


      英 [pəˈlɪtɪkl]

      美 [pəˈlɪtɪkəl]


      副词: politically 名词: politicalization 动词: politicalize


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  •       政党的,党派的
  •       政治的,政治上的
  •       政府的,国家的,有政治组织的
  •       行政的,行政上的
  •       对政治感兴趣的
  •       争权夺利的,处于政治利益的
  •       人事纠纷的
  •       政权的
  •       政策(上)的
  •       政治学(上)的
  •       政治上活跃的


  •       政客


  •       政治的,政治上的 of the state of government; of public affairs in general
  •       政党的,党派的 of the conflict or rivalry between two or more parties

      1. 政治的;政治上的
      Political means relating to the way power is achieved and used in a country or society.

      e.g. All other political parties there have been completely banned...
      e.g. The Canadian government is facing another political crisis.

      They do not believe the killings were politically motivated...
      Politically and economically this is an extremely difficult question.

      2. 对政治感兴趣的;从事政治的
      Someone who is political is interested or involved in politics and holds strong beliefs about it.

      e.g. Oh I'm not political, I take no interest in politics...
      e.g. This play is very political.

      1. political在线翻译

      1. 政策:<>一文视角独特. 作者运用战略分析工具PEST分析法,从政策(Political),经济(Economical),社会(Social),技术(Technical)四个方面,对ACCA来了个全面的战略解读.

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文


  •       Henry was forced to leave his motherland for political reasons.
  •       The political situation was further complicated by the uncertainty about the future leadership.
  •       The military government dissolved the country's parliament and suspended all political activity.
  •       He has entered upon a political career.
  •       He adventured his political career on the issue.
  •       The strongest argument, though, is Britain's economic and political dependence on the United States.
  •       They displayed a high level of political consciousness.
  •       Woman, like man, must strive for political freedom.
  •       All of them are of the same political stripe.
  •       His political enemies were also his otherwise friends.
  •       He made the suggestion that the political prisoners (should) be set free.
  •       Are political suspects kept under police observation in your country?
  •       He explained scientifically the most important questions of socialist political economy.
  •       The king cannot exercise much political power.
  •       In our country women enjoy equal rights with men in political life as well as in family life.
  •       The dictator had eliminated all his political opponents.
  •       His political opponents are gearing themselves for national elections in October.
  •       Ideological and political work should never be allowed to fall off.
  •       The congratulatory message was designed for political effect.
  •       I think the political line is the deciding factor.
  •       His political reputation was damaged due to his illegal marriage.
  •       Owing to the unfavourable political climate, foreign investment in the country has been cut back by thirty percent.
  •       The recent political incident will inevitably count against the peace process of the two countries.
  •       The book is concerned with political economics.
  •       He's been coming the great political leader over us all since he won the election.
  •       He hung up the map on the wall and collected political cadres and teachers to address them.
  •       People of many different political views belong to the club.
  •       Outlining projected steps for reuniting Taiwan with the mainland,Teng said, according to the dispatch from Beijing, that the People's Republic would like to arrange a settlement that takes into account the island's different political system.
  •       The world political system is advancing towards disorder.
  •       In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.
  •       Henry joined the opposing political party, flinging aside his former loyalties.
  •       They banded with people to form a political party.