


      英 [ˈprɒdɪgl]

      美 [ˈprɑ:dɪgl]



      副词: prodigally


  •       英英释义

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      1. a recklessly extravagant consumer

      Synonym: profligatesquanderer



      1. recklessly wasteful

      e.g. prodigal in their expenditures

      Synonym: extravagantprofligatespendthrift

      1. 浪子回头的
      You can describe someone as a prodigal son or daughter if they leave their family or friends, often after a period of behaving badly, and then return at a later time as a better person.


      e.g. ...the parable of the prodigal son.

      2. 挥霍的;浪费的;奢侈的
      Someone who behaves in a prodigal way spends a lot of money carelessly without thinking about what will happen when they have none left.

      e.g. Prodigal habits die hard.

      1. prodigal

      1. 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的:procure 取得 | prodigal 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的 | produce 产生,制造,引起


      2. 浪费的 浪子:aerodynamical interference 气动干扰 | prodigal 浪费的 浪子 | air line cleaner (轧花机上的)风管式净棉器

      3. prodigal

      3. 挥霍,奢侈的:interact 交互作用,相互影响 | prodigal 挥霍,奢侈的 | react 反应

      4. 浪子:07 Tyrant 专制统治者 | 08 Prodigal 浪子 | 09 Won't Stop 不会停止

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  •       经典引文

      1. play the prodigal : 挥霍;

  •       Ahmed refused to be prodigal with the wood.

    出自:P. Bowles
  •       He..knew it was bad to be prodigal.

    出自:J. M. Coetzee
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      To celebrate the return of her prodigal daughters Nature has laid out a profusion of flowers.(为了庆祝她那些放浪形骸的女儿们的归来,大自然铺开大片大片的花海。)

      Be a clean person. Is not a prodigal son. Not a lover.(做一个干净的人。不是浪子。不是情人。)

      I've had many names throughout the millennia, Young prodigal.(我在这许多个千年里有太多的名字了,年轻的浪子。)

      A miserly father makes a prodigal son.(有吝啬的父亲就有败家的儿子。。)

      A prodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the si ame as the solar cycle.(一个浪子所走的路是跟日头一般的,可是他其实不象日头一样循环往复。)

      Thee prodigal roommate revealed.(浪子室友显真面目了。)

      Prodigal ah! Short-ah! No vision ah!(败家啊!短视啊!没远见啊!)

      Yet prodIgal Inward joy. Behold, I erred; In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue.(看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!;可是我不能只埋怨自己,你想。)

      This 1000 much more prodigal, what to leave?(这个1000多万挥霍了,留下了什么?)

      And I resolv'd that I would, like a true repenting Prodigal, go home to my Father.(我决心,我要像一个真正回头的浪子,回到家里,回到我父亲的身边。)

      prodigal是什么意思 prodigal在线翻译 prodigal什么意思 prodigal的意思 prodigal的翻译 prodigal的解释 prodigal的发音 prodigal的同义词
