


      英 [θrɒŋ]

      美 [θrɔ:ŋ]



      过去式: thronged 过去分词: thronged 现在分词: thronging 第三人称单数: throngs


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  •       人群, 群众,一大群人,聚集的人群
  •       群集
  •       大群,一大群
  •       拥挤
  •       压力
  •       众多,大量
  •       事务纷集


  •       涌入,蜂拥而至,拥向
  •       群集,成群,聚集
  •       挤满,拥塞,人头攒动,簇拥,拥挤,塞满,挤入
  •       满是
  •       挤压


  •       忙的
  •       拥挤的


  •       [C]人群 a mob,large group of people


  •       vt. & vi. 成群,挤满 form into a group


      1. a large gathering of people

      Synonym: multitudeconcourse


      1. press tightly together or cram

      e.g. The crowd packed the auditorium

      Synonym: mobpackpilejam

      1. 一大群人;人群
      A throng is a large crowd of people.


      e.g. An official pushed through the throng.

      2. (人群)涌向,蜂拥
      When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers.

      e.g. The crowds thronged into the mall.
      e.g. ...the multitudes that throng around the Pope.

      3. 挤满;群集
      If people throng a place, they are present there in great numbers.

      e.g. They throng the beaches between late June and early August.
      6 月底到 8 月初,他们群聚在海滩上。

      The streets are thronged with people.

      1. 群集:vertical boring mill 立式镗床 | throng 群集 | hooped reinforcement 环箍钢筋

      2. 为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的群:一群示威者a troop of demonstrators | THRONG: 为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的群; | GROUP:有一定组织的;

      3. 死 拥(很拥挤) 人群;拥塞:tableau 太薄喽(脸皮薄,见不了大场面) 场面;局面 | throng 死 拥(很拥挤) 人群;拥塞 | thunder 似 噔 雷;似雷之声

      4. 群众:thrall#奴隶 | throng#群众 | torment#痛苦

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       A patient throng was waiting in silence.


  •       Mourners thronged to the funeral.
  •       A vast throng of spectators crowded the high walls of the gaol.

    出自:R. Travers
  •       The summer throngs..had overrun the place during the July festival.

    出自:A. Brink
  •       The street was as throng as on a market day.

    出自:J. Galt
  •       They lost one another in the crowd that thronged towards the exits.

    出自:W. S. Maugham
  •       词义讲解


throng, crowd, gang, group, mob
  •       参见crowd条。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          And he spake to his disciples, that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude, lest they should throng him.(他因为人多,就吩咐门徒叫一只小船伺候着,免得众人拥挤他。)

          Sad, yes, sad thoughts of thee my heart doth swell, And burning recollections throng my brow!(是的,对你的思念使我的心浮肿,我的前额充斥着燃烧的回忆!)

          That night the Milky Way choked the sky, and we couldn't find the Big Dipper in the twinkling throng.(那天晚上,银河系塞满了整个天空,而我们在众多闪耀的星星中无法找到北斗七星。)

          Those who cannot afford the boutiques may one day throng to the knock-off merchants.(那些买不起对冲基金这个奢侈品的人们可能有一天就涌向这些复制品了。)

          Village women rushed to join the throng in the hopes of pulling in a few shillings, tables balanced on their heads.(村妇们头顶桌板加入到人群中来,希望能挣得几个先令。)

          The throng bore witness to what was by all accounts the best match of the third FIFA World Cup.(大家一起见证了这场被认为是本届世界杯最精彩的比赛的诞生。)

          We pushed our way through the throng.(我们挤过人群。)

          Visitors will then throng through the 75 tents and public spaces on a 31-hectare site in the west of the city.(然后游客们将拥至城市西部31公顷土地上的75个帐篷与公共场所里。)

          The throng fell back, stupefied.(人群向后退去,惊呆了。)

          An official pushed through the throng.(一位官员从人群中挤过。)

          throng是什么意思 throng在线翻译 throng什么意思 throng的意思 throng的翻译 throng的解释 throng的发音 throng的同义词
