


      英 [ˈdæzl]

      美 [ˈdæzəl]



      副词: dazzlingly 名词: dazzler 过去式: dazzled 过去分词: dazzled 现在分词: dazzling 第三人称单数: dazzles


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  •       使眼花,使眼花缭乱,使目眩
  •       使迷惑,把…弄糊涂
  •       使倾倒,使赞叹不已,使惊羡
  •       耀眼,闪耀,晃眼,刺眼
  •       使昏昏然,使茫然
  •       照得眼发花,晃得...睁不开眼睛
  •       使惊异不已
  •       炫耀,眩(眼),(受强光而)目眩


  •       令人赞叹的东西
  •       耀眼,眩目,眩惑,炫耀,闪耀
  •       令人眼花缭乱的东西
  •       光亮,光彩,耀眼的光
  •       灿烂


  •       vt. 使目眩 make sb unable to see clearly or act normally because of too much light, brilliance, splendour, etc.
  •       vt. 使惊异不已 impress; bewitch



      1. brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily


      1. amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill

      e.g. Her arguments dazzled everyone
      The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps

      2. to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light

      e.g. She was dazzled by the bright headlights

      Synonym: bedazzledaze

      1. 使惊叹;使叹服;使倾倒
      If someone or something dazzles you, you are extremely impressed by their skill, qualities, or beauty.


      e.g. George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world...
      e.g. The movie's special effects fail to dazzle.

      2. 辉煌;灿烂;艳丽;令人赞叹的特质
      The dazzle of something is a quality it has, such as beauty or skill, which is impressive and attractive.

      e.g. The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them.

      3. (强光等)使目眩,使眼花
      If a bright light dazzles you, it makes you unable to see properly for a short time.

      e.g. The sun, glinting from the pool, dazzled me...
      e.g. Kelly was dazzled by the lights.

      4. (光的)炫目,耀眼,闪耀
      The dazzle of a light is its brightness, which makes it impossible for you to see properly for a short time.

      e.g. The sun's dazzle on the water hurts my eyes.
      e.g. ...a filter that can cut dazzle.

      5. see also: razzle-dazzle

      1. 眩目:dampingspring 减震弹簧 | dazzle 眩目 | deadaxle 非驱动桥

      2. 戴佐:Aggron Stonebreaker:阿格隆碎石者 | Dazzle:戴佐 | Rhasta:罗斯塔

      3. 眩耀,眩目:daytime sensitivity 白昼灵敏度 | dazzle 眩耀,眩目 | db-loss 分贝衷减

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The bright morning sun dazzled him.
  •       I can't see because the light is dazzling me.
  •       The splendid hall dazzled the young man.
  •       Such prospects almost dazzled the young girl.
  •       To look straight at the sun dazzled the eye.
  •       He dazzled the crowd with his oratory.
  • 1
  •       She was dazzled by bright lights when she came into the room.
  •       He was dazzled by her beauty.
  •       The student was dazzled by his sudden success.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle.

    出自:J. Webster
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       dazzle的基本意思是强光等照射弄得人眼花缭乱,引申可表示“使惊异不已”。
  •       dazzle是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       ☆ 15世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的dasen,意为头昏,目眩。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He returned to Broadway almost three decades later, filling in as the razzle-dazzle lawyer Billy Flynn in "Chicago" in 2003.(近30年后他重返百老汇,在2003年的《芝加哥》中扮演了绝无人性的律师BillyFlynn。)

      Dazzle camouflage might well, however, have a role in protecting faster-moving vehicles, such as military Land Rovers.(不过在保护快速奔驰的交通工具例如军用陆虎时,这种炫目伪装才起到一定作用。)

      She does not dazzle, but she knows her stuff and has made no mistakes so far.(她没有光芒四射,但是她很清楚自己正在做的事情,并且至今为止没有犯过错误。)

      Ships, therefore, travel too slowly for dazzle camouflage to work.(因此喷涂迷彩伪装的军舰航行速度过于缓慢是起不到迷惑敌军作用的。)

      Strong flashes do more than just dazzle one's friends—they distort the quality of the picture.(强闪光不仅仅是闪得被拍的朋友眼花缭乱——强闪光也会使照片失真变形。)

      Thousands of men and women have been preparing to dazzle the world with their crisp steps and immaculate formations on Oct 1.(数千名中华儿女一直在准备着。10月1日那天,他们将用清脆整齐的步伐和完美无缺的队形让整个世界赞叹。)

      Spotlit in their own vitrine, they dazzle visitors to “Art in Miniature”, a special exhibition at Burghley House until October 31st.(他们笼罩在玻璃橱窗的聚光灯下,让参观者沉迷于“微型艺术”种,伯里庄园的这个特展持续到10月31日。)

      It did not dazzle enough.(它不够炫丽。)

      You can dazzle members of the opposite with your quick wit and aggressive charm.(你可以在异性面前炫耀自己过人的才智和独特的魅力。)

      Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative.(做事周详细致让你有足够的能力在那些缺乏创意的人面前炫耀一番。)

      dazzle是什么意思 dazzle在线翻译 dazzle什么意思 dazzle的意思 dazzle的翻译 dazzle的解释 dazzle的发音 dazzle的同义词
