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  •       条约
  •       契约
  •       协定
  •       合同
  •       盟约
  •       公约


  •       [C]条约,协定,协议 a solemn agreement


      1. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns

      Synonym: treatyaccord

      1. 协定;契约;盟约;条约
      A pact is a formal agreement between two or more people, organizations, or governments to do a particular thing or to help each other.

      e.g. Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany...
      e.g. The other two opposition parties cannot agree on an electoral pact between themselves.


      1. 合同:我希望自己能在合同(pact)中有所不同,但是我的努力似乎被忽视了. 那么,你可以从学习拼写开始. 我不是故意要表示不客气或者粗鲁,但是您的确需要这样. 你无法让自己在合同(pact)中有所不同,我的朋友,除非你是在谈论某种形式的国际协议.

      2. pact是什么意思

      2. 或 DP: 死亡契约:Coil: 死亡缠绕 | Pact 或 DP: 死亡契约 | Unholy 或 UA: 邪恶光环

      3. 太平洋商业网络-电信增值业务提供商:EDU 新东方 | PACT 太平洋商业网络-电信增值业务提供商 | BBC 杨凌博迪森

      4. pact:prism alternating cover test; 棱镜交替遮盖试验

      5. pact:programmed automatic circuit tester; 程控自动电路测试仪

      6. pact:program for automatic coding technique; 自动编码技术程序

      7. pact是什么意思

      7. pact:production analysis control technique; 生产分析控制技术

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
  •       The two governments signed a pact that they would jointly defend their borders.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The Nazi-Soviet pact broke on the one of the most stunning surprises.

    出自:H. Wouk
  •       We had an unspoken pact not to use the word 'love'.

    出自:C. Thubron
  •       词义讲解


pact, agreement, contract, treaty
  •       这组词都可指“协定”。pact用来指国家、团体或个人之间的“协定”
  •       treaty指在外交谈判后按国际公法签署的正式条约,在重要性和约束力上都比pact强; agreement泛指人与人之间、团体或国家之间达成的任何“合同,协定”,包括正式的或非正式的、书面的或口头上的; contract通常用于双方或多方订立的“契约”,为正式的,有法定效力。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.(他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。)

          That is twice the Stability and Growth pact cap of 60%.(这是两次稳定和增长公约的60%。)

          The pact resulted in neither growth nor stability.(但该公约既没带来稳定,也没带来增长。)

          Committee hearings on the new pact will begin in October.(就新协议的委员会听证将于10月份开始。)

          The pact represented essentially a tightening up of banking rules.(该协议实质上是代表了收紧银行业的监管规定。)

          Schaus and his wife, Audrey, made a pact.(斯考茨和他的妻子奥德丽达成了一个协议。)

          The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is not a uniquely iniquitous event.(莫洛托夫—李宾特洛普协议不是唯一的不公正协定。)

          The stability pact really needs to be put on ice for now.(欧盟的稳定公约现在真应该冷冻起来。)

          Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany.(上个月他与德国签署了一份新的互不侵犯条约。)

          Now renamed the “pact for the euro”, it places the commission at its heart.(如今,该公约更名为“欧洲公约”,并将欧洲委员会置于核心位置。)

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