


      英 [prəˈhɪbɪt]

      美 [proˈhɪbɪt]


      过去式: prohibited 过去分词: prohibited 现在分词: prohibiting 第三人称单数: prohibits


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  •       禁止
  •       使不可能
  •       不准许
  •       防止
  •       违禁
  •       阻止
  •       妨碍


  •       vt. 禁止; 阻止 forbid especially by rules or regulations


      1. command against

      e.g. I forbid you to call me late at night
      Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store
      Dad nixed our plans

      Synonym: forbidinterdictproscribevetodisallownix

      1. (法律或掌权者)禁止,不允许
      If a law or someone in authority prohibits something, they forbid it or make it illegal.

      e.g. ...a law that prohibits tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines...
      e.g. Fishing is prohibited...

      ...the prohibition of women on air combat missions.

      1. 禁止:受控承运人无法证明的,联邦海事委员会可禁止(prohibit)受控承运人公布或使用这样的运价. 8.运价中止制度. 联邦海事委员会在调查受控承运人运价的过程中(但尚未做出结论),对于已生效的运价,在向受控承运人说明中止(suspension)的原因并至少提前30天通知后,

      2. 禁止,阻止:counter 柜台 | prohibit 禁止,阻止 | government 政府

      3. prohibit的解释

      3. 禁止;防止;阻止:15.priority 优先权;优先考虑的事 | 16.prohibit 禁止;防止;阻止 | 17.ressure 使安心;使放心;使恢复信心;再保证

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    禁止 forbid sth/sb from doing sth especially by laws or regulations
    prohibit sb from v-ing

          The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children.


          We prohibit pupils from smoking.


          He threw himself in front of the door and prohibited us from leaving.


          The tourists are prohibited from getting on the island.


          You are prohibited from riding bicycles on the sidewalk.



  •       Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  •       We prohibit air guns and the weapons that might wound someone.
  •       Your bid is so low that it prohibits business.
  •       The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug.
  • 1
  •       All native traffic is prohibited for three months.
  •       The act was wrong in the scene that it was prohibited by law.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Parents were prohibited from selling, gifting, or pledging their children.

    出自:A. Ranken
  •       Purchase of tires was prohibited.

    出自:P. Fussell
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       prohibit的基本意思是“禁止”,指以法令、条例、规章的形式禁止某事,禁止某人做某事。含有较弱的专横行使权力的意思,有时则指为了当事人的权益或有条理的秩序而强加的限制。
  •       prohibit是及物动词,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。


prohibit, forbid
  •       这组词都有“禁止”“阻止”的意思。其区别在于:
  •       1.forbid既可指个人作出的约束,也指有关方面如国家、政府、机关等作出的规定或准则; prohibit只指以法律或官方行政手段,尤指以正式规章制度的形式加以禁止。
  •       2.forbid强调期望顺从,而prohibit则趋向于保护当事人利益或维护正常秩序。
  •       3.forbid用于禁止较小的事物; prohibit用于禁止影响比较大的事物。
  •       4.forbid较直接,较随便; prohibit则较正式。
  •       5.forbid后可接不定式或从句作直接宾语,还可接双宾语; 而prohibit通常与from搭配。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.prohibit

          The professor was deaf and any talking was prohibited.

          这位教授耳聋, 禁止讲话。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.(颁奖规则在1974年进行修订,此后即禁止追授奖项。)

          Sometimes a city or town will prohibit bicycling on sidewalks, but make exceptions for children under a certain age.(有时,一个城镇会禁止在人行道上骑车,但是对于在一定年龄下的儿童则例外。)

          Surfwatch allows parents to prohibit access to specific web sites, newsgroups, and bulletin boards.(过滤器软件可以让父母禁止对特定的网站、新闻组和电子布告栏的访问。)

          The default value is prohibit, optional values are.(默认值是prohibit,可选值是。)

          The new rules prohibit smoking in places like restaurants, hotels, railway stations or theatres, but not at the office.(这项新规定禁止在像餐厅、旅店、火车站和剧院这些地方吸烟,但是不包括办公室。)

          FAA rules prohibit sleeping on the job, even during breaks.(联邦航空管制局的规定禁止员工在工作时睡觉,即使是在休息时间也不可以。)

          The ce server will not prohibit any change due to the mere presence of a lock.(在仅出现该锁的情况下,CE服务器将不阻止任何更改。)

          CLM can prohibit code from being delivered if it doesn't meet this criterion.(如果不满足标准的话,CLM可以阻止代码被交付。)

          Record's suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.(Record建议禁止经纪人雇佣BMI低于18的模特。)

          If you are facilitating a meeting, prohibit criticism when the group is brainstorming.(如果你在推进一个会议,那么应该禁止在群组自由讨论时候进行批判。)

          prohibit是什么意思 prohibit在线翻译 prohibit什么意思 prohibit的意思 prohibit的翻译 prohibit的解释 prohibit的发音 prohibit的同义词
