或课程的)内容
      The content of something such as an educational course or a programme of action is the elements that it consists of.

      e.g. Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff...
      e.g. This is how we see our tasks, and the substance and content of our work for the forthcoming period.

      5. 含量;成分
      You can use content to refer to the amount or proportion of something that a substance contains.

      e.g. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter...
      e.g. He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock.


      1. 满足的;知足的
      If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better.

      e.g. I am content to admire the mountains from below...
      e.g. I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone...

      2. 满意的;惬意的
      If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfied.

      e.g. He says his daughter is quite content.

      3. 使(自己)满足(于…)
      If you content yourself with something, you accept it and do not try to do or have other things.

      e.g. He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature...
      e.g. Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.

      4. to your heart's content -> see heart

      1. content的反义词

      1. 含量:...基耶达(kjeldahl)氮kjeldahl nitrogen 样品在特定条件下用基耶达测定法测得的氨氮量和有机氮含量.(一)含量(content)...微量凯氏(kjeldahl)定氮法测定...大豆30-40%为最高 畜禽鱼蛋类10-20% 粮谷类8-10% 鲜奶类1.5-3.8%

      2. 满足:评价分为非常高兴(Very Happy)、高兴(Pleased)、满足(Content)、生气(Angry)、非常生气(Very Angry)几个级别. 要保证市民们稳定的生活,其评价至少要达到满足级别. 如果评价是非常生气的话,再不改变现状,市民们就会离开城市,

      3. content:(content type header field 邮件内容报头域规范〖因特网〗,内容类型页眉域

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    使(某人)满足于… make sb satisfied with sth
    content oneself with sth/v-ing

          There is no fresh meat in the market today, so you'll have to content yourselves with something out of a tin.


          John contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more.


          We cannot go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in London.


          You will have to content yourself with what you have.


          As the TV is broken, you'll have to content yourself with listening to the radio.


          She didn't take part in the discussion, but contented herself with smoking cigarettes.


          We must not be contented with such a small success.



    尽情地 happily, freely and enthusiastically


    满足于 satisfied with sth

      1. to one's heart's content : 尽情地;

      2. be content with : 以...为满足;


  •       The drawer had been emptied of its contents.
  •       She uncorked the bottle and poured out the contents.
  •       A bag with its precious contents was missing.
  •       He swallowed half the contents of his glass in one gulp.
  •       Look at the contents before you buy the book.
  •       She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.
  •       He knew by heart the contents of the note.
  •       The Prime Minister declined to go into details on the contents of his talks with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  •       There is a table of contents in front of a dictionary.
  •       The content of your essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.
  •       I like the style of his writing but I don't like the content.
  •       We artists should combine healthy political content with finished artistic forms.
  •       I didn't understand the content of his speech.
  •       A life without success has no content.
  •       Her life only had content when she was with him.
  •       Oranges have a high vitamin content.
  •       Meat is a food with a high fat content.
  •       High day temperatures increase the sugar content of the grapes.
  •       The content of the gas tank of this car is 17 gallons.


  •       Will it content you if I let you have candy tomorrow?
  •       Nothing will ever content the boy.


  •       A contented person is happy with what he has.


  •       The cat lay stretched out beside the fire in sleepy content.
  •       She began to live in peace and content.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)


      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       A letter ought not to be estimated by the length of it, but by the contents.

    出自:W. Cowper
  •       She dumped the contents of her handbag onto the counter.

    出自:J. Cheever
  •       In Concord and Content The Commons live, by no Divisions rent.

  •       A look of deep content shone in her eyes.

    出自:K. Mansfield
  •       Abdul Kadar was content to play a waiting game.

    出自:L. Uris
  •       As a small child, I was content enough with the life around me.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       I am content But I'm not happy.

    出自:R. Harries
  •       I will content you if what pleases you contents you.

    出自:As You Like It,Shakespeare
  •       No ordinary view will content the Miss Alans.

    出自:E. M. Forster
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       content的基本意思有三:第一,可表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”,指某一物体中所含的具体东西; 第二,表示一本书或文章中所包含的“内容”,可以是具体的内容,也可以是抽象的内容; 第三,表示某一容器的“容量”或某一物质在另一物质中的“含量”。
  •       content表示“内容”时用单数和复数的意思不同,用复数表示具体的内容,而用单数则表示与形式相对应比较抽象的“要旨,内含”; 在表示“含量,容量”时只能用单数; 表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”时多用复数。


  •       content的基本意思是“使满足,使满意”,指做一些让人高兴的事情,以使他人感到满足,其宾语多为人。
  •       content主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       content常用于content oneself with结构,表示“满足于…”。
  •       content的过去分词contented可用作形容词,在句中作定语。


  •       content用作名词时意思是“满足,满意”,通常指一种心理感受,感觉某事很舒适或很令人高兴。
  •       content是不可数名词,常用于to one's heart's content短语,表示“尽情地”。


  •       content作形容词时意思是“愿意和渴望得到满足的”,这种满足的程度不一定是完全彻底的,但人已不必再为此或为彼而心烦意乱了。
  •       content后可接with引起的短语或动词不定式,表示“能够这样(做)已经知足了”,有时还可接that从句。
  •       content在句中主要用作表语。
  •       content没有比较级和最高级。


content, contented, satisfied
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“满足的,满意的”。其区别是:
  •       1.content表示“甘心的,甘愿的”。例如:
  •       Many men are content with a routine life.很多人满足这种有规律的生活。
  •       contented指安于现状已无他求,有“知足”的意味。例如:
  •       Tom was a lazy boy. He just passed the exam and was contented with the marks he got.汤姆是个懒家伙,他只满足于考试的分数刚好通过。
  •       satisfied表示某事完全满足了个人的心愿、欲望、需要或要求,有积极愉快的意味在内。例如:
  •       The teacher was quite satisfied with his answer.老师对他的回答很满意。
  •       2.content多用作表语,后面还可接不定式。例如:
  •       He was quite content to do so.他甘愿这么做。
  •       contented可用作表语或定语。例如:
  •       He has a contented smile.他有一丝满意的笑容。
  •       satisfied多用作表语,很少作定语。例如:
  •       The mother was satisfied.妈妈很满意。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 The content of his suitcase is doubtful.

            正 The contents of his suitcase are doubtful.


            误 Humus contents of the soil is very high.

            正 Humus content of the soil is very high.

            析 content作“所含之物”解时,通常用其复数形式; 而content of表示“…的容量,含量”,应用单数形式。

    •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自中世纪法语的content;最初源自拉丁语的contentus,意为包含的,满足。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.content

          Questions about subject content are generally welcomed.



          考研真题例句OG 1.content

          We see students achieve more success because they master the content that allows them to graduate on time.



          考研真题例句OG 2.content

          Nearly a quarter of web content shared by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michigan was fake news.



          考研真题例句OG 3.content

          For several decades America's colleges and universities have produced graduates who don't know the content and character of liberal education.



          考研真题例句OG 1.content

          While their parents were content to work long hours, young people value flexibility.



          考研真题例句OG 2.content

          A new job, bigger house or better car will be the magic silver bullet that will allow us to finally be content,



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Did you concentrate mainly on form or content?(你主要关注的是形式还是内容?)

          Can we hold on to this content?(我们能保存这个内容吗?)

          The software filters out Internet sites whose content is not suitable for children.(这个软件可筛除含儿童不宜内容的互联网网站。)

          He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move.(他被动地坐在那里,心满意足地等着他父亲走第一步棋。)

          Revise the draft to improve its content.(修改草案,完善内容。)

          She is reluctant to discuss the content of the play.(她不愿讨论这部话剧的内容。)

          The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.(课程的内容取决于学生愿意学什么。)

          Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer rest content with inefficient operations.(经理们最后终于明白不能再满足于低效率的运作。)

          The potassium content of foodstuffs is very variable.(食品中钾的含量是多变的。)

          Teaching content should be concise.(教学内容要少而精。)

          content是什么意思 content在线翻译 content什么意思 content的意思 content的翻译 content的解释 content的发音 content的同义词
