


      英 [taɪp]

      美 [taɪp]



      过去式: typed 过去分词: typed 现在分词: typing 第三人称单数: types


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       型,类型
  •       典型,榜样,模范
  •       符号
  •       象征
  •       字体
  •       标志
  •       具有某种特点的人
  •       古怪的人
  •       图案
  •       打字机
  •       型式,样式
  •       典型人物
  •       模式标本
  •       【印】铅字,活字


  •       测定类型
  •       用打字机打,打字
  •       作为…的典型,成为...的典型
  •       把…分类,使归属为某一类型
  •       代表,象征
  •       付排
  •       【医】鉴定(血型)
  •       分配(演员)演不同类型的角色
  •       打印, 翻印
  •       分型,定型
  •       预示
  •       具有…的特质


  •       [C]类型,种类 class or group of people or things that have characteristics in common; kind
  •       [S]有代表性的人、物、事等; 典型 person, thing, event, etc.considered as a representative example of a class or group
  •       [S]某种类型的人 person of a specified character
  •       [C]铅字,活字 small block, especially of metal, with a raised letter or figure, etc. on it, for use in printing of these
  •       [U]活字的宽度、储备、字体或字号等 set, supply, kind or size of these


  •       vt. & vi. 打字 write sth using a typewriter
  •       vt. 将某人〔事物〕按类型划分 find out the group or class that a person or thing belongs to


      1. a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end
      produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper

      e.g. he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up

      2. a subdivision of a particular kind of thing

      e.g. what type of sculpture do you prefer?

      3. all of the tokens of the same symbol

      e.g. the word `element' contains five different types of character

      4. printed characters

      e.g. small type is hard to read

      5. (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon

      6. a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)

      e.g. a real character
      a strange character
      a friendly eccentric
      the capable type
      a mental case

      Synonym: charactereccentriccase


      1. identify as belonging to a certain type

      e.g. Such people can practically be typed

      Synonym: typecast

      2. write by means of a keyboard with types

      e.g. type the acceptance letter, please

      Synonym: typewrite

      类别;种类(SORT OR KIND)

      1. 类型;种类;品种
      A type of something is a group of those things that have particular features in common.

      e.g. …several types of lettuce…
      e.g. There are various types of the disease...

      2. 一种,一类(人或事物)
      If you refer to a particular thing or person as a type of something more general, you are considering that thing or person as an example of that more general group.

      e.g. Have you done this type of work before?...
      e.g. Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high...

      3. 具有…特点的人;…类型的人
      If you refer to a person as a particular type, you mean that they have that particular appearance, character, or way of behaving.


      e.g. It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning...
      e.g. I was rather an outdoor type…

      4. …不感兴趣的类型;并非…喜欢的类型
      If you say that someone is not your type, you mean that they are not the sort of person who you usually find attractive.

      e.g. At first I thought he was rather ordinary looking, a little chubby, not my type...
      e.g. I'm not his type. I am probably too strong a character.

      5. see also: blood type


      1. 用打字机(或文字处理器)打(字)
      If you type something, you use a typewriter or word processor to write it.


      e.g. I can type your essays for you...
      e.g. I had never really learnt to type properly...

      2. 印刷文字;铅字;活字
      Type is printed text as it appears in a book or newspaper, or the small pieces of metal that are used to create this.

      e.g. The correction had already been set in type.

      3. see also: typing

      相关词组:type intype outtype up

      1. type的近义词

      1. 文字:indesign中文字(type)轮廓曲线方向的描述方式与物件(object)轮廓曲线方向的描述方式不同,这就导致边框的文字转曲线以后外观发生变化.

      2. 形态:他们都是指定形态 (type)用的符号,如同 perldata里所详述的:考值 (reference)取代了. 这是用来从一个档案把手 (filehandle)里输入一份记录注意 不是用来指定档案的形态,亦非此把手的名字. 它只是 将这个运算子用在 FILE这个把手上.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:(Go to/ Type in/ Open up) yahoo.com.



      A:What are you learning?

      B:I’m learning how to (use computer/ speak Russian/ type more quickly).


      A:Yes? May I help you?

      B:I'd like to rent a car, please. I need it for business.

      A:I see. May I have your driver's license?

      B:Here it is.

      A:What type of car did you want, sir?

      B:A small one will do. What is your best rate?

      A:We have a mideweek special. It's 12 dollars a day, 12 cents a mile, plus gas.

      B:OK. I'll take that one.

      A:Very good. Please fill out this form.


    恢复原状 return to a natural or an original condition


    (把…)错打成 write (a letter, word, of figure) on the typewriter mistakenly in the form of (another letter, figure, or word)
    type sth as sth

          Look, you've typed “do” as “so”, and made nonsense of the whole sentence.


      1. true to type : 典型的, 纯种的;


  •       We can group animals into several types.
  •       The land forms are related to these rock types.
  •       I dislike man of that type.
  •       Which type of tea do you prefer?
  •       A bungalow is a type of house.
  •       Tom is an easygoing type of person who gets along well with everyone.
  •       He is not the type of man to tell a lie.
  •       She is above the ordinary type of servant.
  •       This new type of air control will keep the fire in all night.
  •       There are several types of trees in the garden.
  •       It is a seedless type orange.
  •       This is just the type house I require.
  •       This is just the type university I want to go to.
  •       Bob is a fine type of schoolboy.
  •       Lei Feng is a fine type of the youth.
  •       Norman Bethune was a fine type of internationalist.
  •       Abraham Lincoln was a fine type of the American patriots.
  •       I don't think she's the artistic type.
  •       They were of the same type.
  •       Wooden types are now used only for posters.
  •       Have you read the article with a title in italic type?
  •       The examples in that dictionary are in italic type.
  •       The title of the article should be in bold type.
  •       The wedding invitations were printed in fancy type.
  •       The book is printed in large type.
  •       The type in this book is so small that it is difficult to read.
  •       The edition is a limited one and the type has been distributed.
  •       The material is now in type.


  •       Can you type?
  •       I'm learning to type.
  •       Type quickly, a person obviously needs training.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Salvation out of water is connected with the..dolphin, a conventional type of Christ.

    出自:N. Frye
  •       Mrs Smith typed for him on a portable Corona.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       Two cassettes were full and he went..to type it all out.

    出自:A. Burgess
  •       Aurelia Plath sat..typing up her daughter's stories.

    出自:Anne Stevenson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       type表示“类型,种类”“有代表性的人、物、事等; 典型”时,常跟of连用。在美式英语中,常用type直接修饰名词表示某物的类型、种类,而不用type of。type还可表示“某种类型的人”。


  •       type用作动词的意思是“用打字机或文字处理机打印某文稿”,也可表示“将某人〔事物〕按类型划分”。
  •       type作“打字”解时可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或wh-从句作宾语。有时可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。


type, description, kind, nature, sort
  •       这组词的共同意思是“种类”。kind在多数情况下可以和sort或type互换,但当指生物学的类属或者种类时,只能用kind; type所表示的“种类”有典型性,多指那些界限非常明确,且有明显类似之处的一类。例如:
  •       There are four basic types of blood.有四种基本血型。
  •       sort表示“大体上属于同类的”,有时含有轻蔑之意。例如:
  •       How did you get this sort of ideas into your head?你的脑袋里怎么会有这种想法?
  •       description与nature也有kind的意思,但description指叙述或描述的一类。例如:
  •       He is a person of that description.他就是那种人。
  •       nature指实质和特性上相似的一类。例如:
  •       I never met things of this nature.我从未遇见过这种事情。
    •       ☆ 1470年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的typus,意为形象,形式;最初源自古希腊语的typos,意为印象。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I had never really learned to type properly.(我从未真正地学会正确地打字。)

          We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work.(我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。)

          What blood type do you have?(你是什么血型?)

          I love this type of book.(我喜欢这类书籍。)

          They stock every imaginable type of pasta.(他们备有各种能想到的意大利面食。)

          Speed was of the essence in a project of this type.(速度在一个这种类型的项目中至关重要。)

          He's not the nervous type.(他不是那种好紧张的人。)

          This type of work is uncharted territory for us.(我们从未涉足过这类工作。)

          What do you charge for work of this type?(这种活你收多少钱?)

          He's the strong silent type.(他是那种强悍而沉默寡言的人。)

          type是什么意思 type在线翻译 type什么意思 type的意思 type的翻译 type的解释 type的发音 type的同义词
