


      英 [skɜ:t]

      美 [skɜ:rt]



      过去式: skirted 过去分词: skirted 现在分词: skirting 第三人称单数: skirts


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  •       女裙,裙子, 衬裙
  •       挡板, 护板
  •       下摆,物件的裙状部分
  •       边缘,缘,边
  •       郊区
  •       外围
  •       女人,姑娘
  •       垂边
  •       裾
  •       套筒
  •       端
  •       马鞍两边下垂部分


  •       位于边缘地带, 位处边缘,沿着...边缘,位于…的边缘
  •       沿边走,沿…的边缘走
  •       用裙子覆盖
  •       使穿裙子
  •       给...装边,装边于
  •       给...装防护罩
  •       和...接界
  •       绕过...的边缘
  •       避开,回避(话题),绕开(话题)
  •       环绕…的四周, 位于...的周围
  •       绕过,擦边而过,绕行,绕开


  •       [C] 裙子 a woman's outer garment that hangs down freely from the waist
  •       [P] 边缘,外围 edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery


  •       vt. & vi. 位于…的边缘,沿…的边缘走 be or go round the outside of; go around
  •       vt. & vi. 回避,避开 avoid a difficult question or subject that ought to be dealt with



      1. a garment hanging from the waist
      worn mainly by girls and women

      2. cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist

      3. informal terms for a (young) woman

      Synonym: damedollwenchchickbird

      4. (Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar

      Synonym: annulus



      1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)

      e.g. He dodged the issue
      she skirted the problem
      They tend to evade their responsibilities
      he evaded the questions skillfully

      Synonym: hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventparryeludedodgeducksidestep

      2. extend on all sides of simultaneously

      e.g. The forest surrounds my property

      Synonym: surroundenvironringborder

      3. pass around or about
      move along the border

      e.g. The boat skirted the coast

      4. form the edge of

      1. 裙子;短裙
      A skirt is a piece of clothing worn by women and girls. It fastens at the waist and hangs down around the legs.

      2. 位于…的边缘;位于…的外围;围绕
      Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it.

      e.g. We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill.

      3. 沿着…的边缘走;沿着…的外围走;绕着…走
      If you skirt something, you go around the edge of it.

      e.g. We shall be skirting the island on our way...
      e.g. She skirted round the edge of the room to the door.

      4. 避开,回避(困难、问题等)
      If you skirt a problem or question, you avoid dealing with it.

      e.g. He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement...
      e.g. He skirted round his main differences with her.

      1. skirt什么意思

      1. 裙子:(短上衣 (blouse) 和裙子 (skirt) 等可随意搭配著穿的女装、童装)2 (C) (杂志论文等的) 抽印本 (offprintz)

      2. skirt的意思

      2. 裙板:为了更好地与车架匹配,引擎罩后侧需要进行打磨修正;3.富士美将所有的外部车体构件拆分开来,包括引擎罩、前后保险杠、前后裙板(skirt)和门槛. 于此同时,富士美打通了向机油冷却器输送空气的低位进气口(右舵版R35独有,

      3. 女裙:②联想记忆:这双隐形短袜(sock)真让人震惊(shock)①形似记忆:男人的衬衫(shirt)很脏(dirt)②联想记忆:女裙(skirt)配男衫(shirt),美女伴俊男. ①形似记忆:女裙(skirt)配男衫(shirt),美女伴俊男.

      4. 裙:Lolita可由不同的服饰配搭在一起,常见的衣服包括有连身裙(One-piece)、上衣(Blouse/cutsaw*)、背心裙(Jumper/jumper skirt)、半截裙(Skirt)、外套(Jacket)、大褛(Coat)等;还有可在裙子下穿上BB裤和纱裙,纱裙可以令裙子可以撑起来更好看.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    〈俚〉姑娘,女人 girl or woman


    洗手不干 stop doing wrong and reform oneself; wash one's hands of sth


  •       I tried to squeeze the water out of my soaking skirt.
  •       I valued the skirt at ten yuan .
  •       She had on a dark skirt and a grey pullover.
  •       This is a going skirt at present.
  •       She wore a blouse and skirt.
  •       The styles of these skirts are all on the go.
  •       A gust of wind billowed the sleeves and skirts of women's dresses.
  •       The rubber skirts round the bottom of a hovercraft were destroyed.
  •       He lives on the skirts of the city.
  •       There is a spot on the skirts of the tablecloth.


  •       We skirted along one side of the valley.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The high-waisted skirt of her costume touches the ground.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       A blanket hitched round her waist in place of a skirt.

    出自:N. Gordimer
  •       Britain cannot sidestep..its errors, nor can Europe pull back its skirts from the mess.

  •       The road skirts the garden wall.

    出自:G. Swift
  •       So is man's narrow path By strength and terror skirted.

  •       词语用法

  •       常见错误


  •       skirt的基本意思是“裙子”,是可数名词,引申可指某物的边缘、外围或机器的护板,盖,罩。skirt作“边缘,外围”解时,常用复数形式。


  •       skirt用作动词时的基本意思是“位于…的边缘”,也可作“绕过,回避”解,常与介词around〔round〕连用。
  •       skirt既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。



          误 Mary lives on the skirt of the town.

          正 Mary lives on the skirts of the town.

          析 skirt表示“城郊”时须用复数形式。

  •       中考真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.skirt

      The T-shirt is cheaper than the skirt.



      中考真题例句OG 2.skirt

      How beautiful your skirt is!



      中考真题例句OG 3.skirt

      I ordered a skirt from you last month, but there are some problems with it.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I need to lengthen this skirt.(我需要把裙子放长。)

      I trimmed two centimetres off the hem of the skirt.(我把裙子的下摆剪短了两厘米。)

      Her skirt hangs in perfect wide pleats.(她的裙子打着漂亮的宽褶自然下垂。)

      The long skirt restricted her movements.(长裙妨碍了她的行动。)

      She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.(她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。)

      She hiked up her skirt and waded into the river.(她提起裙子走进河水中。)

      This skirt is in poor shape.(这条裙子真不像样。)

      I need a top to go with this skirt.(我需要一件上衣来配这条裙子。)

      She turned with a swish of her skirt.(她转过身,裙子窸窣作响。)

      The skirt has a side opening.(这裙子是侧面开口的。)

  •       上一篇are
  •       下一篇shirt

      skirt是什么意思 skirt在线翻译 skirt什么意思 skirt的意思 skirt的翻译 skirt的解释 skirt的发音 skirt的同义词
