check out


      英 [tʃek aut]

      美 [tʃɛk aʊt]



  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

      check out的意思


      1. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

      e.g. check the brakes
      Check out the engine

      Synonym: checkcheck up onlook intosuss outcheck overgo overcheck into

      2. try to learn someone's opinions and intentions

      e.g. I have to sound out the new professor

      Synonym: sound outfeel out

      3. announce one's departure from a hotel

      4. withdraw money by writing a check

      Synonym: cheque

      5. record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased

      e.g. She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt

      6. trace

      e.g. We are running down a few tips

      Synonym: run down

      7. be verified or confirmed
      pass inspection

      e.g. These stories don't check!

      Synonym: check

      1. 结账退房;结账离开(诊所);给…办理结账手续
      When you check out of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying, or if someone checks you out, you pay the bill and leave.

      e.g. They packed and checked out of the hotel...
      e.g. I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out...

      2. 了解清楚;核实;查实
      If you check out something or someone, you find out information about them to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory.

      check out

      e.g. Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out...
      e.g. We ought to check him out on the computer...

      3. 经证实是对的;符合要求
      If something checks out, it is correct or satisfactory.

      e.g. She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out...
      e.g. Everything checks out.

      4. see also: checkout

  •       情景对话


      B:Can I help you?

      A:Yes, do you have any rooms available?

      B:A single?

      A:No. I need a double and three triples. My family is waiting for me in the car.

      B:Please fill out this fomp3, sir.

      A:Ok…Here you are.

      B:Here are your keys. Checkout time is noon.

      A:Is breakfast included?



      check out什么意思

      A:Hello. I'm calling from Room 1116.

      check out的意思

      B:Yes? Can I do something for you?

      A:I'm ready to checkout now.

      B:I have your bill right here.

      A:Thank you.

      B:Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?

      A:No, I didn't.

      check out

      B:Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even.

      A:May I check it?

      B:By all means, you ahead.

      check out的近义词

      A:What is this charge here?

      B:That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago.

      check out什么意思

      A:I see. Is a credit card OK?

      B:Yes, of course.


      A:Front desk. May I help you?

      check out是什么意思

      B:I’m going to checkout tomorrow but will be back in a week’s time. Can I leave my luggage here?

      A:Yes, sure. We do have a storage service. When will you be checking out tomorrow?

      check out

      B:About nine-thirty in the morning.
      大约早上9 点半吧。

      check out是什么意思

      A:Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00?
      那么我们安排服务生9 点来取行李可以吗?


      A:May I have your room number, please?

      B:It's 1218.

      A:1218. We’ll collect your luggage at 9:00 tomorrow. Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt, please?
      1218.我们明早9 点来取行李,然后麻烦您到服务台来取收据。

      B:Thank you very much, bye!

      A:You’re welcome. Goodbye.

  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      If you're into comedy, check out Steve Martin and Jerry Seinfeld's writings on the topic.(如果你对喜剧有兴趣,去查查史蒂夫·马丁和杰里·西菲尔德关于这方面的作品。)

      They are making trips to check out the merchandise on offer.(他们奔波各地,检查供售商品。)

      The local police found her story didn't check out.(当地警方证实她的说法不成立。)

      I'll check out some hotels in that area and get back to you towards the end of the week.(我会查一下那个地区的一些酒店,然后在周末前给你答复。)

      Can you check out these photos?(你可以检查一下这些照片吗?)

      These are books I want to check out today.(这些是我今天要借的书。)

      I thought the librarian said we could check out as many books as we need without our library cards.(我以为图书管理员说我们不需要借书证就可以借很多书。)

      You need to return it today if you want to check out any books today.(如果你今天要借出任何书的话,今天之内就得还这本书。)

      To satisfy the sweeter taste buds, check out this awesome recipe for Dandelion syrup.(为了满足更甜蜜的味蕾,看看这个了不起的蒲公英糖浆配方。)

      Check out the lie of the land before you make a decision.(要摸清情况后再作决定。)

      check out是什么意思 check out在线翻译 check out什么意思 check out的意思 check out的翻译 check out的解释 check out的发音 check out的同义词
