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WND VLSI Industrial Park

The Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Industrial Park boasts an area of three square kilometers in Wuxi National Hi-tech District. Read more >

Wuxi-Singapore Industrial Park

The Wuxi-Singapore Industrial Park is operated by Wuxi-Singapore Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. Read more >

Wuxi Sci-Tech Park

Wuxi Science and Technology Park focuses on four main emerging industries, namely, sensor network, life technologies, clean technologies and modern service industry. Read more >

WND Free Trade Zone

Wuxi National Hi-tech District Integrated Free Trade Zone, founded in April 2012, was transformed and upgraded from Wuxi Export Processing Zone. Read more >

Wuxi MEMS Park

China Sensor Network International Innovation Park is the first national-level professional sensor network incubator in China. Read more >

Wuxi (National) Software Park

Wuxi (National) Software Park (iPark) consists of the Jiangsu Software Outsourcing Industrial Park and Creative Industrial Park. Read more >

University Tech Park of Sensing Network

University Tech Park of Sensing Network was founded on Feb 25, 2010 and is located in Wuxi National Hi-tech District T-Park. Read more >

Wuxi Life Sci-Tech Park

Wuxi Life Science and Technology Park is a biology industrial base approved by the Jiangsu Science and Technology Department in 2010. Read more >

Wuxi Life Sci-Tech Park

Wuxi Life Science and Technology Park is a biology industrial base approved by the Jiangsu Science and Technology Department in 2010. Read more >

WND New Energy Industrial Park

Covering an area of about 6,600 mu (440 hectare), the Wuxi National Hi-tech District (WND) New Energy Industrial Park is functionally split into more than seven sectors. Read more >



WND implements intelligent rainwater separation devices

Wuxi National Hi-Tech District, also known as Wuxi New District, has become the first in the city to deploy intelligent initial rainwater separation devices.

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Longsheng Technology launches joint innovation center in Xinwu

The inauguration ceremony for the Weirui-Longsheng Technology Joint Innovation Center was held in Xinwu district, Wuxi on June 18.

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WND secures $110 million in new investment from Japan, South Korea

In a bid to enhance cooperation in the industrial and innovation chains and seize new investment opportunities, a delegation from Wuxi National Hi-Tech District, or Wuxi New District, visited Japan and South Korea from June 15 to 20.

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