


      英 [ˈterɪfaɪ]

      美 [ˈtɛrəˌfaɪ]


      过去式: terrified 过去分词: terrified 现在分词: terrifying 第三人称单数: terrifies


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  •       恐吓 ,吓唬,威胁
  •       使恐怖,使恐惧,使惊吓,使十分害怕,使...悚然,使人心惊肉跳


  •       vt. 吓坏,吓破胆 fill with terror or fear


      1. fill with terror
      frighten greatly

      Synonym: terrorizeterrorise

      1. 吓坏;使极度恐慌;使非常害怕
      If something terrifies you, it makes you feel extremely frightened.

      e.g. Flying terrifies him...
      e.g. The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me.

      He was terrified of heights...
      She was terrified that Ronnie would kidnap Sam...
      I'm terrified to think about the fact that my mother will die someday.
      一想到母亲有一天会去世,我就非常恐惧。Take care not to confuse terrified and terrifying.
      注意不要混淆 terrified 和 terrifying。

      1. 恐吓:sulfide 硫化物 | terrify 恐吓 | testify 证明

      2. 惊吓:terrific 非常的 | terrify 惊吓 | territory 领土

      3. 使害怕,使恐惧:airplane飞机 | terrify使害怕;使恐惧 | be terrified of 害怕......;恐'瞑......


      4. 使害怕,使惊吓;使人感到恐怖:terminal a末端的 n终点 | terrify 使害怕,使惊吓;使人感到恐怖 | terror n恐怖活动;引起恐怖的人

  •       常用短语

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    恐吓(…)使之 persuade (sb) through great fear into (doing sth)
    terrify sb into sth/v-ing

          He terrified the boy into telling a lie.


          They terrified the boy into not telling what he had seen.


          The enemy terrified him into making a compromise.


          He was terrified into compliance.



  •       You terrify me!
  •       That sort of thing terrifies people.
  •       The thunder terrified the child.
  •       The prospect of nuclear warfare terrifies the population.
  •       Low-flying aircrafts terrify the wild animals.
  • 1
  •       She was terrified of snakes.
  •       The old lady was terrified of crossing the busy road.
  •       The child was terrified at the noise.
  •       The little girl was terrified by lightning.
  •       You are a wonderful rider,I was terrified that you might be thrown.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       It may terrify her to death.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  •       The bullfight..made a terrifying impression on him.

    出自:P. Roazen
  •       She forced the whole story out of her..inexperienced, terrified, and pale-as-ashes mother.

    出自:A. Walker
  •       词语用法


  •       terrify的基本意思是“吓坏”“吓破胆”,指某事的发生使某人感到或充满着恐惧,强调无法自控的心理状态。
  •       terrify是及物动词,接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  •       terrify的过去分词terrified可用作形容词,在句中作表语。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      But the goal to ask this question is not to terrify yourself, but to know yourself, right?(但是问这个成绩的目的不是为了吓你本人,而是了解你本人,对吧?)

      Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.(他们在整个地区的行动意在恐吓地主们放弃其财产。)

      It would terrify me to think I knew nothing other than my major and my job.(他说,“一想到自己除了本专业和工作上的事,其他一无所知,我就觉得很可怕。”)

      Since the beginning, thrill rides were designed to both exhilarate and terrify.(从最开始,弹射座椅的设计就充满了紧张刺激。)

      There is no reason that my terrors should terrify you.(我的恐惧竟吓坏了你,那是没有理由的。)

      This can terrify us if it means that what shows on the screen is something we don't want God to see.(这着实会吓坏我们——如果显在神眼前的是我们不愿祂看见的。)

      Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me.(愿他把杖离开我,不使惊惶威吓我。)

      What time really terrify people is its silent elapsing which forces you to face the problems.(时间可怕的地方在于它在悄无声息地把问题摆在你面前。)

      This is an enormously important development. And it should terrify us.(这是一项极其重要的进展,应该让我们感到恐惧。)

      Don't let the title of Kelly's book terrify you.(不要被凯利的著作的名称吓到。)

      terrify是什么意思 terrify在线翻译 terrify什么意思 terrify的意思 terrify的翻译 terrify的解释 terrify的发音 terrify的同义词
