


      英 [ˈpi:nʌt]

      美 [ˈpiˌnʌt]




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  •       花生,落花生,花生米,花生果,长生果,花生荚
  •       很少的钱,小数额,小数目,小利,小收入
  •       渺小的人,矮小的人,小人物
  •       无甚价值之物
  •       无聊人物
  •       长着狮子鼻的人
  •       小企业
  •       极小之物


  •       微不足道的,渺小的


  •       [C]花生 a nut that grows in a shell under the ground



      1. pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds
      `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms

      Synonym: earthnutgoobergoober peagroundnutmonkey nut

      2. a young child who is small for his age

      3. widely cultivated American plant cultivated in tropical and warm regions
      showy yellow flowers on stalks that bend over to the soil so that seed pods ripen underground

      Synonym: peanut vineArachis hypogaea

      4. underground pod of the peanut vine


      1. of little importance or influence or power
      of minor status

      e.g. a minor, insignificant bureaucrat
      peanut politicians

      Synonym: insignificant

      1. 花生
      Peanuts are small nuts that grow under the ground. Peanuts are often eaten as a snack, especially roasted and salted.

      e.g. ...a packet of peanuts...
      e.g. Add 2 tablespoons of peanut oil.

      2. 少得可怜的钱;小钱
      If you say that a sum of money is peanuts, you mean that it is very small.


      e.g. The cost was peanuts compared to a new kitchen...
      e.g. The jobs they offer pay peanuts.

      1. peanut的解释

      1. 花生油:常见的基底油有:甜杏仁油(sweet almond),杏子核油(apricot kernel),葡萄子(grapeseed),酪梨(avocado),花生油(peanut),橄榄油(Olive),山核桃油(Pecan),夏威夷果油(macadamia nut其实这个是澳洲的特产,为什么和夏威夷有关系~~),

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The harvesting of peanuts was complete.
  •       Never, you bloody little peanut!

    出自:S. Bellow
  •       This isn't a life sentence. This is just a labour gang. It's peanuts.

    出自:J. M. Coetzee
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      James flicked a peanut at her.(詹姆斯朝她轻轻弹一颗花生。)

      I don't really like peanut butter.(我实在不喜欢吃花生酱。)

      I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.(我吃了两个花生酱果酱三明治。)

      Passengers from Greece, where peanut allergy is rather rare, might have been more concerned about the melon in the fruit salad.(来自希腊的乘客对花生过敏就非常少见,他们可能更担心水果沙拉中的甜瓜。)

      We'll be eating peanut butter sandwiches.(我们会吃花生酱三明治。)

      I have a peanut butter sandwich today.(我今天带了花生酱三明治。)

      Someone doesn't like peanut butter, do they?(有的人不喜欢花生酱,是吗?)

      I like eating toast with peanut butter.(我喜欢吃土司加花生酱。)

      Different toppings can help vary the flavor – try mayonnaise, honey mustard, even peanut butter if you want a real taste of the West.(不同的调料可以改变不同的口味——如果想要真正的西方风味,可以试试蛋黄酱、蜂蜜芥末酱、甚至是花生酱。)

      A peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a smoothie made with fruit and yogurt is a good choice.(花生酱配果冻三明治或者用水果和酸奶做成的奶昔都是不错的选择。)

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