


      英 [ˈfʌni]

      美 [ˈfʌni]


      副词: funnily 比较级: funnier 最高级: funniest 名词: funniness 名词复数: funnies


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  •       滑稽的,好笑的,有趣的
  •       可疑的
  •       稀奇的,古怪的,奇怪的
  •       无礼的,放肆的
  •       难以解释的
  •       非法的
  •       小病的,微恙的,有病的
  •       不诚实的
  •       嬉皮笑脸的
  •       疯疯癫癫的,不很正常的
  •       出故障的
  •       欺诈的,欺骗性的


  •       滑稽可笑地
  •       古怪地


  •       笑话
  •       滑稽人物
  •       单人双桨小艇
  •       滑稽连环漫画栏,滑稽连环画
  •       有趣的故事
  •       风趣
  •       令人捧腹的演出
  •       反常的怪事


  •       滑稽的,有趣的,可笑的 a person or thing that is funny makes you laugh or smile
  •       稀奇的,古怪的 strange or surprising
  •       稍感不适的 slightly unwell


      1. an account of an amusing incident (usually with a punch line)

      e.g. she told a funny story
      she made a funny

      Synonym: funny storygood storyfunny remark


      1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

      e.g. a curious hybrid accent
      her speech has a funny twang
      they have some funny ideas about war
      had an odd name
      the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves
      something definitely queer about this town
      what a rum fellow
      singular behavior

      Synonym: curiousoddpeculiarqueerrumrummysingular

      2. arousing or provoking laughter

      e.g. an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls
      an amusing fellow
      a comic hat
      a comical look of surprise
      funny stories that made everybody laugh
      a very funny writer
      it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much
      a mirthful experience
      risible courtroom antics

      Synonym: amusingcomiccomicallaughablemirthfulrisible

      3. not as expected

      e.g. there was something fishy about the accident
      up to some funny business
      some definitely queer goings-on
      a shady deal
      her motives were suspect
      suspicious behavior

      Synonym: fishyshadysuspectsuspicious

      4. experiencing odd bodily sensations

      e.g. told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest

      1. 有趣的;好笑的;滑稽的
      Someone or something that is funny is amusing and likely to make you smile or laugh.

      e.g. Wade was smart and not bad-looking, and he could be funny when he wanted to...
      e.g. I'll tell you a funny story.

      2. 古怪的;奇怪的;令人困惑的
      If you describe something as funny, you think it is strange, surprising, or puzzling.

      e.g. Children get some very funny ideas sometimes!...
      e.g. There's something funny about him...

      3. 略感不适的
      If you feel funny, you feel slightly ill.

      e.g. My head had begun to ache and my stomach felt funny.

      4. (报刊上的)幽默漫画,滑稽连环漫画
      The funnies are humorous drawings or a series of humorous drawings in a newspaper or magazine.

      5. 不端行为;见不得人的勾当
      Funny business is dishonest or unacceptable behaviour.

      e.g. inquiry into funny business in Ireland's biggest export industry.

      1. 有趣:3F女人,有趣(funny),无畏(fearless),又富有女人味(feminine)集三种品质于一身的全能型女人.美国国家航太总署(NASA)宣布发现磁气圈破了个大洞,贝克(Daniel Baker)解释说,太阳表面释放著大量的等离子体高能量粒子,


      2. 好玩:各姊妹预备多件辣辣寿司比兄弟同新郎哥食,其中一件辣到飞起,睇住边个食中. 或可准备一此甜酸苦辣的食物 (good)第一个游戏:扮女人 (有一个假发, 及一条毛毛, 仲要化妆, 但D兄弟好唔合作, 化得0个少少, 都唔好玩, ) (funny)

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      A:Hi Diane, do you have a minute?

      B:Sure, what’s up?

      A:Well, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I just haven’t been myself.


      B:You have been acting a little strange.

      A:No, not just a little. I’ve been really rude to you and I’m sorry. I know you must think I’m a fair-weather friend.


      B:To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.

      A:You’re right, I am. But that’s no excuse to treat you poorly. Will you forgive me?

      B:Of course I will. That’s what friends are for! So tell me, how is your sister?

      A:She’s still in the hospital.

      B:Do the doctors know what’s wrong with her yet?

      A:No, they’re still doing tests and trying to figure out new medications in the hope that something will work.

      B:How is she holding up?

      A:She’s the same as always, surprisingly enough! She’s always been the funny one and she still is. Even at a time like this, she’s making jokes. She’s amazing.

      1. get funny with : 鲁莽无礼, 对...不敬;


  •       He is a very funny man.
  •       Children like funny stories.
  •       I heard such a funny story this morning.
  •       The entertainment consisted of comic songs, dances and acrobatic performance, and wound up with a screamingly funny farce.
  •       The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.
  •       He ended off his speech with a very funny joke.
  •       The little girl diverted the people at the party with her funny sayings.
  •       She couldn't help laughing when she heard the funny story.
  •       He has a funny temper.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Excuse my amusement..but it is really funny to see you trying to play a hand with no cards in it.

    出自:Conan Doyle
  •       A comedienne of the first water, the only really funny woman I ever met.

    出自:Henry Miller
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       funny的基本含义是“滑稽的,有趣的”。在口语中还可表示“古怪的,耍花招的,搞鬼的”,主要强调引人发笑的效果。
  •       funny在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。
  •       funny前可用very修饰。
  •       funny的比较级为funnier,最高级为funniest。


  •       这几个词都可表示“引人发笑的”。其区别是:
  •       amusing表示“逗笑的,令人开心的”;funny表示“可笑的,滑稽的”,语意比amusing强,在口语中,还有“不可理解”的意思;comical表示“喜剧性的,令人捧腹的”,只用于人的表情、行为或某一局面等,很少用来指具体事物;humorous表示“幽默的”,指有意识地产生一种轻松可笑的效果;ridiculous表示“荒谬的,愚蠢的”,有时可引申为“令人发笑的”,具有鄙视的意味。
    •       中考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.funny

          Comedies or cartoons have funny dialog and usually have a happy ending.



          中考真题例句OG 2.funny

          We can infer from the poster that the show could be quite funny.



          中考真题例句OG 3.funny

          The show was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing.



    •       近义词

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          Children get some very funny ideas sometimes!.(孩子们有时候有一些非常奇怪的想法。)

          "I remembered something funny today."—"Yes?"(“我今天想起件有趣的事。”—“是吗?”)

          Gill's so funny, she just cracks me up.(吉尔滑稽极了,逗得我哈哈大笑。)

          'What's so funny ?' she demanded.(“什么事这么好笑?”她问道。)

          Oh very funny ! You expect me to believe that?(哦,真滑稽!你认为我相信那个吗?)

          He was a very funny guy.(他这个人很滑稽。)

          "For once," he said, "the joke's on me. And it's not very funny."(“只一次,”他说,“玩笑开在了我身上。而且那并不是很有趣。”)

          His new girlfriend is attractive, funny, smart, yada yada yada.(他的新女友有魅力、有趣、聪明,等等等等。)

          Don't you get funny with me!(你不要对我放肆!)

          I suppose you think you're funny.(我想你认为自己很有趣。)

          funny是什么意思 funny在线翻译 funny什么意思 funny的意思 funny的翻译 funny的解释 funny的发音 funny的同义词
