


      英 [ˈpækɪt]

      美 [ˈpækɪt]




  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       邮船
  •       小捆,一捆,小袋,小批
  •       定期船,班轮
  •       一批信件
  •       一大笔钱
  •       小包(裹) ,包裹
  •       【计】数据包,讯息包,信息包
  •       小件行李
  •       袋,包
  •       倒霉的事
  •       分组


  •       把…打成小包,把…包起来
  •       把...做成包裹
  •       用邮船运送
  •       包装,打包,装进小包
  •       将要传送的信息分割成的若干区段


  •       [C]小包,小盒; 小包裹 smaller paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling; small package or parcel
  •       [S]大笔款项 large amount of money
  •       [C]邮船,班轮 boat that carries mail, passengers on a fixed short route


      1. a boat for carrying mail

      Synonym: mailboatmail boatpacket boat

      2. a small package or bundle

      3. (computer science) a message or message fragment

      4. a collection of things wrapped or boxed together

      Synonym: packagebundleparcel

      1. 包装盒;包装袋
      A packet is a small container in which a quantity of something is sold. Packets are either small boxes made of thin cardboard, or bags or envelopes made of paper or plastic.


      e.g. Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.
      e.g. ...a cigarette packet.

      in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 package

      2. (扁平的)小包裹
      A packet is a small flat parcel.

      e.g. send letters and packets abroad.
      e.g. ...a packet of photographs.

      3. 一大笔钱
      You can refer to a lot of money as a packet .

      e.g. It'll cost you a packet...
      e.g. You could save yourself a packet...

      in AM, use 美国英语用 bundle

      4. see also: pay packet;wage packet

  •       情景对话

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  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文

      Continuing education program-(继续教育课程)

      A:Hello, this is the admissions office. Can I help you?


      B:Hi. I’m calling about your continuing education program.

      A:What would you like to know?


      B:I want to become certified in computer programming. Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education?

      A:Yes, we offer both night and weekend courses in a number of different subjects.

      B:How do I sign up?


      A:If you give me your address, I can mail you an infomp3ation packet and the application fomp3s.


      1. buy a packet : 被杀, 死于非命, 被击落;


  •       I didn't know it was a surprise packet—I found a coin in the sweets!
  •       The contents of the packet may settle down in travelling.
  •       The government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.
  •       This packet of butter is under weight.
  •       He is facing a packet of troubles.
  •       Try opening the packet with your thumbnail.
  •       The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box.
  •       He is the captain of the packet.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       There was a packet of cigarettes on the locker.

    出自:J. Braine
  •       A small packet neatly tied with a brown ribbon.

    出自:A. Harding
  •       I had brought..some packets of his favourite Earl Grey tea.

    出自:B. Chatwin
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       packet的基本意思是“小包,小盒”,指包装商品用的小包、小盒或小袋,也可指包得非常整洁的小包,如信件小包,多指“小件行李,邮包”,还可指用小包、小盒、小袋所盛之物,是可数名词。
  •       a packet...意思是“一包”“一盒”“一捆”“一袋”,其后多接复数名词。
  •       在俚语中, packet也可作“大笔款项”解,指在比赛或买卖中输赢的大笔钱,是单数名词。
  •       packet还可作“邮船,班轮”解,多指定期的短途邮船,是可数名词,亦作packet-boat。


packet, bunch, bundle, pack, package, parcel
  •       这6个词均有“包”的意思。其区别在于:pack指背包和包装的容器,也可指任何尺寸大小的包; package可专指包装袋、包装盒,也可指中小型的包,在美国主要指小包、小袋或小盒; parcel指由一件或几件东西捆在一起,便于人们携带的“中、小型包”。在英国parcel一般指邮包,在美国则专指15磅以下的邮包; packet指包得非常整洁的小包,如信件小包,多指“小件行李,邮包”; bunch指同类的物品紧凑而有条理地扎或捆在一起,意为“束,串”; bundle指宽松地打成的“捆”或“包”。例如:
  •       The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.登山者用背包背着一些干粮。
  •       We need the best package for the towels.我们需要用最好的包装用品来包装这些毛巾。
  •       Yesterday I went to the post office for my parcel.昨天我去邮局领取我的包裹。
  •       Give this packet of letters to the students.把这捆信件拿给学生。
  •       She received a bunch of flowers from her husband.她收到丈夫送的一束花。
  •       On the road there was a peasant with a bundle on his back.路上一个农民扛着一个大包。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.(每个包里都有成捆的信件,大部分都是未标注日期的。)

          A small packet of sweets, please.(请给我一小包甜食。)

          It has evolved into today's red packet or lucky money that parents and older relatives give to children during the Lunar New Year to wish them good luck.(它已经演变成今天的红包或压岁钱,父母和年长的亲戚在农历新年给孩子,祝他们好运。)

          This process is known as packet filtering.(我们将该过程称为信息包过滤。)

          This packet is not always requested.(通常不会需要这个包。)

          You collect data on network packet receipt and transmission.(您收集关于网络包接收和发送的数据。)

          WeChat limits the amount that can be sent in a single red packet to 200 yuan ($29).(微信将单个红包的金额限制在200元(29美元)。)

          The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers' habits.(香烟包装上的简单警告不会影响吸烟者的习惯。)

          They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.(他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。)

          That car must have cost a packet.(那辆汽车一定花了一大笔钱。)

    •       上一篇pact
    •       下一篇package

          packet是什么意思 packet在线翻译 packet什么意思 packet的意思 packet的翻译 packet的解释 packet的发音 packet的同义词
