


      英 [rɪˈstɔ:(r)]

      美 [rɪˈstɔr, -ˈstor]


      名词: restorer 过去式: restored 过去分词: restored 现在分词: restoring 第三人称单数: restores


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  •       恢复,使复原,使恢复
  •       修复,修补,修理,整修,再造,重建
  •       归还,交还
  •       使恢复健康,使复元
  •       使复位,使复职
  •       拿回原处
  •       使复辟
  •       复原(古生物)
  •       复活,复兴,再兴
  •       补正,校补


  •       vt. 归还; 交还 give back
  •       vt. 使恢复 make well or normal again; bring back (to a former condition)
  •       vt. 修复; 重建 repair; rebuild as before; reconstruct (sth) so that it is like the original


      1. return to life
      get or give new life or energy

      e.g. The week at the spa restored me

      Synonym: regeneraterejuvenate

      2. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

      e.g. She repaired her TV set
      Repair my shoes please

      Synonym: repairmendfixbusheldoctorfurbish uptouch on

      3. give or bring back

      e.g. Restore the stolen painting to its rightful owner

      Synonym: restitute

      4. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position

      e.g. restore law and order
      reestablish peace in the region
      restore the emperor to the throne

      Synonym: reinstatereestablish

      5. return to its original or usable and functioning condition

      e.g. restore the forest to its original pristine condition

      Synonym: reconstruct

      1. 恢复
      To restore a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again.

      e.g. The army has recently been brought in to restore order...
      e.g. As they smiled at each other, harmony was restored again...

      His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations...
      They were committed to the eventual restoration of a traditional monarchy.

      2. 使恢复;使康复;使复原
      To restore someone or something to a previous condition means to cause them to be in that condition once again.

      e.g. We will restore her to health but it may take time...
      e.g. He said the ousted president must be restored to power...

      I owe the restoration of my hearing to this remarkable new technique.

      3. 修复(建筑、画或家具等)
      When someone restores something such as an old building, painting, or piece of furniture, they repair and clean it, so that it looks like it did when it was new.

      e.g. ...experts who specialise in examining and restoring ancient parchments.
      e.g. ...the beautifully restored old town square.

      I specialized in the restoration of old houses...
      The bones were 'mislaid' during the seventeenth-century restorations.

      4. 归还;交还;返还
      If something that was lost or stolen is restored to its owner, it is returned to them.

      e.g. The following day their horses and goods were restored to them...
      e.g. The looted property was restored and the chargé d'affaires was told that the soldiers responsible had been arrested.

      1. 复原:在恢复(recover)使用非一致性备份(inconsistent backup)复原(restore)的数据库时,归档重做日志(archived redo log)必不可少. 除非使用了 RMAN 的增量备份(incremental backup)功能,否则必须利用归档重做日志对非一致性备份进行恢复.

      2. 修复::Oracle 数据库的恢复实际上包含了两个概念:数据库修复(RESTORE) 与数据库恢复(RECOVER): 数据库修复: 是指利用备份的数据库文件来替换已经损坏的数据库文件或者将其恢复到 数据库修复: 一个新的位置.RMAN 在进行修复操作时,

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    恢复对…的信任 renew a usually general or public belief in the worth of (sth such as a quality or a group)
    restore belief〔faith〕 in sth

          The city council has done its best to restore our belief in their honesty, but many people still have their doubts.


          His recent success has helped to restore his faith in his own ability.



  •       He restored the umbrella he had taken by mistake.
  •       His conscience overcame him and he restored the books he had taken from the shop.
  •       At present the doctor is giving him daily massages to help restore the function of his limbs.
  • 1
  •       Several books stolen from the cupboard have now been restored.
  •       His health was entirely restored.
  •       He feels completely restored in health after a period of intensive care.
  •       The old painting was damaged in the flood and had to be painstakingly restored.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Till he had made amends, and full restore For all the damage which he had him doen afore.

  •       The victories..had restored public confidence.

    出自:B. Montgomery
  •       词语用法

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  •       restore作“归还”解时,指把不属于自己的东西还给物主,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       restore作“使恢复”解时,指通过治疗使某人恢复知觉、健康或精力,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       restore作“修复,重建”解时,指对旧建筑,旧绘画或旧家具加以修理和清整,使其恢复到原来面目。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       restore的宾语后接介词to,表示“放回”“归还”“恢复到…状态”。多用于被动结构。


restore, recover
  •       这组词的共同意思是“失而复得”。其区别是:
  •       1.指恢复某物具体的状况时,多用restore; 指恢复抽象的状况时,常用recover。
  •       2.这两个词均可指恢复健康,但使用的句式不同:recover用于recover one's health,只用于主动结构,以人作主语; 而restore则用于restore sb to health,且多用于被动结构。例如:
  •       He has recovered his sight.他的视力恢复了。
  •       Jack was restored to health.杰克终于恢复了健康。
    •       ☆ 1300年进入英语,直接源自古法语的restorer;最初源自古典拉丁语的restaurare:re (返) + staurare (恢复),意为恢复到原来样子。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.restore

          They grow and thrive, restoring the forest's capacity to pull carbon from the air.



          考研真题例句OG 2.restore

          The main purpose of this "clawback" rule is to hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institutions.



          考研真题例句OG 3.restore

          USFWS also set an interim goal of restoring prairie chicken populations to an annual average of 67, 000 birds over the next 10 years.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          To paraphrase President Bush, we must restore confidence in our economic sector.(布什总统的意思是,我们必须在我们的经济领域恢复自信。)

          A stated goal of the Obama administration is to restore a big chunk of this employment, along with the multitude of skills that many of the jobs required.(奥巴马政府的一个明确目标是恢复大量就业岗位,以及许多这些工作岗位所需的众多技能。)

          Sweet heaven grant it be so—then wilt thou fetch him away and restore me!(感谢上帝,但愿如此——那么你就把他带走,让我恢复原来的样子吧!)

          Troops were sent in to restore order.(部队被派去恢复秩序。)

          I am confident that we can restore peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.(我坚信我们能够恢复和平、稳定和对法治的尊重。)

          The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.(这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。)

          Apologies minimize conflict, lead to forgiveness, and serve to restore relationship closeness.(道歉能减少冲突,带来宽恕,并有助于恢复亲密关系。)

          Come in, come in, and I will soon restore thee!(进来吧,进来吧,我很快就会使你恢复的!)

          At its core, the debate is about how to manage the world's remaining natural ecosystems and about how, and how much, to restore other habitats.(这场争论的核心是如何管理世界上留存的自然生态系统,以及如何、在何种程度上恢复其他的栖息地。)

          Other options to restore the frescoes would have required using chemicals to remove the unwanted layer or using physical means to scrape it off.(其他修复壁画的方法可能需要使用化学物质来去除不需要的层,或者使用物理方法将其刮掉。)

          restore是什么意思 restore在线翻译 restore什么意思 restore的意思 restore的翻译 restore的解释 restore的发音 restore的同义词
