


      英 [ˈkaʊnsl]

      美 [ˈkaʊnsəl]



      过去式: counseled/counselled 过去分词: counseled/counselled 现在分词: counseling/counselling 第三人称单数: counsels/counsels


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  •       [U]忠告,劝告 advice; suggestions
  •       [C]辩护律师,法律顾问 a lawyer acting for sb in a court of law


  •       vt. 劝告,建议 advise; recommend



      1. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

      Synonym: guidancecounselingcounsellingdirection

      2. a lawyer who pleads cases in court

      Synonym: advocatecounselorcounsellorcounselor-at-lawpleader



      1. give advice to

      e.g. The teacher counsels troubled students
      The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud

      Synonym: redeadvise

      in AM, use 美国英语用 counseling, counseled

      1. 劝告,忠告;建议
      Counsel is advice.


      e.g. He had always been able to count on her wise counsel...
      e.g. His parishioners sought his counsel and loved him.

      2. 建议,劝告(做 …)
      If you counsel someone to take a course of action, or if you counsel a course of action, you advise that course of action.

      e.g. My advisers counselled me to do nothing...
      e.g. The prime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention.

      3. 给…提供建议
      If you counsel people, you give them advice about their problems.

      e.g. ...a psychologist who counsels people with eating disorders...
      e.g. Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career.

      4. 律师
      Someone's counsel is the lawyer who gives them advice on a legal case and speaks on their behalf in court.

      e.g. Singleton's counsel said after the trial that he would appeal...
      e.g. The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.

      5. 将自己的意见保密;不暴露自己的意图
      If you keep your own counsel, you keep quiet about your opinions or intentions.

      e.g. Guscott rarely speaks out, preferring to keep his own counsel.

      1. 咨询:在心理治疗中,患者和治疗师要讨论患者的经历、社会关系、生活事件和患者的体验,来识别患者的的具体表现,努力解决患...所谓咨询(counsel)是指通过心理咨询工作者与来访者之间共同商谈,去探索和研究问题,使来访者能决定自己应该做些什么,

      2. 辩护律师:但如果我是被告的辩护律师(counsel),我会提出应该从权利获得者而非权利丧失者的角度考虑取得时效的问题. Henry Maine先生使得将古老的所有权观念与取得时效相关联的做法颇为流行. 但此关联早在文明史前就产生了. 它存于人类的心性中.

  •       常用短语

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    与(某人)商量consult sb

      1. take counsel : 商量, 征求意见;


  •       Listen to the counsel of your elders.
  •       The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain.
  •       Both parties were represented by counsel.


  •       I have waited six hours yet you still counsel patience.
  •       The unit was set up to counsel people with alcohol problems.
  •       I would counsel caution in such a case.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The counsels of philosophy and the injunctions of religion.

    出自:S. Johnson
  •       Francesca..not only sought his counsel but frequently followed it.

  •       Since we have thus met, I will pause to counsel you.

  •       The passenger..counselled the pilot to stay with the principal stream in sight.

    出自:J. McPhee
  •       词语用法

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  •       counsel的基本意思是“忠告,劝告”,指以官方或权威的地位针对有一定重要性的问题提出郑重的劝告或建议。引申则表示“辩护律师,法律顾问”,指可以为委托人出庭辩护的律师,是可数名词,单复数形式相同。


  •       counsel表示“劝告,建议”,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。


counsel, advice
  •       这两个名词间的区别与两者的动词形式advise, counsel间的区别相同,参见advise条。
  •       v.(动词)

    counsel, advice, opinion, point of view, view
  •       这组词(组)的共同意思是“意见”或“建议”。其区别在于:
  •       1.point of view指看问题的角度,着眼于对事物的考虑方法,多指别人的观点。例如:
  •       It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.用形而上学的观点来看待问题是错误的。
  •       2.opinion一般指对事物的看法,包括从纯个人的判断到较权威性的评论。例如:
  •       He always imposes his opinion upon others.他总是把自己的意见强加于人。
  •       The opinion is accepted as true.这个意见被认为是正确的。
  •       Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.我们班大多数同学都是那个意见。
  •       3.counsel是正式用语,多指重要的或具有权威性的意见。例如:
  •       You had better follow his counsel.你最好听从他的忠告。
  •       They refused to listen to the old man's counsel.他们不听老人的劝告。
  •       4.view表示对某事物的特殊看法,特指个人学识与感情影响的意见,常用复数形式。例如:
  •       His views are conservative.他的见解是保守的。
  •       5.advice通常指向某人提出意见或看法,促使对方去做或不做某事以免犯错误,有劝告的意味。例如:
  •       He asked me to give him some advice.他请我给他提些建议。
  •       I accepted his advice in buying a new car.我听了他的话买了辆新车。
  •       She countered that her advice had not been heeded.她反驳说她的建议未被重视。
    •       ☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的consilium,意为商量,劝。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.counsel

          When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading.

          当谈到技术和阅读时, 该报告几乎没有建议家长寻找关于电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响的数据。


    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The king was well pleased with the counsel, and caused the peas to be strewn.(国王对这个建议很满意,让人把豌豆撒了一地。)

          In return for my wise counsel, he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street Diner, a raffle ticket.(为了回报我精明的建议,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。)

          I was grateful for her wise counsel.(我感激她为我指点迷津。)

          Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool.(其他黄金法则建议我们控制自己,避免过度,不要做一个成功的傻瓜。)

          He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.(他总是能够指望她明智的忠告。)

          With luck, wiser counsel will prevail.(幸运的是,明智的劝告取得上风。)

          The court then heard counsel for the dead woman's father.(法庭接着听取了女死者的父亲所请律师的陈述。)

          He thought about it for a long time, and at last found good counsel.(他考虑了很久,终于找到了一个好主意。)

          "I struck gold," says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.(“我找到了金子。”雷德曼说道,他通过电子邮件给雇主发了简历,并获得了一家公司内部法律顾问的职位。)

          Act as agent ad litem or defense counsel in private prosecution proceedings.(担任刑事自诉案件当事人的诉讼代理人或辩护人。)

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