in favor of


      英 [in ˈfeivə ɔv]

      美 [ɪn ˈfevɚ ʌv]



  •       网络解释

      1. 支持,赞成:in general 一般来说,大体上 | infavorof 支持,赞成 | in front of 面对,在...前

      2. 赞成:131. be blamed for被责备 | 132. infavorof赞成 | 133. conventional adj.惯例的,常规的,习俗的,传统的

      3. in favor of的反义词

      3. 有利于...,赞成...,支持:in the face of... 面对...,不顾... | infavorof... 有利于...,赞成...,支持... | in general通常,大体上

      4. 赞成;支持:279. So far, so good.到目前为止,一切都还不错 | 280. infavorof赞成;支持 | 281. do sb. a favor 帮某人个忙

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Zeus was in favor of Helen even though she was just a maid.(宙斯非常喜爱海伦,尽管她只是一个侍女。)

      Sacrifice Reuse in Favor of throughput.(牺牲重用性,以获得更高的产量。)

      Everyone in favor of the amendment, say "aye!"(所有赞成修改章程的,请说“赞成”!)

      The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff.(法官判原告胜诉。)

      But right now I'm very much in favor of continuing.(不过我现在很有兴趣坚持下去。)

      They were all in favor of the good tasting beans even though they didn't grow fast or very tall.(他们都喜欢美味的豆子,尽管它们长得不快也不高。)

      The judge ruled in favor of the current champion.(裁判偏袒现任冠军。)

      No, Hanna had not decided in favor of crime.(不,汉娜没有决定待人受过。)

      That tilts the balance in favor of bone-building.(这种平衡的倾斜有利于骨骼的生成。)

      Clearly, however, our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.(然而,很明显,我们的行动显示的不是对自由主义观点的偏爱,而是对平衡表达不同观点的承诺。)

      in favor of是什么意思 in favor of在线翻译 in favor of什么意思 in favor of的意思 in favor of的翻译 in favor of的解释 in favor of的发音 in favor of的同义词
