


      英 [taɪˈku:n]

      美 [taɪˈkun]




  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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      1. a very wealthy or powerful businessman

      e.g. an oil baron

      Synonym: baronbig businessmanbusiness leaderkingmagnatemogulpowertop executive

      1. 大亨;巨头;大实业家
      A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.

      e.g. …a self-made Irish property tycoon.

      1. 大款:大款 tycoon | 大满贯 grand slam | 大排挡 sidewalk snack booth; large stall

  •       经典引文

  •       They will become tycoons, captains of industry.

    出自:A. Brookner
  •       An American artist made as much money as many movie stars and tycoons.

    出自:K. Vonnegut
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Most of the family wealth resided with his tycoon father, Joseph P. Kennedy.(肯尼迪家族的大部分财富属于他的父亲商界大亨约瑟夫·肯尼迪。)

      Since her marriage to the 59-year-old tycoon in 1996, rumours about their divorce swirled around for years.(自巩俐在1996年与59岁的黄和祥结婚后,就不断传出婚变的谣言。)

      This third person, who I don't know, is some big business tycoon living in another city.(这第三个人,我不认识,在某种程度上是个住在另外城市的商业大亨。)

      The newest billionaire is food tycoon Sam Goi, known as Singapore’s “Popiah King.”(新上榜富豪是经营食品生意的魏成辉(SamGoi),他被誉为新加坡的“薄饼大王”。)

      Earlier reports had suggested the chocolate tycoon Michele Ferrero was opposed to the idea.(此前的报道暗示,费雷罗家族成员、巧克力大亨米歇尔·费雷罗反对这个计划。)

      Spanish fashion tycoon, Amancio Ortega Gaona is the co-founder and chairman of the Inditex fashion group.(西班牙时尚大亨阿曼西奥奥尔泰加高纳是印第纺织时尚集团的成立者之一也是董事长。)

      There are a total of 16 levels in Monopoly Tycoon.(强手大亨(游戏名)里总共有16个关卡。)

      She is also a shrewd business tycoon, a modern woman of all-around talent.(她同样也是一个精明的商业大亨,拥有全面智慧的现代女性。)

      The tycoon also plans to allocate funds that will allow the club to build a new stadium as soon as possible.(这位商业巨头还计划拨款为俱乐部尽快建一座新的球场。)

      This was to beat off another rich Silicon Valley tycoon spending his own money, Steve Poizner.(这也打败了另外一位硅谷的工业巨头史蒂夫·鲍泽纳。)