


      英 [fɜ:(r)]

      美 [fɚ]



      过去式: furred 过去分词: furred 现在分词: furring 第三人称单数: furs


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  •       毛皮,毛皮制品、衣服、手套
  •       软毛,绒毛,茸毛,人造毛,毛
  •       【医】舌苔
  •       锅垢,水锈
  •       皮子,皮货,兽皮,皮衣,裘皮衣服
  •       毛皮兽,软毛兽


  •       (使)生苔,使长舌苔
  •       用毛皮覆盖、衬、做或装饰,用毛皮护覆,用毛皮给...镶里
  •       使穿毛皮服装,使穿皮衣
  •       使积垢,使生水垢,使生垢,积锅垢,使生水锈
  •       除去水垢
  •       【建】给...钉上板条,钉板条于(地板、墙上)使之平坦
  •       收帆
  •       以毛皮制作
  •       用垫高料


  •       =furlong (长度单位,=1/8英里或201.168 米或 660 英尺)


  •       毛皮的


  •       [U]软毛 soft hair covering some animals
  •       [U]毛皮 hair-covered skin of certain special kinds of animal
  •       [C]毛皮衣服 coat made from animal skin with the fur on it


      1. dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals (e.g., cat or seal or weasel)

      2. a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

      3. the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

      Synonym: pelt

      1. (哺乳动物的)软毛
      Fur is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many mammals.

      e.g. This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.

      2. (用于制衣等的)毛皮,皮草
      Fur is the fur-covered skin of an animal that is used to make clothing or small carpets.

      e.g. She had on a black coat with a fur collar...
      e.g. Women are also wearing fur again.

      3. 毛皮大衣;毛皮围脖
      A fur is a coat made from real or artificial fur, or a piece of fur worn round your neck.

      e.g. There were women in furs and men in comfortable overcoats.

      4. 仿毛皮
      Fur is an artificial fabric that looks like fur and is used, for example, to make clothing, soft toys, and seat covers.


      5. 引起激烈争吵(或争论)
      If an event sets the fur flying, it causes a great argument.

      e.g. Last week's meeting of the 1922 Committee set the fur flying again on the Tory backbenches...
      1922 年委员会上个星期的会议又一次引发了保守党后座议员激烈的争吵。
      e.g. The fur will really fly over this.

      6. (使)(血管)堵塞
      If your veins or arteries fur up or are furred up, they become blocked, so that your blood cannot flow properly.


      e.g. Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass...
      e.g. Oxidized cholesterol may be responsible for furring up the arteries.

      in AM, use 美国英语用clog up

      相关词组:fur up

      1. (毛发):在掌握softimage| xsi软件基本知识和动画短片运作的基础上, 深渗入渗出学习复杂的角色建模、角色动画和材质、灯光、特效技术, 毛发( fur) ,衣服(cloth) ,流体( fluid) 粒子( particle) .

      2. 毛皮:因此,以她的生平改编的电影<>(fur)开拍引起了全世界的摄影爱好者关注,给予大家的信息是,电影将讲述阿勃丝的摄影故事,成为她的传记电影,妮可.基德曼将在电影中化身为阿勃丝,阐释这个古灵精怪,又极度孤独的女人.

      3. fur在线翻译

      3. 皮毛:品)、埃米里奥.埃丝泰威兹(Emilio Estevez)有关罗伯特.肯尼迪(Robert Kennedy)的<>(Bobby)(韦恩斯坦出品)和史蒂文.珊伯格(Steven Shainberg)指导的摄影家黛安.阿勃丝(Diane Arbus)自传电影<>(Fur)(影屋出品).

      4. fur:fast update request; 快速更新请求

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


    发生激烈的争吵a very fierce argument starts


  •       Cats are covered with soft fur.
  •       She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders.
  •       He saw an old lady in furs.
  •       Muffled in furs to the nose, she did not feel cold.

    出自:W. Holtby
  •       A robe of violet-coloured velvet, furred with..ermine.

    出自:H. Ainsworth
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


fur, hair, skin
  •       这组词的意思并不相同:hair的意思是“头发”或“(动、植物的)毛发”; fur指动物(熊、兔、狐、羊等)的柔毛、软毛,也可指裘毛皮服装或装饰物; skin可指人或动物的皮、皮肤,也可指果实等的外皮、壳。例如:
  •       If you put your hair forward, it would suit your face better.如果你把头发往前梳就更适合你的脸型了。
  •       She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders.她肩上披了一条银狐皮(围巾)。
  •       The poison may be absorbed through the skin.毒物可能通过皮肤被吸入。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的forrer,意为毛皮。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Some of the fur ends up in the fashion shows like the one in Brooklyn last month.(一些毛皮最终出现在了时装秀上,比如上个月在布鲁克林举行的时装秀。)

          There's Righteous Fur and its unusual fashion.(这是正义的皮毛和它不寻常的时尚。)

          They weren't there to throw red paint on fur coat wearing film stars.(他们不是来给穿着皮衣的电影明星涂上红漆的。)

          His fur is light yellow.(他的毛是浅黄色的。)

          The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur, trying to push it away.(这只熊张开了嘴,我抓住了它的皮毛,想把它推开。)

          This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.(这种动物的毛短、浓密且柔顺。)

          The heavy fur on its neck felt like a poodle's. It had the powerful musky smell of a wild animal.(那厚重的毛皮摸起来就像狮子狗。它有着野生动物那种强烈的麝香味。)

          She had on a black coat with a fur collar.(她穿着一件有毛皮领子的黑色外套。)

          Unlike the stiff fur of other anteaters, the dwarf anteater's golden hair is very soft and silky.(与其他食蚁兽的硬毛不同,侏儒食蚁兽的金色毛发非常柔软柔顺。)

          Some animals grow thicker fur, or live in tree holes or underground to stay warm.(有些动物长出厚厚的皮毛,或者住在树洞里或地下保暖。)

          fur是什么意思 fur在线翻译 fur什么意思 fur的意思 fur的翻译 fur的解释 fur的发音 fur的同义词
